Saturday, 3 December 2022
Second week of Advent season 22
05 DECEMBER 2022: ISAIAH 35. 1-10; LUKE 5. 17-26
Thrust: Come to the Lord!
Indicative: The coming of the Lord is transformative. It heals and renews everything. He will bring forth an abundance of joy and new vigour
1. As we move toward the holy Christmas, these days of Advent instill into us immense hope and comfort. Especially the first reading from Isaiah is full of promises for a glorious future with the advent of Messiah. We need not fear or feel weak because our Saviour comes to save and recompense us.
2. We shall see the glory and power of our God. These glory and power are not self-confined or self-seeking. They transform what is lowly and glorify what is miserable. They ignite new hope and joy in everything. The eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf shall be opened. The lame shall leap like a deer and the mute sing for joy.
3. It is not merely physical healing. It is an integrated wholeness. The way of life shall change. It will be the “Way of holiness”, where people live clean, do not go astray, and are ransomed and redeemed. Further, it is not only limited to humans. It transforms the whole creation. For streams shall flow in the desert, wilderness, and barren ground, turning them into springs and pools.
4. Therefore, a healing and transforming touch leading to wholeness and holiness shall be the abiding sign and effect of the Messiah. Jesus embodies this. He infuses comfort and new hope into the dispirited hearts. He heals many sick. But his healing is not just physical. It is holistic. It transforms the whole person and life.
5. It restores the lost dignity and adds new joy. Sorrow and sighing flee away in his presence. This is concretely illustrated in the healing story of a paralysed man. He heals him with powered words, “I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home”. But he does not stop there. He pronounces, “Man, your sins are forgiven you”.
6. This sounds blasphemous to the Pharisees and scribes. But Jesus wants to make clear to them two things: that he has the power to forgive sin; and that real healing is the release from sin. In fact, sin is the greatest sickness. It is from sin we must rise and walk in the way of the Lord.
Imperative: Let the comforting words of Isaiah vibrate in our hearts: Be strong and fear not. Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. For your God is coming
Focus: In a life that is tormented by so much infirmity and deformity, of various kinds, we all need healing; we need a new lease on life. That is possible only with God
1. Jesus heals a paralytic in the gospel. But in healing, he utters not only words of physical healing, but also words of forgiveness. He says, “Your sins are forgiven”. That invites a lot of criticism from his opponents and they blame him for blasphemy. Thereby, Jesus makes it very clear that what is more important is inner healing, spiritual healing, the healing from sin.
2. Sin paralyses us and so we need to be reactivated and rejuvenated from our passivity and tepidity. Jesus says, “Rise and walk; go home”. We need to rise from our spiritual paralysis. We need to walk actively in the path of the Lord. We need to go home – to be reconciled and reunited with the Father and also to be in affable and benevolent relationships with our brethren.
3. Thus, the healing that Jesus brings is not merely a physical act. It affects the whole life and person. It brings a new life. It restores the lost dignity, energy, and joy. This is exactly the messianic gift –holistic healing and renewed joy. Jesus in this way becomes the fulfillment of the messianic prophecy in the first reading from Isaiah: “The eyes of the blind are opened, the ears of the deaf are unstopped, the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing for joy”.
4. Truly, Jesus, the Messiah “strengthens the weak hands, makes firm the feeble knees. Sorrow and sighing flee away, and joy and gladness shall flow”. The dry land and wilderness shall be glad, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom. They shall turn into springs and streams of water, and produce. Yes, Jesus makes a total difference in our lives, if only he is allowed to enter into our life, take control of it and direct it. With him in control, things will not be the same.
Direction: Let us constantly listen to the assuring words of God, “Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance against evil, with recompense. He will come and save you”
Focus: The Lord constantly comes into our lives to save us. He transforms our situations of sickness into health, aridity into springs, weakness into strength, and sadness into joy
1. The tone of comfort and renewal is very strong in all these days of holy Advent. Especially, the first readings from the prophets resound this spirit of assurance. God is coming to save us. He is entering into our lives. He sees our life, saddled with fear and dryness. There is sickness, weakness, deprivation, tiredness, and hopelessness. The charm and the joy of life are missing.
2. Consequently, the quotient of faith is deeply shaken and reduced. It is in such times the Lord is inviting us to rekindle our faith. This is the faith, seen in the friends of a paralytic and appreciated by Jesus in the gospel. Jesus is in a house in his teaching and healing ministry. There is a paralytic, carried by his friends. They find it not possible to approach Jesus due to the crowd. So they make a way through the roof and lower him straight in front of Jesus.
3. Jesus praises their faith and heals him. But what is strange here is, he declares, “Your sins are forgiven”.This is very objectionable because only God has the power to forgive sins. Does Jesus equate himself with God? This is blatant blasphemy, and it is a very good weapon for his opponents to accuse him and persecute him.
4. By this healing and forgiving, Jesus brings home a couple of significant truths: first, his communion with the Father and his divine authority to forgive sins. Second, spiritual health, and healing from sin is much more important than merely physical health, and Jesus is really concerned about it. Third, every sin certainly causes suffering, though every suffering is not necessarily because of sin. Therefore, we must approach the Lord with faith, so that we truly experience health and joy.
Direction: Let you not lose your heart at the sight of the power of sin, and its pervasive evil effects. Have faith in him, present yourself to his merciful presence, and get healed. It is worth making space in the roof of our hearts and reaching directly in front of him!
06 DECEMBER 2022: ISAIAH 40. 1-11; MATTHEW 18. 12-14
Thrust: Comfort, comfort!
Indicative: The mercy and forgiveness of God are unimaginable and incomparable. He never condemns us mercilessly. He waits for our return endlessly
1. The world of today is more and more steeped in negativity and unforgiveness. This leads to retaliation and violence. Sadly, this human spirit of hostility, condemnation, and destruction is projected on God also. Consequently, people can easily condemn and destroy others, all in the name of God as if they obtained a licence from God.
2. This is clearly a distorted image of God and a falsified way of religion. In such a context, the word of God presents a refreshing and empowering image of God. Our God is not a God who condemns and punishes. He is not a God who forsakes the strayed to their fate. He never takes delight in the destruction of even the greatest sinner.
3. He pardons the iniquities of the strayed. He is the true shepherd who goes in search of the lost sheep. He finds it and rejoins it to his fold. He is totally faithful to his Father’s will that wills no one to perish. He will tend the sheep tenderly and intimately.
4. Jesus is the perfect embodiment and fulfillment of this image of God. He came to seek and restore the lost. He came to give personally the taste of the abundant tenderness and mercy of God. He appeals to us to return in repentance. He assures us that God is patiently waiting to re-embrace us. He wants to forgive us, heal us and renew our lost dignity and joy. For he is the shepherd who carries us in his bosom and gently leads.
5. In response to such a merciful God, what must be our duty? First, confide deeply in this abiding mercy and tenderness of God. Develop a personal intimacy with him. Change the perspective from fear and dry duty to love and joyful loyalty. Realise the transience of human life and the earthly things: “All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower”.
Imperative: The greatest call for each one of us is, “Prepare the way of the Lord” in the wilderness of the world. Make straight what is crooked, and level what is uneven. Live a changed life!
Focus: The operating principles of God are totally in contrast to those of the world. Judgment and condemnation, hardness, and unforgiveness are the ways of the world. But tenderness, forgiveness, and restoration are God’s ways and marks
1. Jesus presents himself as the good shepherd. But this shepherd is a totally different class. He does not abandon the strayed sheep to its fate, he does not condemn it for its fault. He abandons the nine-nine sheep, exposing them to risk from the wild animals. He goes in search of the lost sheep. When he finds it, he rejoices and carries it back.
2. The point here is not the logic or wisdom of leaving the nine-nine. The focus is on God’s forgiving and condescending mercy. There is no rejection or condemnation on the part of God. It is never the will of God that anyone should be lost or perish.
3. The vivid picture of God as a shepherd in the first reading from Isaiah comes very much alive and tangible in Jesus. “He feeds his flock like a shepherd, he will gather the lambs in his arms, he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young”. Truly he comforts his people. He pardons the iniquities of his people. He announces good tidings to them those who are afraid and afflicted.
4. It is this image of God that we need to transmit to a world that is sick with aggression and retaliation on one hand and fear and depression on the other hand. The world needs a healing God, a caring and self-giving God. The world desperately needs good tidings, the gospel of comfort and confidence.
5. Therefore, we as people of God should be the heralds and the emissaries of God. We need to prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness, and make straight paths in the desert. Lift up the valleys, and lower the hills and mountains. Level the unleveled and smoothen the rough places.
Direction: Convince the world which is accustomed to shallow promises that the word of our God will stand forever. The grass withers and the flower fades but God’s assurance abides
07 DECEMBER 2022: ISAIAH 40. 25-31; MATTHEW 11. 28-30, ST AMBROSE
Thrust: Strong in the Lord’s strength!
Indicative: Stress and strain are common to all. No one is exempted from them. But when we surrender them to God, we will find them bearable and find a new vigour to move ahead
1. No doubt that the world is under heavy loads, in the form of worry and misery. Many feel pressed under the burden and labour of life. Many feel restless and exhausted. It is in this context, Jesus invites, “Come to me, all who labour and heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. These words are really comforting and reinforcing.
2. Normally we see many who do not feel concerned at all. They evade listening to others. They do not have even a word of assurance or comfort. They do nothing to alleviate their pain. In such an indifferent culture, the concern and magnanimity of God toward us is something highly praiseworthy and imitable.
3. Jesus says, “Come to me, and I will give you rest”. From this, two fundamental things are clear: one is, rest is very important in life and it is very much lacking as well. Second is, it is only in coming to Jesus, one will experience the rest. Rest is not only relaxation or pause from work. Real rest is to be free from needless worry and tension and enjoy the serenity of life.
4. Words of Jesus make it clear that rest is not equal to laziness or evasion of duty. Rest is more a matter of attitude and approach. It is to be balanced and composed even amidst all the burdens. It is to nurture and carry a calm and serene frame of mind. In the thought of St Francis de Sales, rest is holy equanimity. Real rest is a spiritual strength. Hence Jesus’ words, “You will find rest for your souls”.
5. In that sense, to be restful means not to feel exhausted but be ever renewed in strength. It is because strength and energy come from the Lord. That is why we hear in the first reading from Isaiah: “He gives power to the faint and strength to those without might”. “Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall run but not be weary. They shall walk but not faint”.
6. To experience such rest, what has to be done? Take the yoke of the Lord and carry it with gentleness and humility. Yoke is anything and everything, big or small that lays a holy burden upon us. To carry the yoke means to carry God’s commandments. They are not crushing burdens but liberating experiences.
Imperative: The yoke of dutifulness and faithfulness is always put upon us. But it is not a burden that makes our life burdensome. It is a positive transformer that makes our burdens of life light and easy
Thrust: Take the yoke and find the rest!
Indicative: The world is under pressure. It is hard-pressed. It needs some remedy that relieves it from this pressing burden. God alone is that solace point!
1. “Come unto me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. This is the warm invitation of Jesus to everyone, especially who feel life is burdensome and laborious. The life of many is robbed of rest. This is not so much physical rest and relaxation. It is mental and spiritual.
2. Rest is a state of mind where all our worries and tensions, especially those not necessary and not worthwhile recede. Rest is a mental serenity and calm. It may not be a complete cessation of all worries and burdens. Rather it is a state of mental equilibrium, an inner equanimity.
3. It is this that many today lack. They have many relaxations but are not calm. They have many deviations, diversions, and distractions but not really a re-charging and refilling. Truly, in line with the words in the first reading, many are “like a pregnant woman who writhes and cries out in her pangs when she is near to giving birth”.
4. There is no wonder then that the welcoming words of Jesus to go to him in our times of burden are very soothing and uplifting. But how do we obtain this rest? It is by taking his yoke upon us and learning gentleness and humility from him. Yoke can simply mean anything, any burden, any task, any risk for the sake of the Lord.
5. This yoke of the Lord is smoothened and sweetened by gentleness and humility. But the world considers these sweeteners as signs of weakness and timidity, lack of self-dignity, and self-affirmation. This thinking is wrong. They are actually signs of strength and firmness. Only a strong and steady person can be gentle and humble. They ease one’s inner burdens and make him light-hearted.
Imperative: To a world that is so rude, harsh, and hard, gentleness will be like a yoke hard to bear. And to a world that rides on pride and arrogance, humility is really a burden to carry. But it is only by carrying this noble yoke and burden, that we can experience true relief and comfort
Focus: In a life of stress and strain, the best and lasting relaxation is found not in passing gratifications and shallow pleasures but only with the Lord and in learning from him and becoming like him
1. The world of today more than ever seems to be devoured by the monsters of stress and worry. Tiredness and exhaustion have become the trademark of modern man, without any exception. It is not necessarily the physical but rather the mental. Everyone seems to be under some weight and often feels life to be burdensome. The fact is everyone is busy and busy all the time, but many times many really do not know what they are busy with and why they are busy.
2. It is in such a context and moments, the words of Jesus, “Come unto me all those who are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest” are very consoling and elevating. But what is interesting is: he is promising rest, not in inaction, not in idling, not in discarding all work and duty. It is a positive struggle, a productive pain.
3. Rather, we will feel light and relaxed, by taking up his yoke, his burden. It is his gentleness and humility, which are certainly burdens in the sight of the world. To the extent we learn and grow to be gentle and humble, we will be light-hearted and spirited, despite all the exhausting burdens that beset us.
Direction: Let us refrain from exhausting ourselves in unworthy pursuits. Let us rein our frenetic lives and steal some serene moments at the Lord’s feet. Let us experience life as light and pleasant by learning to be gentle and humble.
08 DECEMBER 2022: GEN 3. 9-15, 20; EPHES 1. 3-6. 11-12; LUKE 1. 26-38, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION
Thrust: Stainless and spotless!
Indicative: God in His benevolence kept Mary immaculate. It is quite valid because she was to be the abode of His incarnate Son and so it would be a worthy and sinless abode
1. On 08th December every year, we celebrate the immaculate conception of our sweetest Mother Mary and as her beloved children, we rejoice. It is a key dogma that we hold fast to. Thereby we believe that Mary was conceived immaculately and she remained sinless till the end of her life.
2. The immaculate conception of Mary is not a momentary happening, a one-time event limited only to that moment. It refers not only to the moment of conception in her mother’s womb. Rather it extends and embraces her whole life, from womb to tomb. Mary’s whole life was an unceasing act of immaculate conception.
3. She was already conceived immaculately in the eternal plan of God, and that continued at her birth and till her death. Mary’s immaculate conception points to God’s eternal plan of salvation. Things do not happen by chance. Everything has a place and purpose in God’s eternal will and designs. He destined Mary to be the Mother of His incarnate Son.
4. Mary’s immaculate conception blends God’s gift and human acceptance, God’s offer and human cooperation, privilege and responsibility, grace and duty. No doubt that it was God’s unique choice and gift. However, she was not a passive receiver or indifferent spectator to the divine show.
5. For her part, she actively cooperated with God’s gift. She offered no resistance to the fulfillment of God’s plan in and through her. She surrendered her whole life in unreserved commitment. What she received gratuitously, she strove to merit by her humility and fidelity.
6. Her immaculate conception was the starting point of an enormous duty. It was great to be conceived immaculately without the stain of sin. But that was no guarantee or shield against the attacks of sin. It did not exempt her from the perils of evil. She had to wage the battle for life. She had to work hard every moment to preserve and foster the grace of her immaculate conception.
7. Her immaculate conception points to Mary’s purity of heart. She was immaculate, pure, and guileless. No malice or evil could find a place in her. Like a lotus amid dirty water, she kept herself immaculate amid all the dirty and stained world.
8. She could be immaculate because her intentions and heart were totally free from any stain of egoism and self-seeking interests. She allowed no selfish motive to stain her heart or divert her focus. Her whole attention and orientation were doing God’s holy will. Her whole concern and striving was to cooperate with God’s plans and fulfilling the sacred role entrusted to her.
Imperative: Mary’s immaculate conception points to the secret of her life. In surrender to God, with purity of heart, be committed to cooperating with God’s plan and accomplishing it
Focus: The sinless God incarnates himself through a stainless virgin so as to redeem the sinful humanity
1. Today we celebrate the great festivity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a dogma of faith that she was preserved from the stain of sin from the moment of her conception itself. God preserved her as immaculate as she was to be the mother of the incarnate Son of God. It is God’s unique grace and it is quite valid that the sinless Son abides in and lives with and is groomed by the sinless mother.
2. Immaculate Conception is both a gift and a task. It is a gift because it is a singular privilege bestowed on Mary on account of His Son. It is not something due to Mary by right. Rather, it is a gratuitous gift. However, it is also a task. That which she has received from God must be preserved intact lifelong. She always lived a life that is worthy of her honour.
3. If the reception of the grace of Immaculate Conception was a gift, preservation of it was a task. This is exactly like her divine Son. By his divine nature, he was sinless. But by his human nature as incarnate God, he had to ceaselessly struggle to remain sinless. Similarly, Mary too though gifted with this immaculateness, still was tasked with upholding it.
4. Mary’s Immaculate Conception is a clear indicator of the secret of Mary’s purity and holiness. She remained pure and immaculate because of her intense and inseparable intimacy and union with her divine Son. Thus, the picture is very clear: when one is holy, one will be pure and immaculate. But one can be holy only when one is profoundly united with the Lord.
5. We can also say in other words. Mary was immaculate because she was always the abode of Jesus. Till his birth, she bore him in her womb. After his birth, she bore his spirit into her life. Thus, she was a bearer of Jesus always. Therefore, those who bear Jesus will surely be immaculate.
6. Mary being pure, immaculate, and holy will be a sure guide, companion, and support for us in our journey too of immaculateness. In the words of the second reading, this is our very destiny: To be holy and blameless before him.
Direction: God wants us to be holy and blameless. In other words, He wants us to be pure and immaculate without the stain of sin. This is possible only in deep intimacy and communion with God. A heart that is an abode of God will surely be immaculate!
Focus: To be immaculate is to consecrate oneself to God and to concentrate whole life on God
1. The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854. It refers, not to the immaculate conception of Jesus in Mary's womb, but refers to the "immaculate conception of Mary" in her mother's womb.
2. The Blessed Virgin Mary, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race was preserved free from any stain of original sin, and was in the state of sanctifying grace. Therefore, the angel Gabriel said: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" (Luke 1:28)
Even if all are thrown into the situation of sin, and all are exposed to sin, she has been preserved by God from its stain.
3. She is without sin, by the grace of Christ in a special way, by anticipation. A simple metaphor can clarify the point of her "rescue". All are saved by Christ from the deep pit of sin, having fallen into it; while Mary was saved by Christ from the same pit, but was prevented from falling into it.
4. Therefore, the Immaculate Conception of Mary provides us with some lessons: Even though Mary was preserved from sin, she still had to struggle constantly to preserve and bear witness to it. Immaculateness was a free gift, but she had to constantly strive to deserve it.
5. Therefore, the Immaculate Conception of Mary also calls us for constancy and consistency in our struggle against sin, in preserving ourselves from the stain of sin, and in the state of purity of grace. It is not for a moment, or some days, but for life, from the womb to the grave.
6. The Immaculate Conception of Mary reminds us and guides us in our destiny. It is God's will and plans that we live and stand before him as holy and blameless. God conceived us immaculately in his eternal destiny. The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a powerful sign that God is serious about His saving plan and has already begun it in Mary.
7. The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a powerful call of the hour, against impurity. It is a call for a struggle of life full of the grace of purity, against the overwhelming assaults of sin. Especially in our times when innocence or immaculateness are considered ignorance or madness or incompetence, where distortions and cunningness are exalted as the "craft of the day", and the norm of life, we are called children of the Immaculate Mother, to fight to keep us not polluted by sin and to preserve ourselves pure and immaculate.
8. The way of surrender is the way of being immaculate. Mary shows us the way to be holy and blameless with her way of surrender. Mary in her total abandonment to God, from the initial act of response to the end, throughout her life, fully lives the grace of the Immaculate Conception.
9. Mary in her immaculate conception is also a comforting assurance for us, who will be our guard and guide, companion, and collaborator in the same search for holiness and salvation. Of course, the power of sin and the forces of evil will never be dormant. But Mary instills in us trust and courage, hope, a resolution, comfort, and support that with her and in abandonment to God, we will never lose the battle.
10. The Immaculate Conception is a call for an integral holistic life: We do not love sin; We do not conceive sin; We do not accept sin; Let us not be deceived by sin; Let us not be enchanted by sin
11. Living without sin is possible only when we live with the Son. Being immaculate is only possible when we live in intimacy with God, cooperate with his plans, rejuvenate his life in us, lovingly associate with the Mother, and imitate the Son.
Direction: Beauty of life consists only in purity of heart and propriety of action
09 DECEMBER 2022: ISAIAH 48. 17-19; MATTHEW 11. 16-19
Thrust: Dancing to one’s tunes!
Indicative: Many suffer from prejudices and biases. This leads to stubbornness. Consequently, they fail to see and accept others as they are
1. The openness deficit is one serious deficit that leads to many other evils. Many are not open to see, accept, appreciate, and support the good in others. They also do not see, respect, and accept the validity of others’ opinions and ideas. They are clouded by various prejudices and cannot behold reality. Their ego, pride, and self-righteousness close their heart and vision.
2. Hence, they become intolerant, pessimistic, and negative toward others. They not only fail to see the good but even misinterpret it as bad. They twist the truth and present it according to their wrong perception and perspectives.
3. This is exactly what Jesus rebukes in the gospel. Jesus comes down heavily on the people of his time. They are like the above-mentioned. They are like children who demand others to dance or mourn according to their tunes. They expect all others to move as they want. They want all others to see as they see.
4. They are stuck with their own judgments and assessments. That is why they blame John the Baptist’s austerity as demon-possession, and Jesus’ solidarity and flexibility as looseness. They are perpetual fault-finders and nothing and no one can satisfy them. The reason is quite simple: they capsule all others in their own self-demarcated misconceptions.
5. However, their prejudiced judgments and reactions do not change the truth. For “wisdom is justified by her deeds”. The criticism against John the Baptist and Jesus does not take away the truth of their authenticity. The problem is not theirs but that of the wrong perception.
6. Therefore, the remedy for this “perspective-defect” is attention to listening to God’s commandments and striving to follow them. We should get rid of our erroneous perspectives. We should put on the mindset of God, adhering to his teachings and ways. Then the reward will be great. Peace and righteousness, posterity and longevity of life will be abundant.
Imperative: If only we throw away the worthless baggage of our prejudices and misconceptions, and self-demarcated judgments; if only we are a little more open and accommodative to see, understand and appreciate the value of others, better wisdom and right judgment will prevail
Focus: Those who are self-centered and narrow-minded cannot understand and respect others. because the whole world is what they think and what is convenient for them
1. Accepting and respecting others, working and accomplishing together with others demands a minimum openness and flexibility, humility, and fraternity toward others. Very often such spirit is lacking. Consequently, we find a lot of prejudice, stubbornness, and negativity. This fails to recognize others’ worth and respect their freedom.
2. This kind of person expects all others to “dance according to their tunes”. They want the whole world to revolve around their ideas. They demand that all others must walk by their dictates. This is typical of the people of Jesus’ time. In Jesus’ own words, they are like the “children who say to others, “We piped to you, and you did not dance, we wailed, and you did not mourn”.
3. They were so stubborn and negative-minded and so neither the austerity of John the Baptist nor the flexibility of Jesus would satisfy them. They labelled John the Baptist as a possessed man and Jesus as a self-indulgent man. These people do not see the heart or the intention or the goodness or the situation of others. They just want others to think, feel and do what they like.
4. This is the same problem that God has faced in the Old Testament as well. See how God sighs with a pained tone of lament: “O that you had hearkened to my commandments!” It is the same anguish with which Jesus laments and weeps over Jerusalem in Matthew 23. 37-39 or Luke 13. 34-35: “How often have I ‘desired’ to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!”. This is the same agony of heart with which he weeps over Jerusalem in Luke 19. 441-44: “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes… you did not recognize the time of your visitation from God”.
Direction: Why does grace fail to bring about any effect and fruit in us? Why does the required change and transformation not take place? It is not the failure or incapacity of God’s grace. It is our failure to be sensitive, receptive, and cooperative
Focus: Prejudice is like a veil that always clouds the vision, mars the way, and deviates one from the right track. The one who is prejudiced can never see or hear or speak or do rightly
1. Negative attitudes, prejudice, and obstinacy plague the world of today. Many nurture and carry so much negativity within. Their thought, desire, the intention is all negatively coloured. Consequently, they have the wrong way of looking, judging, and acting toward others.
2. They fail to understand others, and value and appreciate them for their worth. They suffer from the traps of their own attitude and perspective and they do not see the other side of reality, especially the positive side of others. They make absolute their own ideas and opinions and stubbornly stick to them.
3. These are so pessimistic and negative-minded that nothing can really satisfy them or win their approval and favour. These are exactly like the children mentioned in the gospel today. They sit in the marketplace, and are perpetual fault-finders and dissatisfied. No flute can gladden them, and no funeral song would arouse mourning solidarity in them. Even if others do the best and the right, they have no appreciation or sensitivity.
4. They always have something to find fault with and accuse. John the Baptist was so austere and he was labeled as a possessed man. Jesus was so free and mingling, and he was blamed to be an indulgent and loose man. It is not the fault of John or Jesus. The problem lies with them. It is their attitude and approach that is corrupt.
5. It is these people about whom God rightfully and painfully laments, “Had you paid attention to my commandments”, attention to the best that God teaches them, attention to the right way they must go. If done so, then surely streams of blessings would have flown.
Direction: Often there is an excessive eagerness to change reality. It is nothing wrong, when it is wrong and when it is possible. But much more than that, one should try to change one’s own attitude and perspective, which are really corroding
10 DECEMBER 2022: SIRACH 48. 1-4, 9-11b; MATTHEW 17. 10-13
Thrust: Men on fire!
Indicative: Those who love God and are loyal to Him, will be on fire. They live for God and do His will passionately and resolutely come what may
1. Prophet Elijah was an outstanding figure in the Old Testament. He performed wondrous deeds. He enjoys a glorious name and reverence in Israel. But apart from these factors, what makes him commendable is his passion for God and his focus on his mission. He would contest with the followers of false gods and defeat them. And he would turn back the wavering and strayed people to Yahweh, the true God.
2. Thus, his mission was precisely one of restoration. That is, restoring the lost relationship within the community, and with God. In the New Testament, John the Baptist would resemble Elijah, in his passion for God, and fierce defence of God’s ways. Nothing and no one would intimidate him or deter his commitment to his mission.
3. John the Baptist tried with conviction and courage to correct the wrong and restore the original sanctity and fidelity. But sadly, the people could not stomach his truthfulness. Their hypocrisy and shallow spirituality would not appreciate and support his authenticity and depth of spirituality.
4. That is why they did to him whatever they pleased and did away with him. The fate of Jesus too was no different. His integrity of living and zeal for God would challenge and expose the shallowness of their religion and spirituality. Therefore, they would also do away with Jesus as they do with John the Baptist.
Imperative: A genuine seeker of truth would not hide his false layers. He would never suppress truth and adherents of truth. He would not succumb to the pressure of falsity. For what matters the most for him is fidelity to the Lord
Focus: God never ceases to come to us or act in our lives. But very often many do not recognise this. And so they complain or conclude that God is no more active or caring
1. Today’s readings highlight the figure of Elijah. Undoubtedly he was an outstanding prophet. Glorious was his mission and wondrous were his deeds. He stood for God against false gods. He did the work of God amidst all challenges. He was zealous amidst all mediocrity. His fire was burning the hearts. He was calmer of the wrath of God. He was a restorer of the estranged and strayed. He was the benefactor of God’s abundant blessings to the humble.
2. John the Baptist very much resembles Elijah. In fact, he is the Elijah of the New Testament. Like Elijah, he is fiery with his urge for repentance and conversion. Like Elijah, he is on the mission of restoring all things. But, sadly people did not accept his message. They also did away with him.
3. Similar would be the fate of Jesus as well. He came to restore the lost dignity and the lost relationship with God and with one another. But people did not recognise his divine identity. They were not pleased with his teaching and also his way of life. They felt challenged and questioned. He was a question mark to their hypocrisy and shallow authority. He posed a threat to their compromising and dichotomous life.
4. Therefore, they would reject him, persecute and kill him. What is our response and responsibility in the face of their fate and destiny? It is not only knowing about their mission and the eventual fate meted out to them. It is not only to feel sad about their sad end. It is not only to feel angry and condemn them.
5. Our duty will be to think about our own selves. How often do we too fail to know and recognize Jesus and also various other prophets? How often do we take for granted God working in and through them? How often do we neglect and even reject God’s invitation for repentance and transformation?
Direction: Be restored! This can be one recurrent message of the holy Advent. Yes, it is the right time to restore our broken grace, broken virtue, a broken relationship with God, and our broken loyalty to Him.
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