23rd SUNDAY: 04 SEPTEMBER 2022,
WIS 9. 13-18, PHILEMON 9-10, 12-17, LUKE 14. 25-33
Thrust: To be a disciple is to be disciplined
Indicative: Today we have many disciples who even forget that they are disciples and not the master. They behave like masters and so fail to be true disciples
1. Once again Jesus clarifies who is a true disciple, and how to become one. The highest priority to God is the fundamental and indispensable identity mark of a true disciple. God is the highest concern and no one and nothing else. Not even one’s own family members like father, mother, brothers, and sisters can become more important than God.
2. See how Jesus declares: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Let us get straight into the mind of Jesus behind this statement. Jesus is quite aware of the challenge of following him and the possible hindrances that come in the way of following him. Therefore, he proposes some radical conditions that go directly contrary to these hindrances.
3. Among these hindrances, comes primarily one’s excessive attachment to one’s family. It is not wrong to love them, to feel concerned for them, and to have a deep bonding with them. But the point is: at no point, the love for family comes in the way of love for God. At no point, the concern for the family should deviate us from the concerns of God.
4. At no point, attachment to the family must reduce our attachment to God. And at no point, the bonding with the natural family should diminish our bonding and duty toward the spiritual family. It is in this sense that our love for God must be profound, unequivocal, and undivided. We must be ready even to hate the family if it endangers our love for God.
5. Another serious obstacle in following Jesus is the self. Jesus demands, “Hate even one’s own self”. This is a clear summon to get rid of our false self, the ego. When life becomes egoistic, self-centred, self-interested, self-seeking, and self-serving, God is no more the priority. For, God is dethroned and self is enthroned. In the light of the first reading from Wisdom, it is nothing but the situation where “the perishable body weighs down the soul, and this earthly tent burdens the mind full of thoughts”.
6. Another condition to follow Jesus as a good disciple is “to bear one’s own cross”. In one sense, it may refer to our own fragilities and imperfections. In reference to the first reading, it is to be aware that the “reasoning of the mortals is worthless, and our designs are likely to fail”. This awareness and admission are very important. Otherwise one can easily slip into a sense of self-sufficiency, self-complacency, and self-righteousness.
7. Another essential aspect of ‘bearing the cross' is to pursue and persevere in the path of the values bearing the subsequent sufferings and adversities. A true follower of Christ is bound to face opposition and problems. The simplest reason is his life will be a contrast to that of the world. But he shall not fear or deter from his path.
8. A third aspect of ‘bearing the cross’ is the spirit of patience and forbearance to accept the sufferings in life. We come across many situations in life that are unpleasant and unfavourable, like death, separation, misunderstanding, strife, loss, failure, and defeat. And many times we may wonder why these things happen to us. We may question, is this the reward for our fidelity? In such times of cross, persevere.
9. A further condition for discipleship is discernment that is clear about the cost of discipleship and perseveres to the end. Jesus conveys this through two metaphors, namely building a tower and going for a battle. Obviously, they indicate a spirit of prudence; in social or pastoral terms, it is to know the context, become familiar with the situations, and be well-prepared and well-equipped.
10. All these factors may be okay. But, more than all these, what these two metaphors denote is, to be aware that discipleship is not an easy task. Therefore, be wise and diligent to face any situation and keep focused on our target, be it a battle situation or a building situation.
Imperative: Let us learn humility and wisdom, so that we are unattached, persevering, totally focused, and committed to being true disciples
Focus: Detachment is the essential condition for discipleship
Discipleship is a free gift from God, in the sense that He extends His call irrespectively with no discriminations. However, one who adheres to His call, must also fit himself for the new venture.
Topmost priority to Jesus, unconditional love for him, unflinching zeal and commitment to His mission are the indispensable traits of a true disciple. But these are possible only when one is prepared to be totally detached from one' s self and from one's family. In fact, these two are the greatest areas which a person holds so dear and precious and is deeply attached.
The issue is not the good or bad of family attachments but an unreserved and unrestricted love and attachment to Jesus. Excess love for family and self will be real hindrances to the "freedom" and "unconditionality" of loyalty, demanded by discipleship.
Direction: Discipleship is not a fun, not a part-time enterprise but a serious lifelong commitment which needs to estimate the cost and be duly prepared
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