Sunday, 12 March 2023


13 - 18 MARCH 2023, HOLY MASS REFLECTIONS 13 MARCH 2023: 2KGS 5. 1-15a; LUKE 4. 24-30 Pivot: Displeasure reacts! Indicative: In life, all that we hear and come across may not be always pleasant. All the more, when some indicator and corrective is given concerning our behaviour, how do we react? 1. In the gospels, often we find sudden fluctuations in moods and temperaments of people toward Jesus. Sometimes, they praise him so much but some other times, they blame him so much. Sometimes, they demonstrate so much loyalty to them but some other times, they turn so hostile to him 2. What is striking is that these variations are rather abrupt. There is so much inconsistency and non-committal attitude in their behaviour. One main reason for this inconsistency is their displeasure and annoyance at anything that questions their way of life 3. Especially they would not tolerate when he exposed and challenged their shallow practices and hypocrisy. They would not be happy when he questioned their lack of openness and stubbornness. They would be annoyed and furious when he urged them for self-awareness and repentance 4. Their ego is hurt when their false pride and self-righteousness are put into question. The scene in today’s gospel is one instance of such resentment and resistance. Jesus indirectly rebukes his people for their failure to be receptive to God’s grace 5. What irks them all the more is a kind of humiliation belittling their so-called “great” faith. He states, “No prophet is accepted and honoured in his own place”. It is not just stating a general fact that “familiarity breeds contempt” 6. He implicitly pokes them that a pagan Naaman accepted God’s power in Elisha and came to him for healing, and a pagan widow in Zarephath accepted God’s power in Elijah and received blessing from him. But even though they are God’s chosen people, they fail to accept Jesus, who is their own prophet 7. Hence, they turn furious and violent, drive him out of the town, led him to the brow of the hill, hurl him down headlong and finish him off. Such was the height of their frustration with him. All because he challenged their closed hearts Imperative: Many times, in our life God’s grace does not work, not because it cannot. It is only because it does not find a heart that is humble, open and receptive (REFLECTION 2 FROM 2022, 21 MARCH) Focus: Faith is not necessarily a matter of how long a person belongs to a particular religion or how well he follows its rules and traditions. It is a matter of belonging to God and following His will and precepts 1. In today’s word of God, the central theme is faith. The faith of a certain Naaman, a Syrian army chief with leprosy brings him healing through the prophet Elisha. In contrast, the lack of faith of the chosen Jews of Jesus’ time brings them God’s judgment. 2. The contrast is striking: Naaman listens even to the advice of his servant girl to approach Elisha for his healing; but the Jews would not listen even to Jesus, the Son of God himself who invites them for inner healing. Naaman goes all the way to meet Elisha. Jesus comes all the way from heaven to meet his people. 3. At Elisha’s direction, Naaman dips himself seven times in the waters of Jordan and gets completely healed. He becomes a new man. It was not the waters that restored health to him. But it was the power of God through Elisha. And Naaman’s humble faith became an opening to receive this grace. 4. The people of Jesus too were dipped in Jordan in Baptism. But they did not become new. Their self-righteous unfaith closed them to reject God’s grace through Jesus. The miracle leads the pagan Naaman to faith in Yahweh and he confesses, “Behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel”. On the contrary, numerous miracles by Jesus would not strengthen the faith of Jesus’ people. 5. Jesus tries to make the people aware of this contrast so that they would repent and return to God in faith. In fact, God enters into human lives so as to raise them up to heaven and to eternal life. But they become all the more stubborn and hostile; they drive him out and try to kill him, by throwing him down the cliff. Direction: Faith is not merely believing some doctrines and observing some religious practices. True faith is being humble and trustful to go near to the Lord, being close to him, and getting healed (REFLECTION 3 FROM 2021, 08 MARCH) Focus: God's grace has no boundaries or barriers. Miracles always happen, if only one has faith 1. What an interesting contrast between Naaman, a leper in the first reading, and Jesus' own people in the gospel! The pagan believes in the power of God through Elisha. He was an important man ranked as an army commander. He was also a man of great valour. 2. But he had the humility to listen to his maidservant. He follows her advice to approach the Israel prophet Elisha for his healing from leprosy. Later, once again, he showed the same humility to follow Elisha’s instruction to dip seven times in Jordan, though it appeared silly and nonsensical. His humility and faith bring him the cure for his leprosy. In fact, it is not the Jordan water that cures him, but his faith in the words of the prophet. 3. But, on the other hand, God's own chosen people, the Jews do not believe in Jesus. Though Son of God, he became one of them. They had a long history and tradition of God’s mighty interventions and wonders. But, they refuse to listen to his message, believe in him, and change their life. They reject him, even to the extent of attempting to kill him 4. Thereby once again it is made very clear that faith is not merely a matter of tradition or inheritance. It calls for a personal choice and decision, and it involves a personal experience. Naaman believes even though what the prophet tells him to do, looks baseless. His openness and trust are rewarded 5. In contrast, sadly Jesus' own people take him for granted due to their familiarity. Their perspective is so shallow and superficial that their faith cannot go deeper and beyond the externals like the place, lineage, etc. of Jesus. In consequence, they lose the gift of grace and salvation through Jesus. They deprive themselves of the immense treasure at their own hand. Direction: God may work miracles to reward and perfect faith. But true faith cannot base itself on miracles. It needs a fundamental choice, openness, orientation, and cooperation. 14 MARCH 2023: DAN 3.25, 34-43; MATTHEW 18. 21-35 Pivot: Forgive because forgiven! Indicative: Life is never completely free from hurts and harms. It is a reality that we are hurt and harmed. What should be our response and reaction in such situations? Forgive! 1. In life, many carry many burdens that are quite unnecessary. Refusal to forgive and harbouring negativity is one such big burden. How to be relieved of this burden? The answer comes in today’s word of God 2. Forgive! The call for forgiveness is very strong. Seek forgiveness from God and give forgiveness to others. Be forgiven and forgive! In fact, these two do not exclude each other. In the prayer, “Our Father”, we pray, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive others their sins”. in this sense, forgiving others becomes the condition or pre-requisite to being forgiven by God. In other words, we will be forgiven in proportion to our forgiving others 3. In today’s gospel, we have another aspect of this integration of being forgiven and forgiving. Forgiving others is the effect and outflow of being forgiven by God. Being forgiven by God becomes the cause for forgiving others. If we truly receive forgiveness from God, then we must forgive others. Thus, forgiving others becomes the testimony of being forgiven by God 4. The first reading focuses on God forgiving us, and the gospel focuses on us forgiving others. God forgives us because He is merciful. But on our part, what is needed is repentance with a contrite heart and humble spirit 5. If we receive abundant mercy and forgiveness, then we are also bound to forgive others in the same measure. It will be totally unfair to refuse to forgive others even for a little while receiving forgiveness in much 6. Such incongruence will be totally displeasing to God and will make us liable to God’s judgment and justice. This is what is indicated by the story of the king and his servant in the gospel. The king out of his mercy cancels out all the huge debt of his servant. But this servant does not show the same mercy toward his fellow servant even for a little Imperative: Certainly, God is so merciful that He keeps no account of our sins, and readily cancels out all our debts. But this makes us more accountable to be merciful toward others as well (REFLECTION 2 FROM 2022, 22 MARCH) Focus: Forgiveness is a golden virtue. One who learns to forgive obtains an immense treasure of God’s mercy and serenity of soul. Forgiveness is never a loss 1. We live in a world where revenge and retaliation are glorified. They are regarded as signs of manliness and guts. Consequently, we find so much negativity and animosity leading to violence and destruction. On the other hand, forgiveness and reconciliation are considered as signs of weakness and timidity 2. In such a context, Jesus teaches us the need and value of forgiveness. To forgive is divine because it forms the very nature of God. God’s essence is mercy and forgiveness. He is merciful to us beyond conditions and measures. That is why the first reading from Daniel says, “Do not withdraw your mercy from us”; “Deal with us in your forbearance and in your abundant mercy”. 3. As the children of a merciful God and as disciples of a forgiving Master, we must imitate and resemble them in forgiving others. Forgiving others is the essential trait and way of belonging to God and sharing in His own nature. It also becomes the condition to receive God’s forgiveness to us. 4. This means that we experience the effects of God’s forgiveness only to the extent that we forgive others. Our forgiving others should be without measures like God’s forgiving us. That is why Jesus tells Peter, “Forgive, not seven times, but seventy times seven”. We forgive others not because they deserve it but because we must give it. The king in the gospel parable forgives the servant who owes a huge sum not because he deserved it but because he needed it. 5. Seeking forgiveness from God and others requires humility and repentance. That is why, the people pray, “With a contrite heart and a humble spirit may we be accepted”. Giving forgiveness to others requires fraternity and nobility. Direction: Spirit of forgiveness in humility and nobility will open to us streams of God’s mercy and serenity. It can be a great embalming balm to heal many wounds and restore relationships (REFLECTION 3, FROM 2021, 09 MARCH) Focus: God readily forgives even a multitude of sins, if only one repents with a contrite heart and humble spirit. He keeps no account or count of our wrongs because his mercies are uncountable 1. God is abundant in His mercy and prompt in His forgiveness. He does not see the magnitude of sin but the depth of repentance. He forgives us, not because we are worthy of it, but only because we need it. There is no measure for his forgiveness because His mercy is immeasurable. 2. This is what Jesus implies when he tells Peter to “forgive the other not only seven times but seventy times seven”. The matter is not the number or the frequency of forgiveness, that is, how many times or how often to forgive. Rather, the point is the immensity of it, that is, how willingly, promptly, and unreservedly to forgive. 3. God’s forgiveness is unconditioned and incalculable. This is what Azariah (Abednego) makes clear in his prayer in the book of Daniel. He pleads for God’s mercy to forgive His people’s sins, not on the basis of their merit, but only on the basis of His mercy and the fidelity of their forefathers. All that they have is a contrite heart and a humble spirit to seek His forgiveness. 4. But once forgiven, we must try to become worthy of it. How? By seeking earnestly to follow His ways. Concretely, it demands showing the same spirit of forgiveness towards others. Further, it also should be like God's forgiveness, which is abundant and uncalculating. 5. It is not fair and also highly detestable before God if we refuse to forgive others while we receive immensely God's forgiveness. To forgive is not an option at our convenience, but it is a bounden duty. As we give, we must give, lest our fate too will be the same as the servant in the gospel who is forgiven much but refuses to forgo a little. Direction: Repentance in humility is the compulsory prerequisite for receiving God's forgiveness. And forgiving others in charity becomes the compulsory sign and testimony of the effect of that grace 15 MARCH 2023: DEUT 4. 1-9; MATTHEW 5. 17-19 Pivot: Follow and Live! Indicative: Often laws and statutes are seen in a legalistic and moralistic sense. Accordingly, there is a pressing sense of fear and coercion 1. Today we can focus our reflection on the attitude and approach toward laws and rules. As such, they indicate a restrictive and binding nature and role. So, often the issue is whether one follows them or violates them. Fidelity thus is measured in terms of adherence to their observance. 2. This is rather a deficient approach. This kind of perspective short-sights our vision. It also dilutes the essence of the laws and rules. Today’s word of God resurges the positive response of the laws. We need to revisit them. Though they are binding, they are meant to liberate. Though they are restrictive, they are purposed to be constructive 3. Laws are never for their own sake. They are always directed and destined for something higher. They are meant for a greater end. They can never be absolutised. But at the same time, they should not be minimised as well 4. In the light of the first reading, the noble purpose of the statutes and decrees is to “live and take possession of the destined land”. They are also evidence and testimonies of the wisdom and intelligence of those who observe 5. In the light of the gospel, they are conditions, criteria and “gate passes” for meriting God’s kingdom. We are earnestly called to remember them and “not let them slip from our memory”. We must obey them and also teach and lead others to follow the same Imperative: We need to rise above dry obedience to laws to a “fecund” surrender to the spirit of the laws, which is God’s will. In this sense, there is no scope for any leverage (REFLECTION 2 FROM 2022, 23 MARCH) Focus: Fidelity to law means to understand the spirit of the law, its purpose and the goal of it, and do actions according to it 1. There is always a desire and pursuit for greatness both individually and collectively as nations and people. This is something common and natural. But real greatness is often reduced only to the material and social aspects, in terms of possessions and positions. 2. It is here that the first reading from Deuteronomy clarifies that true greatness is in being wise and understanding, saying, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people”. Now, this greatness as wisdom and understanding is further elaborated. 3. It is having God so near and close. It is having statutes and rules that are righteous. It is keeping our souls diligently lest they depart from our hearts. It is keeping them and doing them faithfully. Further, it is teaching others also and making them follow the same 4. This is real greatness and wisdom. Greatness is not throwing away the laws and rules but rather wisely understanding their spirit and fulfilling them. Thus, we become great not by the abolition of the law but by its perfection of it. Jesus announces clearly: “I have come not to abolish the law but to fulfill and perfect it”. “Whoever follows the least of the commandments and teaches others to do so, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” 5. Many have a wrong perspective toward laws and rules. Often greatness and freedom are equated with despisal of the laws. Following the law is not servitude to laws. Fidelity to law is not always the same as legalism. In the same way, lawlessness is not freedom. 6. A law is good when it takes and keeps us closer to God, when it helps us for a righteous living, when it makes us follow God’s commandments and ways and when it helps us to teach and guide others the right way. Decision: The mindset of the people must change with regard to the idea of greatness. It must be removed from its material and worldly sense. It must be understood as a wise and righteous way of living (REFLECTION 3 FROM 2021, 10 MARCH) Focus: True Freedom is not lawlessness. In fact, true freedom lies in lawful obedience, i.e. adherence to the spirit of the law 1. Many have a wrong concept and exercise of freedom, and accordingly, they think that to be free means to be free from any and all the laws. They mistake that law is necessarily negative, and subversive, depriving a person of what is his due and rightful. 2. But this is not correct. Laws are meant to regulate, channel, guide, and orient persons on the right path. For this, they apply a certain extent of restraint and restriction, certain control and limit. The purpose is certainly positive, that is to avoid and guard against all possible deviations and distortions. 3. Therefore, we must go beyond the mere letter of the law, to the spirit of it, its purpose, and the end of it. In this sense, every good law intends responsible and constructive freedom. The greatest law is love for God and love for others. This is manifested in a profound devotion to God and dedication to the other’s good. 4. Thus, a good law aims at the integrated growth of the person. This is what Jesus calls the perfection of the law, the perfect law. To be free does not mean to do away with the laws and rules, but to follow them in the right spirit. In the name of being flexible, one cannot be over-indulgent. True freedom is not to be undisciplined, irresponsible, or licentious. 5. This is what Moses teaches the people in Deuteronomy fidelity to follow God’s statutes and ordinances is a sign of their fidelity to God. They are means of growing in righteousness. Following God’s commandments shows that they are wise and understanding people of God, amidst lawless immorality. This enlightenment is very much needed for the present society, which wrongly equates freedom with rule-free indiscipline. Direction: There is unnecessary and even harmful thinking of freedom as lawlessness. But to be truly free is to be law-abiding. The need is not to throw away all rules and regulations but to inculcate a positive and joyful adherence to them 16 MARCH 2023: JER 7. 23-28; LUKE 11. 14-23 Pivot: Walk and prosper! Indicative: There is still an abundance of good. This is truly the divine presence. But it needs openness and readiness to see, accept and experience 1. God constantly invites us to keep our eyes wide open so that we see God’s love and power. We need to listen to His voice. We must pay heed, obey and walk in His ways. But instead, very often the opposite happens as in the case of the Israel 2. We may walk in the hardness of our evil hearts, and turn our backs to God. We may stiffen our necks and not pay heed and obey God’s messages and messengers. We may refuse to take correction. Faithfulness may disappear and the word itself may be banished from our speech 3. This is truly evil pervasion. This is what we see in the gospel. A mute man’s speech is restored. This is clearly a mighty sign of God’s holiness and power of God, resident in Jesus. But the unbelieving Jews stuck to the hardness and stubbornness of their evil hearts 4. They refused to see God’s mighty intervention. They refuse to accept God’s power. As said in the first reading, the word of God which is truth was banished from their speech. They allege him of a secret pact, a coalition with Satan. They attribute his divine power to Beelzebul, the prince of demons 5. They did not have even a single word of appreciation for Jesus. Instead, they would only speak evil against him. They not only take away the credit of God’s work but also want to push Jesus into defence 6. In fact, these are the real mute people. The mute man got healed by Jesus. But it is these that need healing. Their tongues need to be released. Their speech needs to be rectified and restored. These are the people who are not with him but against him Imperative: If we listen and obey Him, we will belong totally to Him, as God Himself assures: “Then, I will be your God and you shall be my people” (REFLECTION 2 FROM 2022, 24 MARCH) Focus: Stubbornness is one big block that hinders openness to truth and acceptance of it. Ignorant people can be taught and wise people as well. But the stiff-necked people are hard to teach, correct and guide 1. Struggle between God’s unfailing fidelity and people’s recurrent infidelity characterizes the whole salvation history. God was abundantly merciful toward them; works mighty works in their lives; and blesses them with prosperity and victory. He teaches and guides them through prophets. But repeatedly people become ungrateful, stubborn, disobedient, and unfaithful 2. This infidelity of people is so vividly described in the first reading from Jeremiah. They did not obey or incline their ear. They stiffened their neck. They did not accept discipline. Truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips. They walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil hearts. They were so fluctuating and regressing, going backwards and not forwards 3. The same stiff-necked and defiant mentality continues in Jesus’ time too. All his teaching and preaching fell on the deaf ears of his people. His mighty miracles fail to evoke in them a positive response. They not only refuse to believe him; further, they constantly trouble and persecute him. They make wrong attributions. They attribute his miracles to a coalition with Satan. They accuse him that he casts out demons by Beezebul, the prince of demons 4. The people of his time are no different from their predecessors. Little do they realize that good and faith cannot come from Satan who is all evil. They are blind to the truth that every harm and destruction belongs to evil. All that is good, healing, and constructive can come only from God 5. Jesus cannot expel demons with the help of their leader. Jesus is able to heal not because he works in tie-up with the evil but because he is more powerful than the evil one. Jesus is that stronger one in the gospel. He attacks and overcomes the strong man who is Satan. He takes away his armour and wins back those under the evil’s siege. The healing of the possessed mute man is a clear indicator of this surpassing power of Jesus. Direction: Let us not repeat history. Let us not become the descendants of those still-necked people who were so adamant, defiant, and disobedient. Let us hearken to God’s call: “Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people”. (REFLECTION 3 FROM 2021, 11 MARCH) Focus: It is not that God is not active or His grace is not working. God is ever in action and miracles continue to abound. It is only our inability to see Him at work 1. God’s grace never ceases. He ceaselessly invites the people to come to Him promptly, to relate with Him closely, to listen to Him attentively, and obey His precepts and directives faithfully. However, the purpose is not to subjugate them to servile obedience. God has no self-interest. It is all for the well-being and progress of the people. 2. But unfortunately, often He meets with stubbornness in which people refuse to listen, understand and walk God’s ways. They become stiff-necked and stiffly resist God’s call to repent and mend their ways. This is the experience of God all through the history of salvation, be it Yahweh in the Old Testament or Jesus in the New Testament. 3. Thus, God laments with anguish through the prophet Jeremiah over their fault: They do not obey the voice of the Lord, they do not incline their ear, they do not accept discipline, they walk their own ways, and with stubborn and evil hearts, they go backwards but not forward. 4. In the gospel too, Jesus meets with the same mentality. Jesus drives out a demon from a dumb man and restores his speech. But instead of recognizing the power of God in Jesus, some people attribute the healing to the power of demons. They accuse him that he is taking the help of the Evil One. 5. How absurd it is that evil power is defeated by evil power! They demand further signs from heaven. When one is not prepared to see the truth, then which signs or proofs can convince them? This is exactly what God remarks toward the end of the first reading: truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips. They are so hard-hearted and closed. Consequently, they fail to see the “finger of God at work” and the coming of the kingdom of God in Jesus. Direction: Stubbornness, defiance, and disobedience blind one to truth and divine action; they lead one to a spirit of division – divided within oneself, divided against God, and divided against others. They are sure to fall prey to the evil 17 MARCH 2023: HOSEA 14. 2-10; MARK 12. 28-34 Pivot: The best offering! Indicative: God’s love is everlasting and abounding. In response to this, we need to repent and return. Then we will experience the immensity of His blessings 1. Offerings and sacrifices are part of the worship of every religion. The purpose is not to appease or placate God. It is not a barter system where there is an exchange between prayers-offerings and favours-blessings 2. Today the gospel makes it clear that there is something more worth than burnt offerings and sacrifices. It is love, which is twofold, for God and others. This does not mean that rituals and offerings are not important or not needed 3. This only means that this two-pronged love is the highest priority. This is the greatest and first commandment. Nothing else can dominate or substitute this priority. Further, this also implies that all our offerings and ceremonies must be oriented to manifest and foster this double path of love 4. The more our religious practices become channels of love for God and others, the more they become worth. Loving God is not just following a commandment. It is a fitting response to God’s own loving us. God loves us so much and cares for us so much. Even though we defect from Him and collapse, He does not reject or abandon us 5. As soon as we repent and return to Him, He forgives all our iniquities. Not only that. He will bless us doubly with prosperity and joy. If our loving God becomes an act of gratitude and response to God loving us, our loving others is the expression and effect of loving God 6. In fact, these two are not separate or opposites. Love for God is the foundation and spring for love for others. Love for others is the outflow and authentication of love for God Imperative: We will be wise to integrate love for God and love for others. Faith and charity are two sides of the same coin. One cannot be complete without the other 18 MARCH 2023: HOSEA 6. 1-6; LUKE 18. 9-14 Pivot: Cannot swallow the shallow! Indicative: Two real and ever-present dangers for any religion and devotion are shallowness and inconsistency. True piety must be steady and deep 1. Piety is essentially a matter of the relationship between God and humans. There is a profound contrast between the two. Depth and steadfastness mark God, while superficiality and disloyalty mark humans 2. God is a loving, forgiving, healing and giving God. In love, at times He disciplines and chastises His people. He heals what He has rent. He binds the wounds that were struck. He revives and raises us up soon. His judgment shines forth like the light of the day. He will come to us like the spring rain that waters the earth 3. But on the contrary, the piety of the people is so passing and unsteady like a morning cloud and the dew. These shallow people substitute love with mere sacrifices and the knowledge of God with burnt offerings 4. Further, shallow piety is marked by self-righteousness. This is typified by the Pharisee in the gospel parable of Pharisee and a tax collector. The Pharisees failed on all counts. He failed before God because there was no gratitude, dependence, or closeness or surrender. He failed toward others because he labelled, despised and condemned others. He also failed concerning his own self because he had a false image of himself, lacking in humility 5. On the other hand, the tax collector’s prayer was humble. It won God’s mercy. He may not stand near the altar like the Pharisee. He may not have eloquent words to pray. He may not know any formal techniques or steps of prayer. But he was close to God by heart. He had the best of words to pray in humility and repentance. He knew the best technique of prayer, and that is prayer of heart Imperative: There is a subtle demarcation between righteousness and self-righteousness. We would do well to guard against self-righteousness. Humility and surrender are the best remedies (REFLECTION 2 FROM 2022, 26 MARCH) Focus: Humility is not just one of the many virtues but is the base and bottom line of all the other virtues. One who fails in humility fails in all 1. “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted”, so declares Jesus. Clearly, Jesus is teaching us the greatness of humility. He teaches us that only in humility do we find real greatness. Only those who are humble will be great in the sight of God and will be exalted 2. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is a vivid description of this contrast between lack of humility and humility. The Pharisee represents the lack of humility and the tax collector, humility. The Pharisee is so self-righteous and haughty. Consequently, he fails to recognize his own human sinfulness and unworthiness before a holy God 3. There is a total unawareness of the holiness of God that must make us humble in His presence. Instead, he glorifies himself before God; he enlists some religious practices as proof of his holiness. Instead of surrendering Himself to God’s mercy, he elevates himself as if there is nothing to correct and change 4. Though he appears to thank God it is in fact an indirect thanking himself. He is presumptuous and self-complacent. He is so self-conceited that he becomes blind to his defects. He is covered by layers of the false self that rates itself as perfect and all better, holier, and greater than others 5. True to the teaching of Jesus elsewhere, he is a real hypocrite who sees the speck in the other’s eye but does not see the log in his own eye. To the extent he labels, degrades, and despises others as thieves, rogues, adulterers, and good for nothing, he fails thoroughly in charity and benevolence toward others. He does not recognize and respect others’ dignity 6. The end results are clear: the Pharisee is rejected by God who is displeased with him. But the tax collector is accepted and blessed and rewarded by God who is highly pleased with his humble heart. God does not look at what position we stand on but with what heart we stand before Him. Direction: Self-pride and self-glory are the root causes of all evils. They make us blind to our imperfections and contemptuous toward others. Humility and charity are the antidotes (REFLECTION 2 FROM 2021, 13 MARCH) Focus: Humility to repent and steadfastness to be loyal will always win God's favour; Instead, a self-motivated and self-gratifying spirituality is not pleasing to God 1. God desires love and not mere sacrifices; He is more pleased with the growth in His knowledge rather than the multitude of empty offerings. He wants a devotion that is steadfast and not unstable. He wants a love that is profound and not shallow. He wants a love that is totally God-oriented and self-oriented. He wants a love that seeks to glorify God and not gratify the self 2. This is what God declares in crystal clear terms in the first reading from prophet Hosea. He is unhappy that people are so opportunist as to seek Him in their times of trouble. They turn to Him so as to take advantage of His indulgent benevolence. They are not steady, because their love is like a morning cloud and like the fast-vanishing dew. This becomes clear all throughout the Salvation history 3. The Pharisee's prayer in the gospel is not pleasing to God and not accepted by Him, because it is full of self, self-righteousness, self-complacency, and self-glory. There is no humble admission of his own unworthiness. There is no sense of gratitude to God, dependence on Him, and closeness with Him. There is no submission to God. There is no fraternal feeling toward the other in respect and benevolence. 4. Instead, the tax collector's prayer is readily accepted by God, because it springs from a contrite heart and humble spirit. He deeply acknowledges his sinfulness and freely surrenders to God. The Pharisee informs God about how great he is. But the tax collector is aware of how great God is, and how small and unworthy he is. By physical position, the Pharisee stands so close to the altar, but actually, he is far away from God’s mercy. Instead, the publican stands so far off the altar, but really, he is so close to God by heart. Direction: We go to God and pray, not to inform or give Him new knowledge about our greatness or judge others on how bad they are. No prayer is heard when it lacks charity and is prejudiced despising others

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