Friday, 13 August 2021



Focus: A meaningful life is a constant transition from a set of assumptions and presumptions to the assumption and elevation of life itself


1.      Every year 15th August marks the assumption of our blessed Mother. In India, it is a double celebration as it combines with the independence day of Mother India. Every year powerful sermons are preached on the dogma of assumption and the glory of Mary in which she is assumed into heaven. As taught by the authority of the Church, we believe that Blessed Mother Mary was assumed to heaven, in her entirety, with both body and soul. Unlike the other humans, her incorruptible soul was accompanied by her body too as uncorrupted. This dogmatic truth and faith in it and the glory implied thereby, are indeed matters of great importance. But this time, let us try to take a little different route of thought.

2.      Surely, this is a unique privilege accorded to Mary in virtue of her most singular vocation and mission as the Mother of the Savior. It is quite understandable and valid that God did not want the decay or the separation of that holy body which offered flesh and blood to the incarnate Savior. In fact, her physicality became the abode and guide, the breeding ground of his humanity.

3.      In Mary’s assumption, what we can see is not just the glorification of a mortal body, but that of our mortality itself. True it is our mortality is fragile as bound to earth. But it is not something despicable or detestable. Our mortality is susceptible to decay, in terms of its physicality. But Mary’s assumption shows that this mortality assumes immortality.

4.      This assumption becomes possible because of three essential tenets: harmony, freedom, and elevation. Mary’s physicality becomes harmonious with her spirituality. In other words, her bodily and material existence is in harmony with her spiritual existence. There is no dichotomy, no conflict between her body and her soul. There is no incongruence between the urges of the flesh and the promptings of the Spirit, as presented in Paul’s Letter to Romans 8 or Galatians 5. What is notable is the body or the physical is not subjugated to the soul or the spiritual, but sublimated, not dominated or dictated but integrated and regulated by the spiritual.

5.      There is also perfect freedom. Mary’s entire life was guided by the freedom of the Spirit, a freedom of heart, freedom to love God and others. But this freedom is not a free reign to the flesh and the physical when a person is entangled and enslaved by worldly stints. This freedom is of a higher order. This is seen in total surrender to God’s will and plans. She affirmed this surrender at the annunciation, saying, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto me according to thy holy word”. This she continued till the end of her life.

6.      Her whole earthly existence was an unceasing journey of elevation. She always elevated her body, mind, heart, and soul to what is high, lofty, noble, and above. She never allowed herself to be tied to what is low and below. She was never earth-bound but heaven-directed.

7.      Seen in this sense, her assumption is a logical and appropriate culmination of an entire life of harmony, freedom, and elevation. Her final assumption is a clear indicator of a continuous assumption through every day of her life.

8.      For the faithful in India too, as they celebrate the independence of their nation, the assumption of Mary can make a greater sense. We must remind ourselves that this independence is the fruit of the enormous sacrifices of numerous leaders and noble souls. Like Mary, they too had lived a life interwoven with the principles of harmony, freedom, and elevation. They lived integrated lives. They lived and fostered true interior freedom. They always elevated their life to pursue higher goals, and that is, restoration of freedom and dignity to India and Indian brethren.


Direction: The assumption of Mary and the independence of India is a clarion call for all of us to elevate the quality of our lives in the spirit of harmony and constructive freedom




Focus: Assumption of Mary is not a mere dogmatic assumption to assume, but a living journey to resume

1.     Blessed Mother Mary is assumed to heaven, body and soul, in her entirety of the person. God did not want that sacred body to decay, that which was the abode and gave physical life to His Incarnate Son. Therefore, in His gracious will and pleasure He privileged Mary to be taken to heaven, with an uncorrupted body along with her incorruptible soul.

2.     There is nothing illogical about this. For, if sin imposed death and decay on the human body, Mary who was preserved sinless with Immaculate Conception, can be very well free from such imposition. In her assumption, we see the whole dynamics of salvation and a great project of the fullness of Glory itself.

3.     There are four essential components: Liberation, Restoration, Communion, and Perfection. Mary was totally liberated from her earthly limitations, restored to her original divine dignity, eternally united with the heavenly God, and enjoys the perfection of bliss and glory.

4.     We too are destined for the same glory, even though we may consign our body to the earth. To attain this destiny, we too must constantly liberate ourselves from our earthly bondages, regain our divine dignity and image, unite ourselves with God in intimacy and surrender, and thus mature and perfect ourselves in sanctity and charity.

5.       (For those in India or Indians) Today we celebrate two great mothers, for the same reason, that is, their freedom. Mother India’s freedom, as she was released from the foreign bondage and gained her independence; Mother Mary’s freedom, as she was released from her earthly bondage and was assumed to heaven.

6.     But this is hard-earned freedom. It involved a life-long struggle of immeasurable sacrifice and dedication. It called for an undaunted journey of courage, patience, hope, and perseverance. It is a marvellous story of combating evil and regaining the original dignity and honour.

7.      The celebration of the freedom of these two mothers on the same day, can be a significant pointer to us that we are citizens of two worlds – the secular and the spiritual. Our nation is our motherland and heaven is our homeland. Thus our duty is twofold: towards our country, as united, responsible, law-abiding, honest and committed Indian sisters and brothers; and duty towards heaven, as united, faithful and committed God’s children.

8.      This freedom that is attained is not a finished product. It is an ongoing task and should be a living experience. Therefore, we are called to constantly free ourselves from all the clutches of sin and evil, meaning all that binds us, enslaves us, reduces our human dignity, diminishes the value and quality of life and all that hinders a harmonious and happy human family.

9.      Freedom is not our destiny nor is it our goal. It is our process, our means, it is our way, which should lead us to more and more good – a good heart of faith and charity; a good life of virtue and value; a good family, loving and supportive; a good society, just and peaceful. God and heavens is our destiny and goal.

Direction: So long as we are imprisoned in the cell of our body, we cannot enjoy the free spell of the soul. Let us then extricate ourselves.





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