Wednesday, 13 September 2023
SIRACH 27. 30 – 28.7; ROMANS 14. 7-9; MATTHEW 18. 21-35
Punch line: To Forgive - the only way!
Guideline: To live is to love, to love is to give and to give is to forgive; one who does not forgive, does not know how to give and will not himself receive forgiveness
1. “If my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive?” This is the question of Peter to Jesus in the gospel, and the same question is quite valid and relevant, even now, much more than before.
2. It is because we are living through times which are so low in the spirit of forgiveness. Instead, there is so much spirit of anger and impatience, grudge and resentment, revenge and retaliation, vengeance and vendetta, aggression and violence.
3. What is more sad and disturbing is that forbearance, forgiveness and reconciliation are considered weaknesses and fury and retaliation are glorified as signs of manliness and courage, and as safeguards and expressions of self-respect and self-dignity.
4. This spirit is rampant at every level and aspect of life, be it between individuals, within families, between the families, between regions, between languages, religions, cultures, and countries.
5. It is in this context, that the Word of God very clearly denounces anger and lack of forgiveness and also strongly cautions against the evil effects of failure to forgive. Anger and unforgiveness are abominable and detestable in the sight of God, and they fail to obtain the mercy and forgiveness of God. Those who refuse to forgive others will stand in the danger of God’s judgment and condemnation. An unforgiving heart will lose all its appeal for God’s mercy.
6. It is a contradiction to seek forgiveness from God while not forgiving others. It is nothing but duplicity of faith, applying double standards – one for oneself, and the other for the other.
7. In this context, it is worthwhile to recall the wise words of St Francis de Sales: We are eager to accuse others even for the slightest mistake, while we are eager to excuse ourselves even for the greatest blunder; we clamour for justice in the neighbour’s house while we plead for mercy in our own house; we want to buy cheap but want to sell dear.
8. The refusal to forgive is in fact not a simple thing as it may appear to be. It shows the failure of the person on different counts, such as the emotional, psychological, relational or interpersonal, ethical, and spiritual.
9. It clearly shows that a person is not able to control and overcome one’s negative emotions, not able to cultivate and nurture a sane and serene interior, not able to sustain an adequate equilibrium and maturity, not able to humble his inflated ego and pride, not able to maintain a healthy and cordial relationship, not able to be morally sound and sober, and not able to connect his faith and spirituality to a concrete life of charity and integrity.
10. For any believer, unforgiveness and grudge are contradictions to his very religious spirit, whatever the religion; because no religion or god will advocate violence and harm against others; no true religion can instigate one against fraternity and charity. If one takes to retaliation and violence in the name of religion, he has not really understood his religion, and he is a false religious person.
11. It is so sad and even a disgrace that the so-called faithful adherents of religion or religious life, can live and foster a spirit and ambience of so much resentment and animosity in the ambits of their respective places of worship or communities.
12. When will the realization dawn on humans that unforgiveness is a heavyweight and as long as one carries it, he is only pressed down? When will people realise that it is foolish and inhuman to nurture a spirit of hostility and revenge? When will the believers allow the insight that refusal to forgive ruins one’s own self as well as others? When will the religious communities become the abodes of a little more pardon and reconciliation and thus avoid the mockery of their very consecration and the scandal against their very faith?
Lifeline: In true forgiveness, there is no question of how many times should I forgive, because any true forgiveness is prompted and driven by authentic love and true love is always without measure
(Reflection 2)
Pivot: Forgive because forgiven!
Indicative: Life is never completely free from hurts and harm. It is a reality that we are hurt and harmed. What should be our response and reaction in such situations? Forgive!
1. In life, many carry many burdens that are quite unnecessary. Refusal to forgive and harbouring negativity is one such big burden. How to be relieved of this burden? The answer comes in today’s word of God.
2. Forgive! The call for forgiveness is very strong. Seek forgiveness from God and give forgiveness to others. Be forgiven and forgive! In fact, these two do not exclude each other.
3. In the prayer, “Our Father”, we pray, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive others their sins”. in this sense, forgiving others becomes the condition or pre-requisite to being forgiven by God. In other words, we will be forgiven in proportion to our forgiving others.
4. In today’s gospel, we have another aspect of this integration of being forgiven and forgiving. Forgiving others is the effect and outflow of being forgiven by God. Being forgiven by God becomes the cause for forgiving others. If we truly receive forgiveness from God, then we must forgive others. Thus, forgiving others becomes the testimony of being forgiven by God.
5. If we receive abundant mercy and forgiveness, then we are also bound to forgive others in the same measure. It would be totally unfair to refuse to forgive others even for a little while receiving forgiveness in much.
6. Such incongruence will be totally displeasing to God and will make us liable to God’s judgment and justice. This is what is indicated by the story of the king and his servant in the gospel. The king out of his mercy cancels out all the huge debt of his servant. But this servant does not show the same mercy toward his fellow servant even for a little.
Imperative: Certainly, God is so merciful that He keeps no account of our sins, and readily cancels out all our debts. But this makes us more accountable to be merciful toward others as well
(Reflection 3)
Focus: Forgiveness is a golden virtue. One who learns to forgive obtains an immense treasure of God’s mercy and serenity of soul. Forgiveness is never a loss
1. We live in a world where revenge and retaliation are glorified. They are regarded as signs of manliness and guts. Consequently, we find so much negativity and animosity leading to violence and destruction. On the other hand, forgiveness and reconciliation are considered signs of weakness and timidity.
2. In such a context, Jesus teaches us the need and value of forgiveness. To forgive is divine because it forms the very nature of God. God’s essence is mercy and forgiveness. He is merciful to us beyond conditions and measures.
3. As the children of a merciful God and as disciples of a forgiving Master, we must imitate and resemble them in forgiving others. Forgiving others is the essential trait and way of belonging to God and sharing in His own nature. It also becomes the condition to receive God’s forgiveness to us.
4. This means that we experience the effects of God’s forgiveness only to the extent that we forgive others. Our forgiving others should be without measures like God’s forgiving us. That is why Jesus tells Peter, “Forgive, not seven times, but seventy times seven”.
5. We forgive others not because they deserve it but because we must give it. The king in the gospel parable forgives the servant who owes a huge sum not because he deserved it but because he needed it.
6. Seeking forgiveness from God and others requires humility and repentance. That is why, the people pray, “With a contrite heart and a humble spirit may we be accepted”. Giving forgiveness to others requires fraternity and nobility.
Direction: The Spirit of forgiveness in humility and nobility will open to us streams of God’s mercy and serenity. It can be a great embalming balm to heal many wounds and restore relationships
(Reflection 4)
Focus: God readily forgives even a multitude of sins, if only one repents with a contrite heart and humble spirit. He keeps no account or count of our wrongs because his mercies are uncountable
1. God is abundant in His mercy and prompt in His forgiveness. He does not see the magnitude of sin but the depth of repentance. He forgives us, not because we are worthy of it, but only because we need it. There is no measure for His forgiveness because His mercy is immeasurable.
2. This is what Jesus implies when he tells Peter to “forgive the other not only seven times but seventy times seven”. The matter is not the number or the frequency of forgiveness, that is, how many times or how often to forgive. Rather, the point is the immensity of it, that is, how willingly, promptly, and unreservedly to forgive.
3. But once forgiven, we must try to become worthy of it. How? By seeking earnestly to follow His ways. Concretely, it demands showing the same spirit of forgiveness towards others. Further, it also should be like God's forgiveness, which is abundant and uncalculating.
4. It is not fair and also highly detestable before God if we refuse to forgive others while we receive immensely God's forgiveness. To forgive is not an option at our convenience, but it is a bounden duty. As we give, we must give, lest our fate too will be the same as the servant in the gospel who is forgiven much but refuses to forgo a little.
Direction: Repentance in humility is the compulsory prerequisite for receiving God's forgiveness. Forgiving others in charity becomes the compulsory sign and testimony of the effect of that grace
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