Sunday, 22 October 2023
23 OCTOBER 2023: ROM 4.20-25; LUKE 12.13-21
Focus: Vanity of vanities!
Indicative: Intelligence, knowledge, competence, big money, position, and fame are no guarantees for wisdom. They can often lead one to vanity and shallowness
1. In the gospel, Jesus narrates a parable of a rich fool. The parable of the rich fool is not just one story among many, narrated by Jesus. But it is a live story because there are many such fools today and none of us is exempt from such foolishness to some degree or other.
2. It is not a soft lesson but a serious warning! It is not only the fate of the rich man in the parable but the fate of each present fool. Jesus is very clear and stern: "It is the fate of those who are rich in the sight of the world, but not in the sight of God".
3. Just imagine the miserable fate of the rich fool. One who toiled so hard but could not enjoy the fruits of his labour; one who made fantastic plans but did not have the future to implement them; one who had abundance for generations but had no life to enjoy it; one who had the intelligence to acquire for the passing world but failed to procure for the eternal life; one who thought all for himself to possess and enjoy but had to leave to others to own and enjoy.
4. How similar is the life and fate of many in our times? So many are slaves to money and pleasure. So many spend their whole time and energies with the least concern for family and good human relationships. So many scorn the right values for the sake of profit and self-interest. So many defraud and cheat to amass wealth and to maintain shallow and false status and dignity. So many are much bothered about the temporary and temporal but neglect the spiritual and eternal. Are these not traces of folly?
5. How to eliminate such signs of folly? Grow wise. First and foremost, realize that the worth and beauty of life do not consist in greedy accumulation, material abundance, or economic affluence. Rather life is beautiful and meaningful in the richness of heart, in the abundance of goodness, in the growth in virtues, and the orientation toward heaven and eternity. Not goods but good, not greed but the need for good, should be the motto of life.
6. Now How to grow wise? The answer too is given in the parable: "Become rich in God's sight". Become acceptable and pleasing to God. It is better to obey and surrender to God rather than succumb to evil.
7. The answer is quite straight in the Wisdom spirituality: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov 1. 7). So the more one has a loving reverence towards God, the more one becomes wise. The more devotion increases, the more wisdom increases. The more spirituality, the less temporality.
8. Therefore the crucial reason for the misery of today's society is very clear: on the one hand, the increase of greed and materialism; the decrease of God and altruism, on the other hand. Let us not evade the issue or find temporary solutions or shallow remedies in worldliness. The only solution, remedy, and antidote are God and good!
Imperative: Those who set their hearts on higher things, will also live higher lives. To be practical and to be concerned about the present life does not mean to be earth-bound and to be guided by lesser motives
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: You, fool!
Indicative: The meaning of life is to be found not in the material abundance but in the spiritual
1. The gospel presents to us the parable of the rich fool. In the Bible, foolishness or folly is not merely an intellectual matter. It is a matter of whole life. It is a way of living, a mode of being. There is always a contrast between folly and wisdom.
2. Foolishness is a way of life that walks in trespasses and sins. It is to follow the course of the world. It is to follow the counsels of Satan. It is to follow the spirit of disobedience. It is to live in the passion of our flesh. It is to carry out the desires of the body and mind. The consequence is to become the children of wrath and death.
3. On the contrary, to be wise is to lead a way of life that is in tune with God’s grace and mercy. It is to be alive together with Christ, from our death by sin. It is to be saved through faith. It is to walk in good works. The consequence is immeasurable riches of grace in kindness and eternal life, being seated with him in the heavenly places.
4. Some signs of folly are manifest in the rich fool also. They are: excessive trust in himself and worldly things; forgetting the impermanent nature of life, and reducing the value of life only to material enjoyment. In sum, foolishness is piling up riches in the sight of the world but not in God’s sight.
Imperative: It is better to gather riches for heaven in wisdom living a life of spiritual abundance and fraternal kindness
24 OCTOBER 2023: ROM 5. 12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; LUKE 12. 35-38
Focus: Be alert and ready!
Indicative: We are called to be servants in the service of the Master. We need to be alert and faithful!
1. Christ Jesus is our Saviour who brought us liberation from sin and death and brought us grace and eternal life. He reversed the story of the fall of the first man by his obedience to God’s will, the life of righteousness, and death on the cross. Through him, the superabundance of grace surpassed the abundance of sin. Therefore, we are called to remain obedient to this Lord of ours and faithfully follow him.
2. This following becomes possible when we surrender ourselves to him as humble servants. We must always bear in mind that we are his servants in his service. As good servants, we must be totally docile to him, alert and prompt to attend to him. Never shall we be found unalert and unprepared! Never shall we miss his coming! We never know when or how he comes, when he knocks on our doors.
3. Blessed are we whom the master finds awake when he comes! Blessed are we if open to him at once when he comes and knocks. Blessed are we who will gird ourselves and have the master sit at the table and serve him! Alas! How unaware, unalert, unready, and lethargic many servants of today are!
4. Certainly, many are caught unawares when the master comes and knocks on the door of their hearts, lives, families, and communities! Many do not have the patience and receptivity to wait on the master in eager docility! Many are so busy that they cannot spare time to serve the master at the table. Many are so meticulous with their time sense that they cannot simply “waste” their time in useless and uncertain waiting!
Imperative: When the master comes and knocks on the doors, how many will be present indoors, how many will be prompt to open to him? First of all, how many will happily open the door to him?
(Reflection 2)
Focus: We are noble people with dignity. We are God’s own household. Therefore, be alert and prepared so that We are found worthy and faithful by the Master.
1. We are living in a world where everyone wants to be a master, on top of the world. There is also a great increase in dishonesty, deception, and infidelity. To such a world, Jesus proposes the model of a servant.
2. A good servant is humble and docile to the Master and serves the Master honestly and faithfully. He is not so entangled with worldly affairs, so as to lose sight of the Master. He is always conscious of the likes and needs of his master. He is ever patient and consistent in waiting on his master and is prompt to attend to him in wholehearted service.
3. How lamentable it is that today we have an increasing breed of pseudo and shallow masters! We have acclaimed and professed professional servants who bother the least to be attentive, alert, prepared, and prompt to serve the Master. God touch and transform these self-swollen masters in the disguise of servants!
4. Such a true spirit of a humble and faithful servant is possible, only when we remain deeply conscious of the nobility of our call. In Christ, we rediscover and regain our peace. That means, to live in a spirit and bond of unity, humility, and loyalty like a true servant, being obedient to the Master and benevolent toward other fellow-servants.
Direction: A faithful servant is dressed for the Master's service and not addressed for power and self-service
25 OCTOBER 2023: ROM 6. 12-18; LUKE 12. 39-48
Focus: Holy slavery!
Indicative: Disobedience to God and obedience to sin may bring quick results and temporary gains and pleasures but it will lead to eternal ruin
1. An interesting contrast is made between the slavery of sin and the slavery of righteousness. Both are slaveries but with a difference. The former is disobedient slavery and the latter is obedient.
2. The result of the slavery of sin is death and damnation. But the result of the slavery of righteousness is life and salvation. In the former, there is only subjugation. In the latter, there is true freedom and rejuvenation of the spirit.
3. If we are obedient slaves of righteousness, then how will we be? The gospel makes this clear through three simple images: householder, steward, and servant. We will be householders alert, watchful and fully prepared to meet any unexpected encounter with the Lord.
4. We will also be like faithful and wise stewards, set over God’s household to “give them their portion of food at the proper time”, that is to take responsible care of the household.
5. We will also be honest and duty-conscious servants. Such head-servants will not let themselves into loose living, ill-treating their fellow servants and not acting according to their master’s will. We will always carry the spirit of accountability, knowing fully well that “to whom much is given, much will be required”.
6. How true it is that many times many fall into the disobedient slavery of sin leading to ruin! How often many fail to be watchful and careful householders! How often many fail to be faithful and wise stewards not responsible toward the household of God entrusted to their care! How often do we fail to prove ourselves as sincere and dutiful servants who are also respectful and benevolent toward our fellow servants?
Imperative: The Lord gives a marvellous synthetic image of a householder who has the attitude of a steward and who works and does his duties like a servant. We are caretakers who are to serve God’s household
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Be wise Stewards!
Indicative: Many times God’s grace is taken for granted. They behave as if grace and salvation are their prerogatives just because of a religious tag. They are wrong
1. In the world of today, there is so much manipulation and infidelity. The church too is infected by this. There are increasing tendencies and cases of the decline of honesty and corrosion of values. In such a context, the word of God reminds us that we are servants and stewards and not masters and bosses. That is why Paul attests that his ministry is that of “stewardship of God’s grace given to him for the people” (Eph 3.2-12).
2. We should mark a few of the keywords: ‘Stewardship’, ‘God’s grace', ‘given by’, and ‘given for.’ Each expression is significant. Stewardship implies humility, responsibility, diligence, and loyalty. In the case of a good steward, there is no room for dishonesty and deception.
3. A good steward is humble because he knows that all that he has and does is given and not his own. It is not for self or self-interests. It is for others. And it is not entangled with mundane things but with God’s grace.
4. In the teaching of Jesus, this stewardship becomes more clear. It is very interesting to note that manager, steward, and servant are interchangeably used. Thereby we may take a cue that a faithful and wise manager or steward is a faithful servant.
5. God with trust and benevolence has entrusted to us the immensity of His grace. We are the dispensers of His grace. Therefore, we must be ever ready and alert so that we are not looted by the evil thief. On the contrary, we must be prepared to meet the Lord whose coming too is unexpected.
6. As good servants and stewards, we must be fair and benevolent toward other servants. We cannot ill-treat them. Nor can we engage and entertain ourselves in worldly pleasures and preoccupations.
Imperative: One who is given and has more, will be more accountable. If God has blessed us with immense grace, then we need to be more graceful. But often, this is missing
26 OCTOBER 2023: ROM 6. 19-23; LUKE 12. 49-53
Focus: Blazing fire!
Indicative: Living for God will certainly contrast with those who live for the world and evil. This will lead to opposition and division
1. Love for Christ and following him calls for a radical and committed stand. It involves a life of righteousness for sanctification. It will transform persons into slaves of God. But this slavery is something meritorious and dignified. It endows them with new freedom. Such conviction and commitment, such freedom and purity are in direct contrast to the impurity and iniquity of sin.
2. This contrast will automatically land the followers of Christ into situations of opposition, division, and loss of peace. It is not that they make themselves causes and agents of division and unrest.
3. It is caused by the resistance and refusal of those who oppose them. In a world of duplicity, when men of God live with integrity, for sure it would cause division and disturbance. When convictions are upheld in contrast to compromises, for sure there will be division and loss of peace.
4. When some are on fire with love for Christ, it will automatically disturb those who are tepid and whose fire is under ashes. A true follower of Christ cannot side with the false values of a mediocre man. A fundamental option for Christ will certainly put one at odds with the rest.
5. One need not feel bad or guilty about it. Such division and disturbance are not negative that are consequences of evil and inauthentic lives. The division and discord caused by fidelity to Christ are the natural outflows of the unswerving adherence to him. In the name of maintaining peaceful and undisturbed relationships, one should not give up values and fall to compromises.
Imperative: Many play safe because they do not want to get into any trouble and be disturbed. They want to be in peace. But they do not realize that such peace is only false and not godly. A peace that comes because of compromise is a cheap peace!
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Be on fire!
Indicative: A true follower of Christ must be a “man on fire.” With this fire, he must set ablaze the whole world
1. “I came to cast fire on the earth.” ‘I came to bring division and disrupt peace'. What is this fire? It is love for God. It is to be ever consumed with a burning passion. It is being rooted and grounded in love. It is to comprehend and live the fullness of love, and that is the breadth, length, height, and depth.
2. Now, this fire of love on one hand dispels false layers of unity and peace. For many unity is mostly narrow demarcations based on religion, region, caste, culture, rite, et cetera. Social justice is confined only to promoting self-interests or group interests.
3. Accordingly, we see people actively living and promoting division and disunity. What a contradiction and absurdity it is! We who are supposed to be promoters of unity become ruthless champions of disunity.
4. Further, peace is often equated with the absence of fear, tension, and demands. What many seek and enjoy is only a false peace. False peace is highly contrary to God’s grace. False peace avoids any risk, any trouble, and looks for what is convenient and self-profiting.
5. But Jesus assures and ensures real unity and peace. Real unity is nurturing oneness and the communion of a spiritual family that is bound by the only norm of “hearing and doing God’s will (cf. Mt 12. 46-50). And his peace is an interior godly peace that stands firm amidst all evil.
6. In this sense, commitment to Jesus will certainly trigger disagreement and difference, leading to division, conflict, disruption of convenience, and peace.
Imperative: Commitment to God and His kingdom of values and relationships is a fundamental choice. We should be prepared to face the challenges and stand firm
27 OCTOBER 2023: ROM 7. 18-25a; LUKE 12. 54-59
Focus: Discern the signs!
Indicative: Men of today claim to be intelligent and capable persons who can unravel and control so many things of nature. But how much are they able to control and direct themselves?
1. People of today pride themselves on their ability to discover and control many things. They claim to read the signs of time and organize their life accordingly. They believe that they are competent experts in understanding and interpreting the realities. They also strongly think that they enjoy abundant freedom.
2. There is certainly no doubt about progress and advancement. But such a development is only uneven and ill-proportioned. There is no holistic growth. Especially in terms of integrity and spirituality, social responsibility, and commitment, there is so much inadequacy and failure.
3. The word of God in both readings brings our attention to this disharmony and disproportion. In tune with the words of Paul in the first reading, men may be externally free, that is they are not under any form of slavery. But how much they are under the slavery of sin? Sin dwells in them. They do not do the good they want, but the evil they do not want is what they do.
4. This is the same tone of Jesus. He questions the dichotomy and shallowness of people’s abilities. Many are capable of reading the signs of the time in terms of seasons and climatic conditions of nature like heat and rain.
5. But why do not understand and judge for themselves what is right? While they try to gain control over external things, why don’t try to gain control over themselves and their lives?
6. In specific reference to his mission, why don’t the people understand God’s invitation to realize and repent over their sinfulness? Why do they resist and reject his call to free themselves from sin and turn to God? Why do they lose sight of the eternal damnation that will be the result of such unbelief?
Imperative: Human intelligence and capacities are good and useful as they help to increase our understanding and ease of living. But how much do they help us to understand and live better as good human beings?
(Reflection 2)
Focus: Human intelligence and knowledge should be raised and oriented to a higher level beyond the earth and mere secular concerns
1. Certainly, commendable is human intelligence which acts brightly from simple common sense to great scientific and technological progress. In his intelligence, man is able to read and ascertain seasons and times, assess many practical situations, and dissolve many complexities.
2. He is able to regulate and master many conditions to his advantage and ease of life. But how much this great sense and intelligence is used for something higher and loftier? Most of the considerations and efforts are often earth-bound and are driven by worldly motives and gains.
3. How is it that man who acts cautiously and judiciously in earthly and transient matters, fails to act wisely and diligently toward the spiritual and eternal concerns? Devoid of focus, foresight, and heaven-directedness, man runs the risk of eternal judgment and condemnation.
4. In the gospel, Jesus very strongly objects to such a shallow human enterprise. This is truly the shallowness and superficiality of the present times as well. They are able to read, understand, interpret and assess, and thus control the seasons and times. But how sadly they fail to recognize the signs of the times and learn and grow from them!
5. They gain mastery over the forces of nature, but they become slaves to the pressures of their own nature. They claim and pretend to be masters and freemen. But little do they realize that they lose the true interior freedom in the name of the very freedom they seek.
6. The freedom which they glorify is nothing but a disguised yoke of slavery to sin and evil. In fact, to truly read the signs of the times is “to live the vocation we have received. It is to be humble, kind, patient and to bear one another in love”.
Direction: We live often in a world of shallow intelligence and superficial knowledge because they are so short-sighted and so badly limited to the material concerns
28 OCTOBER 2023: EPH 2. 19-22; LUKE 6. 12-16, SAINTS SIMON AND JUDE
Focus: Strive to live up!
Indicative: Our vocation always carries with it a profound sense of sacredness because it is the Lord’s choice. It is always his gratuitous grace that we must constantly strive to live up
1. Today we celebrate the feast of two of the Twelve Apostles of the Lord, namely Saints Simon and Jude. Simon was a zealot, an anti-Roman nationalist group member. Jude was a cousin of the Lord and author of the epistle of Jude. They preached in Mesopotamia and Persia. They were chosen from among many disciples and named apostles.
2. This is the first thing to note. We are chosen by the Lord. This implies that it is God’s initiative, His free gift. It is not like the other professions where one qualifies himself by fulfilling the requirements. But our vocation is not due to our qualifications or competence. It is not because we deserve it. Rather he qualifies us by choosing us lovingly.
3. He calls us by name. This implies that our vocation is something deeply personal. Each one is related personally to the Lord. Every called person is intimately united with the Lord by an authentic life and is fervently committed to him by an effective mission.
4. Unity is our identity mark as disciples at his feet and apostles on our feet. Being his disciples in prayer and being apostles on his mission must always go together. That was what Jesus did: In communion with the Father and in Commitment to His will. Our constant striving is to be joined to the Lord as the cornerstone and grow into a holy temple in the dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
5. However, this spiritual communion is not enough. Fraternal communion is also a must. We are no longer strangers and sojourners, not only toward God but also toward one another. We are fellow citizens and members of one and the same household.
Direction: Our life and mission can become more credible and effective if there is more spiritual communion and fraternal communion. We must constantly remind ourselves that we are his disciples in intimacy and his apostles in vibrancy
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Well-founded and firm!
Indicative: We all belong to the one house of God whose cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. Apostles are the foundation on whose faith this dwelling place is built
1. Saints Simon and Jude are celebrated on 28 October. These are two among the Twelve Apostles. Simon was an ex-zealot and Jude was a cousin of the Lord. The first thing to note is that among many disciples the twelve apostles were specially chosen and named as apostles. Thereupon, the apostles lived with him, were taught by him, and accompanied him.
2. In sum, they shared their entire life with him. They enjoyed personal intimacy with him. They were specially trained by him in wisdom and faith. They listened to him attentively. They were enlightened and guided. They were nourished and strengthened.
3. What marks them is while their master was alive with them physically, they witnessed his life and mission personally. After his death, they became witnesses to the same life and mission of their Lord. They were so touched by their master and empowered by the Holy Spirit that they bore witness to him even by their martyrdom.
4. Their faith and mission are our rich heritage. We are well built on the foundation of their faith. We are reminded that we are all fellow citizens in the same household of God. Jesus himself is the cornerstone. We can be sure that this spiritual structure will not crumble or collapse because it is God’s own structure built on the apostles.
5. Their life of faith and mission also indicates to us that we are also sharers of the rich legacy. We also shoulder the same mission of proclaiming God’s word and healing sicknesses, both the exterior and the interior.
Imperative: We are also called and sent to continue the same mission of the apostles. We need to be powerful proclaimers and healers like the master and his apostles. But does power come out from us whenever we are on his mission?
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