Saturday, 8 July 2023


10 - 15 JULY 2023, HOLY MASS REFLECTIONS 10 JULY 2023: GEN 28. 10-22a; MATTHEW 9. 18-26 Punch line: Touch heals! Guideline: True faith makes us aware of our vulnerable and defenceless condition of adversity and affliction. It also keeps us steady from losing our hearts. Further, it makes us turn to God and seek His intervention 1.      Comforting and uplifting are God's words and deeds! This is presented so vividly in God's Word today, in both readings. In the first reading from Genesis 28. 10-22, this is seen in God’s confirmation of His promises. And in the gospel from Matthew 9. 18-26, this is confirmed in Jesus’ action of healing. 2.      In the first reading, God promises to Jacob that He will be faithful to all His promises in the past. He would give abundant land, posterity, prosperity and blessing to Jacob and all his descendants. At the height of all these assurances, the greatest is the assurance of His unfailing presence. 3.      The Lord assures him: “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go… I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you”. 4.      This assurance is concretely accomplished in the action of Jesus in the Gospel. The simple touch of him heals and transforms the whole situation: he touches the dead girl and she comes back to life; the touch of his garment heals the woman of her haemorrhage. 5.      His presence, his intervention, and his touch restores life and health and, along with them, lost joy and human dignity. God is always benevolent towards us. He is always eager and ready to come to our aid, especially in our difficult and helpless situations. 6.      But what is essential is faith. It is a faith that never gives up hope, faith that never loses courage and confidence, faith that turns to God, faith that approaches God, faith that affirms our total trust in Him, and faith that seeks his touch and power. This is the faith witnessed by the officer and the woman with a haemorrhage. Lifeline: We shall wholeheartedly trust in God's love and mercy, His power and His intervention. We shall beg him to extend His healing hand to touch us so that we can regain our lost joy and dignity of life   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 04 July) Thrust: Touch and be touched! Indicative: The touch of the Lord is healing and transformative. Once touched by the Lord, there is health and new life 1.      Today’s readings draw our attention to the “power of touch”. Touch is a sign of intimacy. It is a sign of relationship. It is a sign of freedom. It is an expression of assurance, comfort, and encouragement. It is a channel of tenderness. A touch of true love and concern can communicate more than many words and can do more than many big actions. The tender touch of a mother can put a crying child into a serene sleep. 2.       Perhaps, in our world of today, this is what is missing. We miss the tender and gentle hands that are stretched forth to others to wipe away the tears, to pat on the back, to support on the shoulders, to assure on the bosom. We miss that touch of a heart that is touched and wants to touch the troubled life of the other. 3.       In such a context, today God is extending us His touch and showing us yet again the power of His touch. It is a touch of God that restores the lost beautiful relationship with His people. It is a touch that re-embraces them in intimacy and re-establishes fidelity. 4.       In the gospel, we have two touching episodes of touch. The woman with a haemorrhage from 12 years, touches just the edge of the Lord’s cloak and she gets instantly healed. The official’s dead daughter is just touched by the Lord’s hand and instantly comes back to life. This is the power of the Lord’s touch. 5.       The Lord’s touch is always available. He always wants to touch our lives and change them. However, what is needed on our part is the humble and persevering faith of the ruler and the sick woman in the gospel. Even in their desperate and hopeless situations, they could trust in the Lord’s benevolence and power. Accordingly, their faith was rewarded.   Imperative: Often in our world, we are carried away by so many superficial interests and pleasures. Our capacity for inner susceptibility and touch is diminishing. It is high time that we revive this tenderness of touch 11 JULY 2023: GEN 32. 23-33; MATTHEW 9. 32-38, St Benedict Punch line: Moved with compassion! Guideline: God never leaves us in our stress and distress to fight a lone battle. All that is needed is to turn and cling to Him even in our struggle 1.      In the gospel, Jesus saw the crowd and felt compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Today too, God sees all of us and certainly feels compassion for all, because we are truly harassed and helpless, exactly like sheep without a shepherd. 2.      How many fears and anxieties, how much violence and selfishness, how much misery snatch away the beauty and joy of life! In how many numberless ways humanity is harassed and helpless? Without a doubt, many are like sheep without a shepherd. 3.      Yes, many lack the true shepherding that mainly comprises protection, care and guidance. Many are unprotected, exposed to the assaults of evil. They are not properly cared for and not nurtured, and thus not receive the proper nourishment and strength. Many are also prone to be misguided and led astray. 4.      Therefore, we must turn to our only shepherd, the only one who can heal our situation. In his time, Jesus healed many of their sicknesses and evil-possession. He taught them the right path and directed them on the same. He would never give up, despite being falsely blamed and accused. No doubt he never stops this never-ending mission. 5.      But, he wants to involve us in this holy mission, which is like cultivating a crop and reaping a rich harvest. He wants us to be fully committed labourers. We need to uproot the roots of evil, which is the true infirmity and demon-possession. We need to transplant God’s comfort and strength. We need to continue the same mission with undaunted zeal and unshaken faith in God. 6.      We need to be like Jacob in Genesis 32. 23-33 in the first reading. He wrestles with God’s own angel so valiantly. He would not leave him till he blesses him, even though his thigh was put out of joint. 7.      Only such a persevering clinging to God would enable us to be sheep that belong to the shepherd. It will also make us collaborate with the shepherd, working hard and reaping an abundant harvest of sheep with the shepherd. This is what St Benedict, the father of monasticism bears witness to. Let us emulate his example to be a shepherd and a blessing to others as the name itself suggests Lifeline: God feels compassionate at our situations of sickness, trouble, abandonment, and loss of direction and guidance. Let us feel His anguish and turn to Him   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 05 July) Thrust: Sheep without Shepherd or Shepherd without Sheep? Indicative: One of the greatest miseries of today’s society is its vulnerability and eagerness to be easily influenced by the wrong and false and be misguided 1.      “Like sheep without a shepherd”! This is how Jesus felt toward the people of his time. This mainly refers to the people who lack true shepherding. They did not have the true shepherds that would love, care, guide, and serve them. They were distressed and helpless. They were looking for someone who would offer them assurance, comfort, and guidance. And they found this in Jesus. 2.       In the then context of Jesus, this can also refer to the Pharisees and scribes who were supposed to shepherd the people through their guidance and support. They were well-versed in the Scripture and tradition. They should light the drooping spirits of the people and set them loyal on the path of God. 3.       Instead, they were self-righteous and hypocritical. They were full of jealousy against Jesus. They just kept themselves busy waiting for reasons to find fault with him. That is why, instead of praising God and rejoicing over Jesus’ healing of a demon-possessed mute man, they would accuse him of exorcising with the help of the prince of demons. 4.       However, he would not give up. He would not hate and condemn them. The coming and the mission of Jesus was the clearest testimony of God’s unfailing and unceasing mercy. That is why, “when he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd”. 5.       It is easy to sit back and go on blaming the people that they are like sheep without a shepherd, they are not following the way and the direction of the shepherd. But that will not solve the issue. What is more important is whether we as the people of God and disciples of Christ are doing our duty of being shepherds to the sheep of the suffering and misguided humanity.   Imperative: God is on the lookout for faithful labourers to work in his field and reap his harvest. He wants us to be responsible shepherds for the people of our times. But this is possible when we are good sheep to the good shepherd in the first place. A bad sheep can never be a good shepherd!   12 JULY 2023: GEN 41. 55-57, 42. 5-7a, 17-24a; MATTHEW 10. 1-7 Punch line: Power that empowers! Guideline: In a power-crazy and power-abusing world, Jesus shows us real power. Real power is a means and tool for doing good, for establishing the true kingdom of God 1.      In the gospel today from Matthew 10. 1-7, Jesus gives authority to his Twelve. He empowers them with his own power and authorizes them to carry on his own mission. But this power and authority is not to subjugate and manipulate others. It is not for seeking and promoting self-interests. 2.      The real power and authority is divinely sanctioned. It comes from God. It is therefore something divine and sacred. It is also meant to be kingdom-oriented and other-oriented. That is why, Jesus orders his disciples, to preach that “The kingdom of God is at hand”. 3.      The Kingdom of God is not so much a place up in the heavens, out there after death. It is also not merely a spiritual domain, with lots of spirituality and religious activities. It is where and when God reigns. It is the situation and experience of God being near to us, taking control of our life. It is where the godly values of love, justice and peace prevail. 4.      That is why, as he endows them with authority, the purpose too is clearly mentioned. It is to “cast out the unclean spirits, and to heal every disease and every infirmity”. 5.      Therefore, in this context, any power and authority that does not promote God’s reign, that is not benevolent and beneficial to others, is not a true authority. Any authority that reels on the heels of human manipulation is a degenerated one. 6.      Any authority that does not preserve its sanctity but is so much tainted by worldliness is already a corroded one. Further, any authority that is ego-centred, ego-projecting and ego-promoting is a mean authority. 7.      It is here, Joseph, the son of Israel comes as an example of magnanimous benevolence. Even though his brothers jealously sold him into slavery, God raises him to be the governor of Egypt. He allows God’s kingdom to reign in the kingdom of Egypt. He forgives the sin of his brothers and saves them in times of famine. 8.      Further, the mission entrusted to the disciples is primarily directed to “the lost sheep”. That is, first of all, it is a “mission within”, a mission to repair, and rejuvenate our own selves, our own lives, our own hearts, our own communities and families, our relatives, friends and surroundings. At times, we may be more worried about changing the whole world but neglect our own “small worlds” that we live and interact with day in and day out. Lifeline: The fact that the names of the twelve apostles are mentioned indicates that our vocation and mission are very personal and personally significant. It is not only a collective, community mission of the church but also of each disciple   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 06 July) Thrust: The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Indicative: Jesus proclaims and asks his disciples to proclaim, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand”. But is it true – at hand or out of hand? 1.      Jesus initiates the “kingdom drive”. He drills into every open soul the power of God’s reign of love, justice, and fidelity. That is why, he preaches about the kingdom of heaven; drives away the evil spirits; and heals every sick and troubled. He truly strives to bring the “Kingdom of God close at hand”. 2.       This mission of the kingdom is not his private affair or a solo show. He makes his disciples his partners and collaborators. So, he calls them by name. Thereby it becomes clear that this vocation and mission are not things in a group or crowd. I may belong to a group and come from there. But once called and commissioned, I cannot cling to my earth-bound belongings. 3.       I belong to the Lord and am bound to his mission. I cease to be bound to any particular group or be directed by any group interests. I am responsible to the Lord and not to the petty groups. Naming each apostle is a clear indicator that each one is personally unique to the Lord and also responsible for his vocation and mission. 4.       A true disciple and apostle shoulders the same mission of the Lord, namely, to bring the kingdom near to the people. It is to eradicate the estrangement from the kingdom. It is to make all “inhabitants and heirs of the kingdom” in a world where God’s reign has become an abstract and distant reality in the life of many. 5.        In the light of Jesus’ words, many live like “lost sheep”. They forget the right way. They get deviated from the wrong ways of pleasure and falsity. The more comforts increase, the more uncomfortable they feel with the Lord. The more abundance of material things they enjoy, the more they suffer from the emptiness of life.   Imperative: Our mission is to re-establish the kingdom where the unclean spirits are expelled, and every disease and affliction is healed   13 JULY 2023: GEN 44. 18-21, 23B-29; 45. 1-5; MATTHEW 10.7-15 Punch line: Girded with mission! Guideline: God is always on a relentless mission. It is that of transforming our lives and working for our good. At times, His plans and ways are hard and distressing but they will reap rich results 1.      God never ceases to love us and work for our benefit. At times, the ways of God look very mysterious and even upsetting. The story of Joseph in Genesis in the first reading of these days is a clear example of His disconcerting and confusing ways. 2.      Apparently, so much injustice was done to Joseph. He was sold into slavery in Egypt. But God raised him to the dignity of a governor. It was actually God’s way of sending him before his brothers so that he would rescue them from famine. In other words, God already sent Joseph on a specific mission of saving many lives during the famine. 3.      In the gospel too, Jesus is entrusting a mission to his disciples. In simple it is his own mission. It is to establish God’s kingdom as he himself did. It is a twofold mission, namely to preach and heal. But he does not send them empty-handed. He equips them with his own power. 4.      Therefore, they need not bother too much about worldly equipment like gold, silver, copper, bag or tunics or sandals or staff. They should be detached from worldly abundance and accumulation. They should retrench themselves from depending excessively on worldly securities and guarantees. 5.      On the other hand, they should be generous in giving their life, time and all energies, because they too received so generously from God. 6.      They should remember that it is a peace-mission. They should be peace-lovers, peace-witnesses and peace-promoters. Any words and acts that cultivate seeds of disunity and antagonism, that lack devotion and goodness, are only a counter-mission and counter-productive. 7.      Further, in carrying out this mission, working for God and promoting good alone should be our end-targets and aims. There should be no other motive, even the motive of success. We should be prepared even to face failure. 8.      That is why Jesus already warns: “If anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town”. This indicates that we must be detached even from the expectation of fruits and results. Sheer focus on mission and dutifulness irrespective of the effects is our driving force. Lifeline: Often mission suffers because there are lots of ego issues. There should not be any seeking of self-glory which leads to ego clashes and ego hurts. Instead, let all the life and mission be God-oriented.   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 07 July) Thrust: Agonised but not compromised! Indicative: God is on an unceasing mission of loving us. His love may be wounded and betrayed but He never gets disgusted and never abandons us to our fate 1.      Again and again, the history of salvation shows us the condescending love of God for humanity. The people He had chosen and blessed in numberless ways go away and against Him. They become ungrateful and unfaithful. Yet, He is not driven by hasty wrath. He does not destroy them in a split second. 2.       So patiently He goes on reminding them of His love for them. He appeals to those sweet memories of how He “taught them to walk, took them up by their arms, healed them, led them with cords of kindness, with the bands of love, eased the yoke on their jaws, and bent down to them and fed them”. He further assures them that He will not destroy them despite their infidelity. His compassion grows warm and tender. 3.       His agony does not stop there. Neither His love ceases. The more they were loved and called, the more they went away. But the more they went away, the more He loves them. That is why He sends His only Son to bring them back. 4.       Jesus thus is the continuation of this unending love of God. Jesus is the living sign and witness of this ever-flowing mission of love. Jesus is into this mission in full swing. He also makes his apostles active sharers of the same mission. 5.       They are called to accomplish this mission through word and deed, that is, preaching the word and healing in action. It is to proclaim the kingdom of God, and to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons”. In simple, it is a mission of renewal and new life. 6.       However, in fulfilling this task, they should not be too much worried about human and material resources. They should not depend on them, nor should they acquire them for safety and security. Jesus says categorically, “Acquire no gold or silver or copper, no bag, or two tunics or sandals or a staff”. 7.       They need not worry about procuring something, for the “labourer deserves his food”, meaning the Lord will provide. Neither they should be led by expectations of returns and results, for “you received without paying; so give without pay”. Imperative: Material abundance is not a guarantee nor a must for the success of the mission. Rather, their source of confidence and sustenance shall be the Lord’s own power.   14 JULY 2023: GEN 46. 1-7, 28-30; MATTHEW 10. 16-23 Punch line: Sheep amid wolves! Guideline: The beauty of faith is not to have any problems or to vanquish all the problems. Rather its value is in facing them with courage and confidence 1.      Many may have a wrong idea about faith and the power and effect of it. Their thinking is: If I have faith, then I should not get any problems; or at least, even if I get them, they should be overcome easily and disappear. 2.      But, God has never promised this. He never declared, Believe and worship me and I will never allow any problems to beset you. God is no false assurer or promiser. But one thing is sure. He promises to help out those who trust in Him. 3.      He assures to accompany them, to sustain, encourage and guide them. He will not guarantee a complete absence of difficulties. But He confirms His assistance. 4.      This is what we see in today’s readings. In the first reading from Genesis 46. 1-7, 28-30, God tells Jacob to go and settle down in Egypt. But Jacob is afraid because it is a foreign land of Pharaoh. 5.      What lies ahead is uncertain and unclear. The fear of ill-treatment and slavery also looms high. It is in such a context God assures him, “I am God, the God of your father; do not be afraid … for I will go with you … I will be with you”. 6.      In the gospel too from Matthew 10. 16-23, Jesus is sending his disciples on his mission. He is no false leader, trying to hide the facts and present a cosy picture. He speaks to them plainly of the challenges of this mission. 7.      They will be like sheep among wolves. They will be persecuted, disowned and hated for his sake. However, it is not to scare them; rather, it is to alert them and mentally prepare them to encounter impending adversities. 8.      A true disciple shall not shelter himself in illusory ambitions and comfort-zones. Further, he will not leave us as lone fighters in this battle. He will stand by us with his Spirit of wisdom and courage. 9.      Thus he assures them, “Do not be anxious how you are to speak … for what you are you to say will be given to you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of the Father speaking through you”. 10.  All that is needed is to be wise, innocent and persevere: be wise to discern; be innocent to remain uncontaminated; and be persevering not to give up. Lifeline: The quality of a true follower of Christ is his loyalty to the end, in the midst and despite all the adversities and discouraging experiences. This alone will bring him a rich reward!   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 08 July) Thrust: No false promises! Indicative: Jesus is no false leader who makes false promises to draw followers and to keep them in good spirits. He is clear and clean   1.      The uniqueness of our God is He is a God who owns us up always. Whatever we are, He never disowns us. He assumes personal responsibility and cares for us. However sinful we are, however unfaithful and deviant we are, however, we pain Him, yet He keeps on loving us. However we fail Him, still, He keeps on trusting us and hoping in us. 2.       Even though we do not bother to listen to Him, He speaks to us. Even though we place our trust in the things and powers of the world, He trusts us. Even though we do not own Him up at times, He always takes us to Him. He offers us plenty of possibilities and chances to return to Him. 3.       The same spirit of owning up continues in and through the person of Jesus in the NT. Jesus pre-warns his disciples about the impending afflictions and persecutions for his sake. He assures them that he will shield and guide them. 4.       “When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak… for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you”. 5.       Trials and tribulations will never leave us. As long as we are loyal to him and committed to his mission, we can always expect struggles and hurdles. Jesus never makes false promises that following him will block all suffering or shield against them or reduces them so much. In fact, the irony is the more we are faithful to him, the more we will be tormented. 6.       But one thing is sure: he will help us sail through the troubles. He will sustain us during the trial. He will embolden and strengthen us. Together with us, He will fight the battle against evil. There are no shortcuts or special discounts for the disciples of Christ. But, if they endure to the end, they will be rewarded and saved.   Lifeline: The greatness of faith is not avoiding difficulties or escaping from them. Rather true faith consists in confronting them and living through them patiently and courageously. We either bear them or overcome them, as per God’s holy will  15 JULY 2023: GEN 49. 29-32; 50. 15-26a; MATTHEW 10. 24-33 Punch line: Like the Master! Guideline: The difference between a true follower of Christ and a false one is in their depth of trust and loyalty. The former is deep-rooted, totally surrendered and loyal. But the latter is shallow, wavering and unfaithful 1.      Fear is a haunting experience for all. The reasons can be many and varied. In the first reading from Genesis 49. 29-32 and 50. 15-26, the brothers of Joseph are afraid of punishment from him. They were conscious of the immense evil they did to him by selling him into slavery. 2.      Quite rightly, Joseph could take revenge on them. But with a magnanimous heart, he forgives them and provides to take care of their families. He removes their fear, instils confidence and re-establishes a loving bond. How gracious he was, saying, “Fear not … so do not fear”. 3.      He also looks at everything in the framework of God’s holy designs. He accepts everything as all for good, from the optic of faith. Hear him as he says, “You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, for many people to be kept alive during famine”. 4.      In the gospel too from Matthew 10. 24-33, Jesus tells his disciples, “Have no fear… do not fear … fear not”. The context is the suffering and persecution for the sake of his mission. There will be many who will oppose and harm them even to the extent of killing. Their fate is no different from their master’s. He too went through the same crucible of criticism and persecution. 5.      In such a context, they should weigh between God and evil people. Humans can only harm and kill the body and not the soul. But God has control over both. They can cause only physical suffering, but cannot touch us spiritually. 6.      Further, our God is a loving and providential God who values us so preciously and cares for us so meticulously. He thinks of even little birds like sparrows. He knows the number of even little things like our hair. 7.      Hear how Jesus assures and encourages us: “Even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows”. Therefore, what is expected from us is to trust him deeply, to be courageous in testing and trying times and to be loyal to him always. Lifeline: Jesus says, “A disciple is not above his teacher, and a servant is not above his master; It is enough that a disciple becomes like his teacher and a servant like his master. Therefore, as disciples and servants, let our whole striving always be to become like our master (Reflection 2 from 2022, 09 July) Thrust: Why fear when God is near? Indicative: The discipleship of Christ is always challenging. It would involve a lot of unpleasant and unfavourable situations. But a faithful disciple would not give up but he will rise up to the occasion 1.      “Have no fear!”, “Fear not!” Jesus encourages his apostles against all the possible adversities on their mission. A good disciple tries to become like his master. His life and mission would resemble his master’s. So, if the master himself went through suffering, maligning, and intimidation at the hands of his enemies, his disciples too can expect to meet the same fate. 2.       We need not fear the world or evil for a few reasons: one, only God has absolute power and control over us. Those of the world can kill only the body and not the soul. They have only a partial and limited hold on our lives. They cannot totally dictate terms over our lives. But God has the power to kill both body and soul. He is the author of life and has absolute sway and control over our lives. 3.       Further, we need not fear any other factor because of God’s providential care. He who takes care of even small birds like the sparrows, will He not take care of us who are far more worthwhile? 4.       Besides, we need not fear because God considers us precious. So valued are we in the sight of God that all our hairs are numbered and not a single hair would fall without His knowledge. And we are far more precious than the sparrows. 5.       Therefore we should fear only God and not any human. But this is not a negative fear. We should have a holy fear that inhibits us from anything that might displease or oppose God. With this fear of God as our armoury, we must set out following the master and fulfilling his mission. Imperative: Isaiah heard the Lord’s voice, asking “Whom shall I send, and who shall go before us?” Isaiah promptly responded to the call, “Here I am! Send me”. Today how many genuinely can give the same answer, Here I am Lord! Send me! (Isaiah 6. 8)            

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