Wednesday, 15 February 2023


7TH ORDINARY SUNDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2023: LEVITICUS 19:1-2, 17-18; 1 COR 3. 16-23; MATTHEW 5. 38-48   Pivot: Be holy like God! Indicative: True faith and holiness can never be dissociated or exempted from fraternity and charity   1.      "Be holy for I, Lord your God, am holy". This is how God urges us in the first reading from Leviticus. In the second reading, Paul reminds us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. In the gospel, Jesus exhorts us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is. Thus, our call is to be like God, to be holy as He is. 2.      But what is this holiness? What does it mean to be holy? It is very interesting and it is the right thing too. Holiness is understood not merely in terms of some devotions, some religious activities, or some spiritual traditions or practices. True holiness is to become like God, to put on His mindset, and to act like Him. 3.      Very specifically, holiness is explained in the concrete details of fraternity and charity: have no grudge against your neighbour in your heart, nurture no hatred, take no revenge, but love your neighbour. 4.      You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, do not desecrate such a holy abode by the stains and blemishes of self-conceit and lack of charity. You are the holy children of a holy God. Therefore, your life must always resemble and testify to His way and His mode of relating and acting. 5.      This implies a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation, in contrast to revenge and retaliation; a spirit of magnanimity in giving and doing the maximum, more than expected and required; a spirit of equity and fairness toward all without discrimination. 6.      This is what Jesus invites us for. It is to put on God’s own mindset: a selfless love even to embrace the enemy, to bless them, to pray for them, to be courteous to all and to help all, to show equity toward all without any disparity, just as “God sends His rain and sunshine upon all”, both the good and the evil. 7.      Thus, our model is God Himself in His compassion, mercy, and perfection: “Be merciful AS your heavenly Father is merciful”. Therefore, to be holy means to constantly model our life on God's mindset, His mercy and compassion, His going beyond the minimums and dry obligations, and His perfection. 8.      This is truly the culmination of true devotion and charity. Rightly the sweet saint St Francis de Sales affirms: "Charity is the perfection of devotion". So let us not domesticate holiness only to some pious gestures and acts. But let us give it free rein and true face in the concrete spirit of fraternity and acts of charity.   Imperative: True holiness is the wholeness of life. It consists not only in acts of devotion but much more in the integrity of life, a life of right relationship with God and others   (REFLECTION 2 FROM 2022, 13, 14 JUNE) Indicative: There is always a sharp contrast between the people of God and the people of the world. The former often seem to be losers and despised and the latter, winners and victors. But in God’s sight, it is the reverse! 1.      Against a worldly mentality of false values, Jesus proposes a contrast-set of values. Jesus invites us to follow a new set of rules, a reversal of the values. It is not the spirit of unforgiveness, grudge, and retaliation that seeks “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But it is Christ’s spirit of forbearance and forgiveness that offers the other cheek also to the one who slaps on one. 2.       It is not the spirit of greed or profit or self-interest. But it is the new spirit of sensitivity and generosity that gives readily to those who beg or borrow. It is not the spirit of fighting for rights suing you to take away your tunic. But it is the contrast-spirit of giving up one’s legitimate rights and parting with the cloak as well. It is not the spirit of becoming so calculative and refusing to walk a mile with the other. But it is the generous spirit of walking an “extra mile”. 3.       This is the ideal of perfection for every follower of Christ. And who is the model for this perfection? It is none other than God Himself. Our God not only teaches us and demands from us a life of sound values. But He Himself follows them and sets an example for us. He is a God who does what He says. 4.       “You be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect”, exhorts Jesus in the gospel. He proposes God the Father Himself as the model of perfection. Perfection is a catchword and is the target and goal of many. Many aspire to and strive for perfection. But mostly it is a perfection concerning worldly matters and interests. 5.       Mostly, people seek perfection in intelligence, competence, talent, and skill. Accordingly, perfection is equated with excellence and success. One is perfect when he excels and succeeds in a particular aspect or field of life. The problem with this kind of understanding of perfection is, that it is very partial, limited, and shallow. 6.       For example, one may be perfect in his job, profession, business, art, or capacity. But he may be miserably imperfect and morally inadequate in the rest of his life. That is why they are not worth-imitable for a holistic life. 7.       It is in this context, Jesus places before us the model par excellence – God Himself. In which way God is perfect and His perfection is the model? His perfection is holistic. It is a perfection of virtue and value. Jesus further clarifies this in the gospel. 8.       It is a perfection of love that loves even the enemies; that prays even for those who persecute us. It is a perfection that greets and is courteous even to strangers. It is a perfection that is equitable to all without any discrimination because He lets His sun shine and rain fall both on the just and unjust. It is a perfection that does good selflessly without expecting any return or reward.   Imperative: What is the type of perfection we are seeking? Where are the best of our efforts directed? Is it to perfect ourselves in some competence and skill only? How keen are we to become perfect in the path of virtue and character and commitment?  

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