Saturday, 12 November 2022

33rd Sunday of the year 22

33RD SUNDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2022, HOLY MASS REFLECTION MALACHI 4. 1-2a; 2 THES 3. 7-12; LUKE 21. 5-19 Thrust: Beware of the times! Indicative: The end times are sure to come. We need to become aware of their nature and get prepared 1. All three readings focus on the theme of “time”, especially the end times, before-the end times, that is the present time, and after-the and times, that is the time of reckoning, judgment of reward, or punishment. End times are sure to come. But what kind? What will happen at the end times? How is it characterized? 2. First of all, the end times will be “testing” times. Those who are faithful to God will be put to test and trial. They will be hated, persecuted, and delivered to prison, even by their own families. The end time will be “chaotic and destructive” times. Divisions, wars and tumults, earthquakes, famines, and pestilences will increase. Human pride and glory especially in their mighty structures and achievements of splendour and pomp will be brought low. 3. The end times will be “misleading” times. These are times that falsify things, distort the truth, and deceive and lead astray. The Lord himself warns: “For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he’, and ‘the time is at hand!’. It is deception concerning self-claims of self-glory and future predictions. 4. How should we respond to these times? What should be our response concerning these end times? First of all, a sense of “Awareness”: We must be aware that there will be end times. Be aware that the end is bound to happen. Do not take things and life for granted. 5. Awareness of the end times would also imply “Preparedness.” The fact that there is an end must make us alert to prepare ourselves fittingly to encounter the destined days. Let us not be caught unawares. 6. To be rightly prepared calls us to guard against an “idling”, callous attitude. Some may think, “in any case, there will be end times; so why simply toil and work? If nothing is going to last, then why struggle?”Thus they simply waste their time in eating and drinking, not busy at work but only busybodies. Thus there is a neglect of responsibilities and duties. 7. Then, “do not be led astray.” Do not go after false promises, assurances, and predictions. Do not be deceived by empty rewards. Do not confide in the earthly glories and successes and do not be carried away by them. Do not lose sight of the perishability of earthly and human prides. 8. “Do not be terrified” and lose heart at the adversities and afflictions. Rather confide in God’s protection and care, guidance, and power. For Jesus assures: “I will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict… Not a hair of your head will perish.” Therefore trust in God and not the fear of evil must steer us. 9. “Persevere to the end.” Go on working quietly and be productive. Do not be overdependent and a burden to others. But earn your own living. Give a good example for others to imitate. Bear witness to our faith in times of trial and temptation. 10. Then what will be after the end times? There will be a time of divine judgment and reckoning. It will be a day burning like an oven when all the arrogant and evildoers will be stubble. The day will leave them neither root nor branch. But those who fear God’s name, those who stand for his name’s sake will gain their lives. “The sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.” Imperative: If only we become wise not to place our excessive trust in material glories and not to be led astray but confide in God and live a life of witness, we will be truly rewarded with eternity REFLECTION 2 Focus: Human glories will fail and fall sooner or later. It is only God’s glory that will last forever 1. Jerusalem temple was the pride of the Jews for its splendor and grandeur. But Jesus forecasts its destruction. Thereby he makes it clear that man cannot place his absolute trust in anything human or earthly because everything of this world is impermanent and perishable. 2. These are truly end times, marked by violence, deception, and persecution. These are not only tolerated but also justified, defended and promoted. Especially for those who believe in God and seek to follow God’s way of goodness, honesty, and peace, the times are really hard. There is every possibility to get frightened, discouraged and to give up. 3. But the Lord is exhorting and encouraging us today: Do not be frightened, do not lose heart, do not lose hope, do not be worried. For as long as we firmly adhere to the Lord, as long as we are convinced of God’s power over all the evil, as long as we confide in His love and care for us, as long as we surrender our entire lives to Him, as long as we patiently persevere in our faith, as long as we are loyal and committed to the way of the Lord, nothing can defeat or destroy us. 4. Our sole hope and strength is God whose love never fails. It is a love that does “not allow even a single hair to perish”. It is a love that provides the wisdom which bewilders and defeats the opponents. It is a love that strengthens and dares one against all the persecution. It is a love that sustains and confirms us amidst all hatred and betrayal even by our own. 5. Therefore, all these negative and unfavorable happenings and situations should not lead us to fear or discouragement or quitting. These are taken as opportunities to test and prove our faith and to “bear witness to the Lord”. These are the pathways to salvation and glory. Direction: Difficulties for the sake of God and good should not discourage us or shake us but should challenge us to be more convinced, focused and committed

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