Sunday, 5 September 2021

23rd week days mass reflection of the year B




06 SEPTEMBER 2021: COL1.24 - 2.3; LUKE 6. 6-11


Focus: Benevolence is the supreme principle that has no restrictions or apprehensions


1. "Which is good, to do good or to do harm, to save life or destroy it?" This is the question Jesus poses to the scribes and Pharisees. The context is healing on a Sabbath. Thereby Jesus makes it crystal clear that no law, no other factor can prohibit or prevent one to do good and to save life. Doing good and saving life have no particular times or places. Benevolence is not space and time-bound. It must happen always and everywhere.


2. Jesus heals a man with a withered hand. What is notable is Jesus is aware that it is Sabbath and that the scribes and the Pharisees are just waiting to accuse and persecute him for the violation of the Sabbath. Yet, he goes ahead. No fear of impending trouble could stop him. For him,  what matters most is the good of the other. He is not afraid of the consequences of doing good. He is ready and prepared to meet them. He is courageous and undeterred.


3. Now such courage comes from his profound benevolence. Benevolence is his nature and his mission as well. God is Love and He cannot but be benevolent. Jesus, the incarnate God concretizes this in his compassion for the sick man. One who is passionate for good cannot but be compassionate toward others.


4. Again going a little further and deeper, such compassion, benevolence, and courage are possible only because of Jesus' intimate love and passionate commitment to God. This is the passion for God and compassion for humanity.


5. This is the same passion and compassion that charge Paul with such a relentless mission of being a minister of God. He toils, striving with all the God-instilled energy. He rejoices in sufferings for the benefit of the people. All this is with the deepest concern for them that they "may be encouraged as knit together in love, to have all the riches of the knowledge and wisdom of Christ".


6. Now, coming back to the gospel scene, Jesus pronounces two sentences to the withered man, "Come and stand here", and also "Stretch out your hand". Both are very significant. It is God who takes the initiative inviting us to come and stand before Him to be healed. And he wants us to stretch out all that is withered - our hands, our feet, our mouth, our ears, our eyes, and much more our hearts and souls.


7. In fact, it was the Pharisees and scribes that were more withered. The man had only a withered hand. But the Pharisees and scribes were fully withered. They were full of jealousy, fury, and malice.


Direction: Knowledge and position are no guarantees of benevolence, just as in the case of the Pharisees and scribes. Real withering is a lack of benevolence to others and love for God.



In the gospel, we have an instance of sickness, namely a withered hand. We have a man with a withered hand being healed. But the Pharisees and scribes wait viciously to use that occasion to accuse Jesus because Jesus does the cure on a Sabbath. They are not happy that good is done to their fellow being. They do not appreciate Jesus for being compassionate and granting a new life to the withered man. Their whole concern is the violation of the law of the Sabbath. What a perverted mind to turn even a good act into an instance for blame! What a lack of charity to be infuriated at the good done to their fellow human being! A heartless adherence to the laws becomes more important than the good of a person. That is why, Jesus confronts them with a straight question, “Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?”. Thereby, Jesus makes it crystal clear that doing good and saving life are far more important than merely observing the Sabbath rule. It is in fact even sinful to keep Sabbath but to do evil and to destroy life. Besides, there is also an implicit contrast here: the man with the withered hand is healed of his physical infirmity, while the Pharisees and scribes suffer from inner withering of jealousy and malice.

Direction: A withered mind, a withered heart, and withered soul are far more matters of concern and worry, rather than a withered hand. We should be more concerned about the inner healing rather than the merely physical


07 SEPTEMBER 2021: COL 2. 6-15; LUKE 6. 12-19


Focus: Jesus is the Power of God that empowers all our weaknesses; he is the forgiveness of God that cancels all our trespasses. He is the expiation that reconciles us to God


1. Jesus lives an integrated life: he prays, he preaches and he heals. It is a life perfectly balanced and harmonious. Rooted in God in prayer, flourishes in announcing about God and bears fruits in concrete actions of healing of infirmities and demons. His preaching and healing were filled with a power that made people believe and also be healed.


2. All his ministry was always springing from the spring of prayer. It was his source and fountain of light and energy. It is not just reciting some prayers. Rather, it was a deep intimate bonding and communion with the Father.


3. This spring becomes the springboard for plunging into the ministry. And his ministry is not a single man or monopoly ministry. He makes it participative and collaborative. That is why he chooses twelve apostles out of his numerous disciples. This shows the nature of God itself. He never wants to do things all by Himself although He is absolutely capable of it. He wants to involve us as sharers and partakers in the same mission of Christ.


4. The choosing of the disciples, each by name shows that it is all according to God's plan and each one is significant. No decision and no action of Jesus would be a mere private enterprise. It is always within the spectrum of God's will, the realm of the Spirit, and oriented to human salvation.


Direction: In a world that lacks integrity and authenticity of life, one clear remedy will be to strive for an integration of heart, word and deed.

08 SEPTEMBER 2021: BIRTHDAY OF MARY, MIC 5. 2-4; MATT 1. 18-23


Focus: Birthday is a reminder that birth is a gift of God gratuitously and generously donated by God. So our life must always carry this divine touch


1. 08 September is a great holy and happy day for all the Catholics as they celebrate their mother Mary's birthday. Which son, which daughter does not rejoice over her mother's birthday? Today, in the first place, let us greet her a happy birthday with all the affection in our hearts. Let us kiss her, embrace her and tell her that we simply love her so much. Let us thank God for giving birth to her because if she was not born, we will not be born as her children.


2. In the Telugu language, there is an old birthday song that says, "Birthday is a feast for all but how many really know why there are born?" The beauty, the meaning, and the value of birth is when one lives the gifted life meaningfully and purposefully.


3. In this sense, Mary certainly lived her gift of life as a gift to God and to others. We can mark two phases in her life: one, before the Annunciation and the other, after the Annunciation. This distinction is made because as we know, Annunciation marks a decisive and definitive moment in her life when the purpose and mission, and destiny of her life were disclosed to her. The Angel announces that she would be the mother of the incarnate savior and thus becomes a pivotal collaborator in God's plan of salvation.

From then on, her life was lived in an intense consciousness of her vocation.


4. However, even before this disclosure of the purpose of her life, even before the annunciation, still her life was no less purposeful. Her life has always been a continuous act of faith and faithfulness. This comprises a profound spirit of humility, docility, and surrender. Concretely, these manifest themselves in a life of devotion and benevolence.


5. Now, we can further reflect on her birth in the light of 1 John 2. 29 and 3.9, 10. The Word speaks of those born of God. This very much fits our Sweetest Mother Mary. She was born not only of a human womb but much more she was born of God. She is born of God because she commits no sin, she does what is right and she loves others. These are three distinguishing marks of those born of God.


6. After all this simple reflection, what is the birthday message for us? Like Mary, live a life of faith and faithfulness, in humility, docility, and surrender through the daily practice of devotion and benevolence. Live like her, like those who are born of God. This means that we resist committing sin. We do what is right. Love others as sisters and brothers.


Direction: A fitting birthday gift to the Mother is our own filial affection and devotion to her, which eventually leads to emulation of her example




Focus: Birthdays are always joyful occasions of celebration. But the real greatness is not the mere fact of birth, but in realizing the value and purpose of one’s birth and in living up to that value and purpose

1.      08 September is the birthday of the most beautiful Mother Mary. But practically many remember and celebrate it as a day of Our Lady of good health. Now, how the birthday is connected to health? The simple logic and reason is: her birthday becomes the health day. Her birthday removes sickness and brings health.

2.      In the world of today, the present human persons are sick in so many ways. Varieties of sicknesses abound, and when sickness goes, the other sickness appears. That is why today everywhere you find clinics and hospitals. Hospitals increase day by day because sicknesses increase day by day. Hospitals will never run at loss, and health care has become a prosperous business because sicknesses will live forever and people are desperate for good health.

3.      People are sick, sick physically, but much more mentally, morally, and spiritually. Day by day, numbers increase of the physically sick, of blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, this failure, that failure, this pain, that pain, etc. Day by day, numbers increase of the mentally sick, of depression, fear, anxiety, worry, tension, mental imbalance, etc. Day by day, numbers increase, of the morally sick: right values are thrown off, and wrong values like selfishness, greed, corruption, cheating, atrocities, perversions, violence, murders and all sorts of immorality are embraced and propagated. Day by day, numbers increase, of the spiritually sick: God, God’s will, God’s message is abandoned or rejected or neglected; the world, worldly pleasures, worldly possessions, and pursuits are given the central place.

4.      The body is sick, the mind is sick, the heart is sick, the soul is sick. That is why the human person is sick, the family is sick, the community is sick, the working place is sick, the state is sick, the center is sick, the country is sick, the whole world, the whole human society is sick. The whole world is under the power and reign of sickness.

5.      What does it mean? When one is sick, there is weakness, there is loss of energy, there is less enthusiasm and interest, there is a lack of full power and strength. So, sickness makes us weak and dull, we cannot do things well, we cannot be fully happy, we cannot be peaceful.

6.      Therefore, the greatest sickness is unhappiness and peacelessness. Much more than the physical sickness, this is the most serious. Today, we may wonder, how many are really happy and how many are really at peace. Is it not being sick?

7.      Now, do you know, what is the greatest reason for sickness? It is sin. The Holy Bible repeatedly makes it clear that sin takes away happiness and peace. Nobody who sins can be really happy and peaceful. One may appear to be happy but is all shallow and superficial, because sin affects us, infects us, corrupts us and ruins us.

8.      But what is sin? In a simple way, sin means something against God and against good. So to sin means, not to love God with whole heart, not to listen to Him attentively, and not to follow His will obediently. To sin means, not to be good, not to think good, not to speak good, not to do good, not to have good attitudes, good, qualities, good character, and good behavior.

9.      Therefore, whenever God and good become less, we are sinful and we become sick. Therefore, today, through her birth, Mary is reminding us and inspiring us that her birth, her whole life was for God and for good. There was no sin and no evil. Therefore, she is perfectly healthy. Her birth and her life of grace and virtue is a medicine, a remedy, an antidote for good health, that is, perfect joy and peace. Thus, being herself healthy and knowing the secrets of health, she can make us healthy, she can lead us on the path of health.

10.  Am I sick? Are you sick? Do you and I want to be fit and healthy? Then, why delay? Why doubt? Let us run to her. Let us take her help. Let us walk with her, closer to God and better in goodness.

Direction: Every birthday is a reminder that as we advance in years, we must also advance in godliness and goodness, that we must grow in stature integrally, that we must accomplish the purpose of life


09 SEPTEMBER 2021: COL 3. 12-17; LUKE 6. 27-38


Focus: In a world where we have many false models which are deviant and not worth- imitable, God is the model par excellence 


1. "Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus". "Let the word of Christ dwell in you". "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts". "Above all, put on love, bearing with one another and forgiving each other". This is how the first reading, the letter to the Colossians directs us. The call is clearly to follow the teaching of Jesus, to imitate him, and to follow his fòotsteps.


2. Now what does he teach? How does he live that is to be imitated and followed? First of all, he follows the example of the Father Himself. Thereby, he resembles Him and proposes the Father Himself as our greatest model. But in what and in which way the Father becomes the supreme model? It is Love that manifests itself in magnanimity and mercy.


3. It is a love that is magnanimous because it loves even the enemies, blesses those who curse, prays for those who abuse, and does good to those who hate and do harm. It is a love that forgives so mercifully. It does not judge or condemn but condones generously. It is a love that is equitable toward all without any discrimination. It lets rain fall on all and sun shine on all, be it the good or the bad.


4. Jesus does not simply speak or teach about these things. He lives them. He also summons us to follow the same. He admonishes us: "Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful". He also challenges us to live this way that is his way and the Father's way also. Because this is the only way that we make a difference,  a contrast to others. That is why, he poses the question, "If you love only those who love you, and if you do good to only those who are good to you, then what difference, what greatness is there from the non-believers?"


Direction: The only way to show that we are followers of Christ is to follow his way, especially the way of love and mercy




Focus: Knowledge is good and needed provided that it does not inflate one with pride, presumptuousness and self-righteousness, leading to a loss of fraternal concern and a bad example

Following Jesus is not an easy task because his values are in sharp contrast to the values of the world. Truly the men of God are always a “contrast people”! Surely men of God cannot but be different from others who are of the world. Will not light be contrary to darkness? Will not good be contrary to evil? Will not authenticity be contrary to duplicity? Will not generosity be contrary to greed? Will not virtue be contrary to vice? Will not altruism be contrary to egoism? Will not the Holy Spirit be contrary to the evil spirit? Will not the life of a man of God be contrary to that of a man of the earth? Now, all the values of the Lord are oriented to perfection and altruism, while those of the world are self-oriented and content with the minimums and compromises. The way of the Lord is a way of love, forgiveness, magnanimity, and generosity, while the way of the world is a way of hatred, retaliation, greed, and accumulation. We receive as we give. God Himself is our supreme model of perfection and compassion and life should be modeled on no one else. The only standard and the guiding norm of life must be the “golden rule” – “Do unto others what you want them to do unto you”. It is not fair that we expect to receive and enjoy only good things for ourselves, while we conveniently forget to give the same for others and even give the evil things. How can one expect to be loved, to be understood, to be comforted, to be supported, to be encouraged, to be appreciated, to be forgiven by others, while he denies the same to others? How can one apply double standards – one for himself and the other for others? How can one be so rigid and harsh toward others, while he is so lenient and indulgent toward his own self?

Direction: Meaning of life does not lie in egoism but altruism, and Life is beautiful only when it is virtuous, and it becomes meritorious when it becomes a life of witness


10 SEPTEMBER 2021: 1TIM 1. 1-2, 12-14; LUKE 6.39-42


Focus: Today we have many blind guides who cannot see the right way but misguide others in the wrong way. We need to follow the Lord, the supreme Guide to walk the right way


1. The Lord tells us in the gospel, "One who is blind cannot guide another blind". The contextual reference is to the scribes and Pharisees. They are really blind guides because they cannot see their own defects. They are so self-righteous that they are so eager to judge and blame others. In Jesus' own terms, they are quick to " see the speck in the eye of the other, while they are blind to the log in their own eye".


2. The whole point is if I am blind to my own imperfections, how can I see those of others?" Not only this. I have no right or moral authority to criticize the other. Further, the log in my own eye blocks and blurs my sight.


3. In other words, self-righteousness leads one to self- pride and blindness to one's own faults. On the other hand, it will also lead one to be prejudiced toward others, and consequently to judge them wrongly or mislead them. It results in double standards in attitude and judgment.


4. We can understand this better in the light of the wise teaching of St Francis de Sales. As he remarks, we are often eager to accuse others even for the slightest mistake but to excuse ourselves even for the greatest blunder. We clamor for justice so sternly in the neighbor's house, while we plead for mercy in our own house.


5. In contrast to the Pharisees and scribes who are blind guides and teachers, we have Paul in the first reading. He is so humble and honest to admit his own unworthiness of his previous life before his conversion. He readily confesses that he was a blasphemer, persecutor, and opponent. But God graciously took him to His side through the faith in Christ and by the love and power of him.


6. It is his humility against the self-righteousness of the Pharisees and scribes, his authenticity contrary to their hypocrisy, his love for Christ contrary to their hatred, his love for the people contrary to their unconcern toward others, his compassion contrary to their prejudice and the judgment that makes him a clear-sighted guide and teacher to the people about Christ.


Direction: Charity demands that we should always guard against prejudice and false judgment and misguidance.




Only one who sees clearly can walk properly. But we find a contrast in the gospel in the persons of Pharisees and scribes. They were truly blind guides, who do not walk the way of God and also cannot guide others as well. The contrast is quite real in our times as well. One sad reality of our present society is: blind guides and self-righteous judges abound. Not only many do not walk the right way because they are blind to see it but they also misguide others. Thus we have many who do the wrong and also mislead others to do the same. Then there are those who are presumptuous and declare themselves to be righteous. They are blind to their own defects and readily pass wrong judgments on others. All this is because one forgets that he is a disciple who must always focus his sight on his master and follow his way and strive to become like the master. Only one who sees the master and his way clearly can see himself and others rightly, follow the way and guide others as well.

Direction: It is better to control our undue eagerness to be guides and masters over others, and to learn to be guided and controlled by the Master


11 SEPTEMBER 2021: 1 TIM 1. 15-17; LUKE 6. 43-49


Focus: Good words are good but they will fall shallow and inadequate when they do not become good actions


1. We are living in a world where many people try to impress others with very fine words. But these words are not implemented in good actions. These may hear nicely. They also loudly call out, "Lord, Lord". But they do not do what hear.


2. In fact, these are like those who build their house on the ground without a foundation. When the floods, rains, and winds hit it, it will collapse because its standing is very weak and peripheral. On the other hand, those who hear the word and follow it are like those who build the house on a firm foundation of rock. Whatever be the fierce force of floods, rains, or winds, the house remains steady.


3. Therefore, words alone do not suffice. They must be testified in actions. It is like a tree bearing good fruits. Every tree is known and judged by its fruits. A good tree must bear good fruits. No good tree can bear bad fruits, nor a bad tree bears good fruit. If a good tree fails to bear fruits, then it has failed in its very nature of abundant fruitfulness. Similarly, if a bad tree claim to bear good fruits, then there is falsity and hypocrisy.


4. Now, the important point is, whether we are built on a deep foundation of rock, or without a foundation simply on the ground? Do we remain deep and well-rooted in God? Do we build ourselves on the solid foundation of faith? Do we stand strong and persevering when adversities and unfavorable situations assail us?


5. Further, referring to the image of tree and fruits, we ought to be good trees and bear abundant fruits. We can prove ourselves as good trees only when we bear abundant fruits of good actions. If so, why do we not grow as good trees? Are we really striking our roots into the Lord? Do we diligently take care of the tree of our life to grow well and become fruitful?


Direction: Mere beauty or space of a building does not make it lasting and durable. It is the firmness of its foundation. A tree is good or bad depending on whether it produces an abundance of good fruits. Are we productive and fruit-bearing?




Focus: The meaning of the life of a follower of Christ is to live a meaningful life, and that is to be fruitful, and this alone is the best and fitting way to bear witness to Christ

The quality and effect of a true follower of Christ are tested and known by his fruits. One cannot profess and claim to follow the Lord, but in concrete life follow the way of the demons. One cannot serve two masters at the same time, both God and the demon. One cannot proclaim himself to be a good tree but fails to bear good fruits. There is no use of mere lip service, however eloquent it is, saying ‘Lord, Lord’, without doing what the Lord commands. If one really belongs and follows the Lord, he must constantly seek and approach the Lord, listen to his words and act upon them. He must guard himself against all the pulls and pressures of any sort of ‘idolatry’. It is not necessarily the material, lifeless idols, but in our modern times, there is a more serious and disguised idol-worship, in the form of unrefined and frenetic idolizing of money, power, and sex. These become the new gods that grant pleasure and gratification. One must wisely build his life on the solid foundation of rock, that is, faith, loyalty, surrender, and commitment to God. No flood can shake it, no adversity can stumble it, because its foundation is strong and firm. Instead, one who foolishly builds his life without a foundation but simply on the ground of the worldly, will surely collapse and get destroyed. Let us always bear in mind that God expects fruits from us, and we will be blameworthy if we fail to be productive and fruitful.

Direction: Let us be wise and authentic to worship the true God and not the demons and the idols. Let us become more profound and fecund, and thus produce abundant fruit.





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