Saturday, 30 December 2023

01-6th January 24

01 - 06 January 2024: holy Mass reflections 01 JANUARY 2024: NUMBERS 6. 22-27; GALATIANS 4. 4-7; LUKE 2. 16-21, NEW YEAR, MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD   Focus: Grateful and Faithful! Indicative: The New Year that we step in opens up for us new avenues with new hope and assurance, with renewed confidence and courage, for God is with us 1.      We are stepping into another new year 2024. At these first moments of the new year, let us first warm ourselves with a warm sentiment of gratitude for the whole of the last year. No doubt that it had its own woes and struggles. But it shall not blind us to the positive and the blessings. 2.       There are very many things to thank God and others for. The experiences of God’s protection, care, love, guidance, nourishment, and power that gave us the taste of success, satisfaction, joy, and strength have been constant and deep. 3.       The experiences of the goodness of others through concern and support are too numerous. We have many reasons to be grateful. The very fact that we are able to celebrate this New Year is a clear sign of God’s blessing. 4.       Of course, we want to be realistic. The New Year is not a magical rod that will vanquish all the fears and problems. It would be foolish to think so. Most of the same old challenges and burdens will travel into the New Year as well. But, what makes the difference is when we carry God also into the New Year along with all these 5.       At the threshold of this New Year, we are assured of God’s company and blessing. We hear in the first reading from the book of Numbers, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace”. 6.       This blessing by God is symbolized by celebrating the naming of Jesus and the Motherhood of Mary. Thereby we are assured that the New Year will be blessed because we are sealed and shielded by the powerful name of Jesus. 7.       We shall march forward and surge ahead because we walk in his holy name and under his sacred tutelage. The name and the power of Jesus shall be our identity, our guide, and direction, our weapon, and our security. 8.       Further, we are entrusted to the motherhood of Mary. All our New Year shall be specially mothered by her. She will take care of us with a mother’s tenderness. She will direct us closer to her divine Son. She will obtain forgiveness for our faults and wrongs. She will obtain for us the needed graces to live authentically and fruitfully.   Imperative: All that is needed to experience the newness of life in the New Year 2024 is to be constantly aware of the dignity of our vocation as the sons and daughters of God, to find him in the manger of our hearts and surrender our lives to the holy name of Jesus and the sweet mothering of Mary (Reflection 2) Thrust: Newness with new breath! Indicative: We enter another New Year. Anything new brings a lot of excitement and freshness. And we have every reason   1.      At last, we made it. We could step into another New Year. We could sail over storms and strong winds. We could cut across mountain-like boundaries and barriers. We could walk ahead along the rugged and hindered road. We reached the new shore, the new station 2024. 2.       The very fact that we have made it despite the fears, challenges, uncertainties, and vicissitudes, is a thing to rejoice about. That we are able to see the dawn of a new year in the history of our life, is something great and worth-celebrating. 3.      At this point, I place before you a few indicators for our journey 2024: Gratitude, Certitude, Plenitude, Rectitude, and Beatitude. The entry into the new year must well up within us a deep sense of gratitude to God. It is only because of His love, care, mercy, light, and power that we are in 2024. 4.       How right is the psalmist in Psalm 227: If the Lord does not build the house, in vain the labourers labour. If the Lord does not guard, in vain the guards keep vigil. Yes, if the mercy of God does not flow on us, in vain will all our efforts and plans be. 5.       So we shall thank God and we shall remain ever grateful to Him all through. Along with God, let us also be thankful to every person who accompanied us along the journey of 2023. There are so many that directly or indirectly supported us, sustained our steps, and strengthened our efforts in one way or another. 6.       The more we nurture a grateful spirit, the more life will be joyful. Because gratitude is not merely a matter of listing the favours received or great things enjoyed. Real gratitude is a blend of faith, love, and hope. 7.       One can be grateful to God because he believes in God, trusts in His goodness, and cultivates faith in good. A faithless heart can never be grateful because it does not see and recognise the good. 8.       One becomes grateful because he sees with love. He sees the presence and action of love. He sees the power and effect of love. Experiences of love lead to real gratitude. Gratitude is nothing but rejoicing over the beauty of love. 9.       A grateful heart is also deeply hopeful. Hope renews our aspirations and expectations, dreams and ambitions. Hope instils new vision, vistas, and horizons. Hope commits us to new efforts, new initiatives, and new challenges. Hope recharges us with new vigour and energies. 10.   Thus, true hope is something divine and lofty. It is not merely wishing good and aspiring high. Hope is essentially a benevolent spirit that perseveres and travels ahead and beyond. So true gratitude arises only because of such hopefulness. 11.   Then, the new year becomes new because of certitude. True it is that problems and difficulties will not totally disappear. Fears and worries will not completely leave us. But certitude leads us ahead. We are sure and certain that God will never abandon us. 12.   In the light of today’s naming of Jesus and the motherhood of Mary, we are sealed in the most sacred name of Jesus. We are safe and secure in his powerful name. No harm or evil can befall us and knock us off because we are entrusted to the divine maternity of Mary. We are assured of God’s grace. 13.   New Year is new because of the plenitude and plentitude of blessings. That is what the first reading from the book of Numbers proclaims and promises. Evil may abound but grace will superabound. Fears may assai but confidence will prevail. Failures may pull us down but successes will raise us up. 14.   Disappointments may trouble us but reinforcements will console us. Darkness may surround us but rays of light will abound around us. Falsities may frighten us but truth will lighten and enlighten us. Confusions may blur us but clarity and insight of the Spirit will clear our path. resentments and hatred may distress us but love and compassion will redress and fortress us. 15.   Aggression and violence may knock us down but meekness and tolerance will unlock the streams of peace and serenity. Selfishness may strike us hard but selfless generosity will hike us aboard. Pride and arrogance may throw us down but humility and magnanimity will row us up. Anger and fury may disturb our spirits but patience and gentleness will give us superb solace. 16.   New year is a call for a new life of rectitude. Think right, speak night, act right. Then all will be alright. Then life will turn into a beatitude for others. We not only give blessings to others. Rather, we ourselves will become blessings to others.   Imperative: With genuine gratitude, selfless surrender, and undying hopefulness, we shall walk ahead, sheltered under the wings of the sacred name of Jesus and the motherhood of Mary.   02 JANUARY 2024, 1 JOHN 2. 22-29; JOHN 1. 19-28   Focus: Nothing shall deceive us! Indicative: The world will always try in different ways to deceive us and distance us from God   1.        The temptations never vanish or diminish. They are ever prevalent and try to prevail over us. They try to deceive and detract us in subtle and disguised ways. Often the temptation for ego- ego-projection and self-glory is very strong. 2.      This is what confronted John the Baptist as well. There was a clear alluring possibility to present himself as the awaited Messiah. The people were already impressed by him and were quite disposed to accept him as the Messiah. 3.      He resists and overcomes this bait for self-glory. In all honesty and humility, he denies such presumptions. He truthfully confirms his role as the messenger and precursor who announces and prepares the way of the Lord. 4.      The same is our situation as well. Unceasingly, we are also surrounded by many deceptive forces. They discard the truth, disguise the lie as truth, and mislead us into the wrong. The remedy to resist and overcome these pressures is to constantly abide in him, to be regenerated by him. 5.      This consists in cultivating a deep spirit of humility. This does not put on airs. This is not puffed up. This seeks not undue comfort and self-glory. Rather, we should strive to do right, because that is the real way of being born of God.   Imperative: As long as we remain in God, nothing can deceive us. Being easily deceived is a clear sign that we are not truthful, and not strongly rooted in truth   (Reflection 2) Thrust: Humility and Honesty! Indicative: The world will always try in different ways to deceive us and deviate us from God and truth. In such a context, let us be convinced that as long as we remain in God, nothing can deceive us.   1.      We live in a world that is prone to lie, falsity and wrong. It is resentful and resistant toward truth and right. It constantly assails us and allures us with many temptations. They try to deceive and detract us in subtle and disguised ways. Often the temptation for ego- projection, and self-glory is very strong. 2.      This is what confronted John the Baptist as well. There was a clear alluring possibility to present himself as the awaited Messiah. The people were already impressed by him and were quite disposed to accept him as the Messiah. Thus it was a bright prospect for him to enjoy cheap popularity. 3.      But he resists and overcomes this bait for self-glory. He stands before us as a noble example of humility and honesty. In all honesty and humility, he denies such presumptions and truthfully confirms his role as the messenger and precursor who announces and prepares the way of the Lord. He identifies himself as the mere voice of a messenger in the desert. He confesses that he is not worthy to untie the sandal strap of the Messiah. 4.      What a difference and example! Many desperately seek recognition and popularity. They will try every possible means even false and wrong to become and stay popular. But here is one who is riding on popularity but who is humble, honest, and courageous enough to deny the false identities and present his real identity. 5.      Even though he knows that he may lose his fame and importance, he discards the false garbs. It is because he is clear and convinced that being truthful is more important than being important. Believe in the truth, abide in him and do what is right - this is the simple route to a  faithful life. This was his identity and mission!   Imperative:  What is really important is to be truthful and faithful, and this is possible only by being humble and docile. This is the only and the right way to be great and important   03 JANUARY 2024: 1 JOHN 2. 29 – 3.6; JOHN 1. 29-34   Focus: Know and Testify! Indicative: Those who know God and experience Him, will see Him. Those who see Him will become like Him. Those who become like Him will testify about Him   1.      John the Baptist knows and proclaims Jesus as the "Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world". He sees him as the Son of God Who is come to save the world. And he bears witness to him as the Lord and Master. 2.      Today, we too are specially called by God to become living testimonies for God. We need to personally know Him and see Him. We need to become "light to the nations", showing the Lord and leading many to Him. 3.      Here we note that to know God is not merely intellectual. To see God is not merely perceptual or empirical. The world glorifies itself in its magnitude of knowledge. But the true and highest knowledge is to know God and the height of knowledge of God is to belong to him intimately. 4.      Therefore, all such knowledge that is prone to alienate us from God, which is prone to sin and bears no testimony to God's love and power, is only empty knowledge and even evil and harmful. We can testify to the Lord effectively to the extent we ourselves personally and deeply know him and see him, and commit ourselves to show him to many and lead them to him. 5.      It implies a profound personal familiarity and connectivity with God in terms of an intimate inseparable relationship. This makes us passionately rooted in God and unflinchingly loyal to Him. 6.      This sets us to accompany others, to enlighten and guide them. This is further to lead them constantly to the same intimacy and relationship with the Lord. This mission and commitment do not stop with a mere personal closeness and relationship with God. 7.      It also sets us on a journey of following God's ways and values. Concretely, it means to part with sin resolutely,  to live righteously like God's children who know him, love him, and live his life, and to bear testimony to him, as did John the Baptist.   Imperative: Let us not content and pride ourselves with a magnitude of knowledge but be intent and stride on the rectitude of life. The more we are with God and closer to Him, the more we will be like him.   04 JANUARY 2024: 1 JOHN 3. 7-10; JOHN 1. 35-42   Focus: What are you Looking for? Indicative: There is a frantic search in the life of many. But many are not clear and sure of what they are searching for. We need a searching and attentive spirit to discover God's presence.   1.      John the Baptist knew Jesus to be the Lamb of God who carries the whole burden of sin in humanity. Accordingly, he directs the attention of two of his disciples to Jesus. Here in him, we see a true leader and guide. 2.      He could dispossess even his own followers. He does not keep his followers vehemently as his own possession but rightfully guides them to the greatest source of life. In the light of the first reading, he does not deceive them as the awaited Messiah. As one who practises righteousness, he leads them to the Righteous One. 3.      Immediately, the two disciples leave him and follow Jesus. It is not an act of instability or defection in disloyalty, as found abundantly in today's many followers. Rather, it shows their spirit of search for what is true and higher. 4.      They were not such followers who blindly clung to John the Baptist. They would also not easily desert their loyalty with self-interested calculations. They just want to discover personally who is Jesus. They have the openness and eagerness to set themselves in search of him. 5.      They stay with him and experience him. They discover something profound. They discover the Messiah in Jesus. Their search was meaningful and successful. They found what they were searching for. In fact, they find more than what they wanted to find. 6.      They wanted to know where Jesus was staying. But they experience the person with whom they stayed. It is more than a discovery of a place or the whereabouts of a great man. This is a deeper transition and journey. Their experience goes beyond the place to the person. 7.      Still, they do not stop there. Those who truly and personally experience Jesus cannot but share it with others. They share the same experience with others and bring them also to Jesus. Andrew brings his brother Peter also to the Lord.   Imperative: True loyalty is never a blind adherence to anything lower and false but a willing search and commitment to the higher and the true. For a follower of Christ, the highest discovery is the Lord himself 05 JANUARY 2024: 1 JOHN 3. 11-21; JOHN 1. 43-51   Focus: Love and Live! Indicative: Those who love, live by God’s own life. Love is life-giving and life-saving. Hatred is life-destroying. Therefore those who hate, do not live in God and they are dead 1.      Jesus calls Philip, “Follow me”, and he follows him. The following of Jesus is like a burning fire that spreads its heat to others also. So Philip finds Nathanael and shares with him that he has found the Messiah, awaited and foretold by the prophets. It is Jesus of Nazareth. 2.      Nathanael does not hide his apprehension, stating, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Still, at the invitation of Philip, “Come and see”, he proceeds to meet Jesus. Here we can appreciate the openness of Nathanael. He is not clung to or closed within his preconceived idea about the Messiah. 3.      This is already an essential ingredient of faith. Such openness can come only from a heart without duplicity and guile. At the encounter with Jesus, this is the compliment he receives from Jesus, “Here is a child of Israel in whom there is no malice”. Indeed, the biggest and the best compliment that one can receive and that too from Jesus. 4.      The encounter is not a casual meeting. It becomes transformative. Nathanael confesses his total faith in Jesus, saying, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel”. He too becomes a disciple of Christ. 5.      Encounter with Jesus and personal experience of him cannot but transform the person. For that transformation, a guileless heart becomes a pre-requisite. And loving others becomes the effect and fruit of it. This is a quite valid process and journey. 6.      In love, Jesus died for our sake and gave us life. Therefore, whoever believes and loves Jesus will certainly have his life. This life will manifest itself in sharing the same love and life with others. One cannot love Jesus and live in him but remain without loving others. Those who hate others are destroying the life of Christ and thus they become murderers. Imperative: The beauty of Christian faith and devotion is that it necessarily leads to charity and dedication concerning others. In fact, love for others becomes even the proof and testimony of faith in Christ. 06 JANUARY 2024: 1 JOHN 5.5-13; MARK 1.7-11 Focus: One who believes, overcomes! Indicative: God is life and He shares this life with us at our creation. He continues to give us His life by re-creating us through the mission and paschal mystery of His Son   1.      God gives us eternal life and this life is in His Son. Whoever believes and abides in the Son will obtain this life. To give us this life, the Son shares our human life becoming one of us. The eternal God takes upon himself the temporary human flesh. 2.      The incarnation of His only Son is an authentic indicative of God’s condescending love for us and His eternal plan of salvation. This is an essential tenet of faith to believe in: the Son of God has incarnated himself as Jesus of Nazareth in the human womb of the virgin Mary. 3.      As John attests in the first reading, God Himself bears testimony to this truth. Wherever God steps in, it gets transformed. His sharing in our humanity is not a limitation or restriction on the infinitude of his divinity. 4.      The very fact that he subjects himself to time and space is not an imperfection. Rather, it shows his perfection to make himself part of the imperfection without losing his intrinsic perfection. Therefore, humanity does not limit or take away the identity, power and sanctity of Jesus. 5.      This is what is attested by both John the Baptist and the Father Himself in the gospel. John the Baptist declares that the power of Jesus is far-surpassing his because he is the eternal God. He pre-existed even before his earthly appearance. 6.      Further, just because Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus is not inferior to him. John the Baptist baptizes with water but Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Still further, the Father bears testimony to Jesus at his baptism, confirming, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased”. 7.      This then is the whole content of our faith and testimony: God gives us eternal life through His only Son Jesus Christ. We can receive this through our faith in Jesus and faithfulness to this faith through bearing testimony to him.   Imperative: We are destined for life in eternity. We have access to this through the incarnation of the   Son of God. And we will possess this life when we believe him and live in him          

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