30 AUGUST 2021: 1THESS 4. 13-18; LUKE 4. 16-30
Focus: When the Spirit of the Lord is with us, we will be against the spirit of the world. This will subject us to great troubles from the world. But this is the cost of our mission
1. “Mission, commission, emission, remission, and redemption” – these can be the key ideas in today’s gospel, Luke 4. 16-30. This is the summary of the whole life and mission of Jesus. This is also to be the life and mission of every disciple of Christ. Jesus is on mission. He is commissioned by the Father. He emits the Spirit. His mission consists of the remission of sins leading to redemption.
2. Being sent by the Father and anointed by the Spirit, Jesus is entrusted with a specific mission. Some of its tenets are mentioned in the gospel text, reproduced from prophet Isaiah. What is striking in these mission terms or objects is the appropriateness of the mission. That is, Jesus brings what is needed to whom. The right thing to the right people!
3. Accordingly, the poor need good news – news of comfort, sustenance, assurance, hope, abundance, satisfaction. Jesus concretizes these in his preaching and healing ministry. He releases the captives and liberates the oppressed especially from the captivity and oppression of sin and evil. He restores sight to the blind, that is enables the people to see God through the sight of faith and to see others through the optic of charity.
4. However, this is a challenging mission. There is every possibility to meet with misunderstanding, resentment, opposition, and rejection. It happened in the case of Jesus. It is because of the people’s presumptuous knowledge and familiarity with Jesus. They presumed that they knew Jesus very well, his family background, his relations, his credentials, et cetera. It is also because of their “convenient faith” because they listened and received only what does not question or challenge them. That is why, the same people who spoke well of him, become filled with wrath within no time.
5. The same mission and the same fate also await us. We too will meet with contempt and fluctuating fidelities leading to rejection and persecution. But how many of us are really prepared? Today’s saint, Saint Euphrasia, known to be a “praying mother” and a “mobile tabernacle” induces us to live a life of prayer and holiness which is the core of the mission.
Direction: How many of us can really declare with conviction and sincerity the same missionary manifesto of Jesus? How many are really conscious that they are anointed and empowered by the Spirit and manifest the same? How many do really carry out the same mission of Jesus?
Focus: A positive response and transformation are possible only in openness and humility. Self-closure will fail to discover and live true self-identity
Our faith becomes genuine and deep when it truly rests not on human capacities or considerations but on the divine perspective and workings. This was what Jesus’ people lacked: the openness and humility to keep aside their human considerations and calculations. Thereby, they fail to operate within the divine framework. Jesus announces the famous prophetic text, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…” and people wonder and are amazed. But after he begins to speak of his identity as the Son of God, questions their lack of faith, and also cautions them of forfeiting God’s grace due to their unbelief, the very same people turn indignant and violent. This is a clear indication of the fluctuation of moods and feelings, closure of heart, the shallowness of faith, and instability of loyalty. Once Jesus’ words begin to challenge their actual life and mode of living, they become annoyed and aggressive. They are caught up within their human boundaries like birth, place, social status, education, etc. They cannot see in Jesus more than their fellow countryman. Consequently, they fail to see the divine aura in Jesus, fail to appreciate him, and eventually, they reject him.
Direction: Unless one travels beyond the confines of external and non-essential factors like lineage, caste, region, language, culture, position, etc., one cannot discover either God or self.
31 AUGUST 2021: 1 THESS 5. 1-6, 9-11; LUKE 4. 31- 37
Focus: In a power-crazy and power-corrupt world, the authority has degenerated into a game and center of power. We need to rediscover the sanctity of it
1. Jesus possessed authority. People could see and experience it. It was seen both in his teaching and healing. He spoke and taught with authority. He also expelled demons with a mere command. What is this authority? Certainly, it was not anything human or legal, or juridical. Because Jesus had no office, no position and so no power in terms of society.
2. It was then an authority that comes from above. It is something divine and spiritual. It comes from inner power. This in turn is rooted in his intimate union with the Father. It is groomed in his singular focus on his mission, unflinching zeal, and unswerving commitment.
3. This spiritual authority leads to moral authority, that is a sound character, and integrity of life. He had no hypocrisy. He was authentic. He was convinced of the right values of the Kingdom. Thus, this two-pronged authority makes his ministry of word and action firm and powerful.
4. In contrast, this was the kind of authority that was missing and lacking in the Pharisees and scribes. They had the legal and juridical authority, conferred by the law. But there was no spiritual or moral authority. There was no intimacy and communion with God. They had no integrity of life.
5. What about us? What is the type of authority that we are possessing and exercising? If there is really spiritual-moral authority, why then often there are power- politics, and power- corruption?
Direction: Real authority is the power of the Spirit and the authenticity of life. This is to live a life of light, to bear witness to our nature and vocation of being children of light.
Focus: One who has the mind of Christ will be guided by the Spirit of God. He becomes truly spiritual and is able to see, judge, and discern everything. Thereby, he will enter into the depths of God.
The scene is different from yesterday: in his own hometown Nazareth, his own people reject him. Their amazement leads to contempt, while today the amazement of the people of Capernaum leads to acceptance and a spread of fame. It is because they were open to see and experience Jesus’ real authority. His authority was not a worldly authority that derives from one’s power and position, but an inner and authentic authority which is rooted in his real identity as Son of God, and manifests itself in the sanctity and fidelity to his mission. No evil power can stand before him. No demon can face the Holy One of God. No uncleanness can resist the power of what is clean. One cannot “stand with” Jesus and continue to “fall into” evil. It is not enough to have great knowledge about Jesus, because even the evil spirits know about him. The abundance of knowledge about God, and the heights of proclaiming it, are no guarantees of one’s sanctity or fidelity. What is more important is to be docile to God’s Spirit and surrender to His action to expel the evil spirits from us and to make us sane again.
Direction: We are called to make a difference in the world. We need to cleanse the unclean world. And this is possible only when we ourselves are clean. And this is possible only when get expelled from the demons within us.
01 SEPTEMBER 2021: COL 1. 1-8; LUKE 4. 38-44
Focus: The world of today is tormented by sickness and demon- possession. It needs healing and this comes only from the Lord
1. Jesus heals the sick and possessed. He heals Peter's mother-in-law with his personal touch. He stands over her and fever leaves her. He stands near the sick, and the possessed. He rebukes and commands the sicknesses and demons and they are driven. He subdues them and restores health.
2. This is the real ministry of Jesus - a ministry of liberation and restoration. He heals the people from the ill and evil and makes them whole. This is a holistic ministry - in word and in deed, in his preaching and healing. Further, this healing is also holistic healing, that is, both the external and internal. Fever can refer to the external physical healing and demon-possession can refer to internal spiritual healing.
3. Today, this holistic ministry and holistic healing are needed. We need to live an integrated life of word and action. We need to spread God's kingdom both by our word power and action power. We need to speak powerfully about how God is loving, liberating, and healing.
4. But words, teaching, preaching alone will not be enough. Our words must be accompanied and authenticated by healing actions. This would include all our social actions, charitable actions, exorcist actions. But what we should bear in mind is that all our ministry and healing must be holistic. Therefore, it must be person-oriented and not merely a particular ministry or action-oriented.
5. This is the danger of our ministries. There is always the tendency to departmentalize as a ministry of the word, of social work, charity, exorcism, tongues, prophecy, et cetera. It is true that different gifts of the Spirit are given to different persons and ministries may be specified and diversified. But we should be cautious that specialization of ministry is narrowing down or absolutizing the particular ministry or domesticating the Spirit.
Direction: Whatever be the kind of ministry we may be engaged in, yet We must always make sure that our life must be integral and holistic and our ministry too must aim at the holistic healing and health of the person. Ministry is not our focus, but God as the subject and the person of the recipient as the object.
Focus: Healthy living is a matter of an integral heart. Such health and integrity require thorough healing from all the inner sicknesses and evil-possessions
Healing and sanity is not merely physical matter but is holistic and symbolic. They are acts and signs of liberation from the entanglements to evil. They tie down the good spirits and cause immense inner suffering. All of us stand in need of healing and recovery.
Constantly Jesus is “bending over” us, and “rebuking our fevers” of indisposition and weakness, just as he does with regard to Peter’s mother-in-law. He is laying his hands over us to heal us. Jesus is doing his part. But we need to do our part. We need to allow him to take control of our lives and heal us. We need to let go of our inner demons. Further, as we are healed, we also must immediately “get up” from our “sick beds” and begin to serve the Lord. We also need to seek consistently “solitary” space and time in our heart and life, to be alone with the Lord because this keeps us focused, guided, and strengthened.
Direction: The division is one greatest demon that violently torments our times. There is external divisiveness, seen in enmity and aggression and internal dividedness that reside in a divided and corrupted heart. An undivided spirit and an integrated life of a triple purity - pure heart in prayer, pure word in preaching, and pure action in doing good, like that of Jesus, is the sole remedy.
02 SEPTEMBER 2021: COL 1. 9-14; LUKE 5. 1-11
Focus: Our Vocation is a precious and noble gift, irrespective of the differences in the walks of life. The ultimate and sole aim of every vocation is to make a constant transition from our old life of sin to a new life of grace in following the Lord closely
1. In the gospel episode, Luke 5. 1-11, we have the miraculous catch of the fish. This becomes the manifestation of Jesus’ power and also the occasion of the call of the first disciples. These are the two obvious themes. But apart from these, what is very striking is the aspect of transition or change that happens.
2. A situation of nothingness and total lack of fish changes into abundance. A sense of the futility of toiling vainly the whole night changes into a sense of utility and fruitfulness of catching plenty. Failure turns into success; fear is transformed into confidence; discouragement blossoms into courage and encouragement. Sadness is enveloped by gladness; hopelessness flowers into hopefulness; giving up and quitting is reversed by perseverance and rekindled stability. Thus, the whole misery is changed into glory, whereby a debacle becomes a miracle.
3. But, still, apart from these detailed elements of change and transition, there is one factor that is more profound and underlying. That is the change of their vocation, the change of their very identity, the change of the level and the dignity of their very life, the change of the direction of their work. They are transformed from mere fishermen to fishers of men or souls. This, in fact, is the highest form of change and transition.
4. This core change implies a lot. It is no more a change in that particular situation of the miraculous haul of fish. It is no more limited only to those few moments. It involves their whole life. Their entire life changes. Their person changes. Their focus and direction change. Their lifestyle, their manner of living changes. Their goals and objectives change. Still, further, it is a qualitative change. It is a change from something lower to something higher.
5. This is the same change that is implied in the first reading from Colossians 1. 9-14. It is being “qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints in light; delivered from the dominion of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of His beloved Son”. It is to be “filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and insight”. It is to “increase in the knowledge of God”. It is to be “strengthened will all power, according to his glorious might, to endure patiently and joyfully”. It is to “live a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him”. It is to “bear fruit in every good work”.
Direction: We too profess to follow the Lord closely. We too experience the power of the Lord very many times in our life. But does he make a substantial change in the quality of us as persons, in the quality of our mode of living? Are we constantly changed in transition for the better?
Focus: Self-complacency, self-righteousness, self-glorification are the greatest hindrances to experience the power of Jesus and are sure roads to failure and frustration. Turning to Jesus alone is the simplest secret of success and happiness
The miraculous catch of fish is not just a miracle that demonstrates Jesus’ power to do wonders. It is a life lesson, it is a direction, it is a challenge, it is an assurance. The miracle invites us to see clearly the difference between a life without Jesus and a life with Jesus, and then to strive to live with him always and everywhere. As long as Jesus was not with the disciples, there was the futility of their efforts at fishing (“toiled whole night and caught nothing”), there was total lack of fish (“not even a single fish”), there was an utter failure (“caught nothing”), there was fear, sadness, disillusionment, hopelessness, giving up, and in the end, misery. But with Jesus’ presence, things are reversed and change totally. There is No more futility but fruition (“caught fish”), no more scarcity but abundance (abundance to the point of “nets breaking” and “two boats sinking”), no more failure but success (“rich catch”), no more sadness but joy, no more fear but confidence, no more disillusionment but encouragement, no more hopelessness but hopefulness, no more misery but glory. How foolish are those to lose such a miracle and abundance, being with Jesus! In fact, it is not merely some occasional moments of benefit or miracle. It is the biggest miracle of an overall change of life: it is a heightening of the whole status and dignity of life to another level – it is no more “being mere fishermen”, but being raised to “being fishers of souls”!
Direction: The more we are with Jesus and the more we surrender ourselves to his direction, the more we will see the purpose, direction, and fruitfulness of life
03 SEPTEMBER 2021: COL 1. 15-20; LUKE 5. 33-39
Focus: The presence of the Lord is the source of the greatest joy. Therefore, for us, the greatest suffering will be to be separated and be away from him
1. In the gospel, the context is the question of fasting: the Pharisees and the scribes question Jesus why his disciples do not fast but eat and drink, while those of John the Baptist and of the Pharisees do fast. Jesus readily seizes upon the opportunity and clarifies the true meaning and purpose of fasting and in fact the end of every spiritual practice.
2. He offers a simple image of the bridegroom and wedding guests. By no means, the wedding guests will fast as long as the bridegroom is with them. In the same way, as long as he is with them, his disciples have no need of fasting. This does not mean that his disciples are exempted from fasting. This also in no way undervalues the merit and need of fasting. He is not doing away with the practice of fasting. It is wrong that some people conveniently misinterpret this text to diminish the value of fasting.
3. The purpose and intent of Jesus is simple and clear. He is our bridegroom. His presence is a source and cause of joy for us. We must rejoice with him, in his company. We must celebrate our life with him. Further, fasting and all such other acts of penance should be expressions of our sadness over separation from him at times. They must manifest our earnest desire to be in his company and thus also our anguish over any distance from him. Therefore, all our penitential practices must have this spiritual intent that is to be closer to the Lord.
4. Jesus also offers another parable of old cloth and new patch and old wineskin and new wine. Both the attempts are a mismatch and they will tear both the old cloth and the old wineskin respectively. Thereby, Jesus intends that all our religious practices and spiritual obligations must not be patchworks or cover-ups. We must throw away the entire old garment of sin and not simply putting new patches of some religious action again and again. We must discard the old wineskin of our evil ways and not simply pouring the new wine of grace and repentance and penance once in a while.
5. Piety and change should not be merely seasonal or occasional. They should not be limited only to few acts. Rather, they should lead us to more intimacy with the Lord and authenticity of the person. All our spiritual activities must be out of love for the Lord and lived in an authentic living. They must be joyful celebrations of the presence of the Lord and not forced burdens. St Gregory the Great (540 – 604) whose memory we celebrate today reminds us of the celebration of the Lord in the liturgy. He is one of the most admired popes in history. He was known as “the Father of Christian worship”, in virtue of his exceptional efforts at revising the Roman worship of the day.
Direction: Pious devotions and religious practices should not make us sad or present us as joyless and depressed people. Rather they should be celebrations of his presence and also means for regaining his lost presence
Focus: Unworthy as we are, we can rise to be praiseworthy in God’s sight only we constantly strive to be trustworthy in regard to all that is entrusted to us
In the gospel, there is an issue about fasting and prayer. The scribes and Pharisees question Jesus about his disciples’ laxity and unfaithfulness with regard to the hallowed practices of fasting and prayer, unlike the disciples of the Pharisees and of John the Baptist. In fact, the question here is not whether to fast or not. A discussion is not necessary because certainly fasting is salutary and praiseworthy. But it is a mistake to be caught up with the act and practice of it and for that matter any other spiritual practice. We need to go beyond the mere act to the spirit and purpose of it. All our devotions and religious practices are meant to take us closer to the Lord, the “bridegroom”. They should make us rejoice and celebrate his presence with us. They should not be like “new patches on an old cloth” or like “portions of new wine in old wineskins”. Often this is the mistake of most of us: we do not want to throw away the old cloth and old wineskins. We do not want to part with the old self of sin and the old wineskins of evil ways. We must put on the new garb of righteousness and virtue, and our life should be renewed like fresh wineskins, filled with the new wine of the Spirit.
Direction: As long as we continue with patchwork, life will remain patched and damaged. There must be a thorough, through and through renewal and not merely cosmetic changes and shallow adjustments. The shape will not change unless the mold changes!
04 SEPTEMBER 2021: COL 1. 21-23; LUKE 6. 1-5
Focus: Rules and traditions are good because they can restrain deviant tendencies, guard against possible breaches and regulate good behavior. But one should take care not to overdo them
1. Once again Jesus gets into a confrontation with the Pharisees. The issue is Sabbath. Jesus’ disciples plucked some grains from the grainfields and ate them. The Pharisees accuse that act of violating the Sabbath rule. They consider even rubbing the grains in the hands as equal to harvesting. Jesus defends his disciples by giving the example of David who when hungry ate and also shared with his company the bread of the Presence. But nobody would question it.
2. In this context, Jesus declares, “The Son of man is lord of the Sabbath”. His intention is not to justify their action, not to belittle the value of the Sabbath, or to present himself as a liberal man who goes beyond the normal rules. His main intention is to set things in their proper perspective. The Sabbath law is good but at the cost of the human good. The rules are also not above God or his divine rule.
3. All the rules are for the good of men. They are meant to help and promote their good and happiness and not block their growth. They should not be coercive or subversive. They should not be ends in themselves. They should not be absolutized. We should always remember that they are always means to a beneficial end.
4. Further, no human law is above the divine law. In fact, it is God who is the author and master of the Sabbath law. And now, by forcing Jesus to be subjected to the Sabbath law, they are making the master himself a slave to his handiwork. God is above and beyond every law because he is the supreme law-giver.
5. The supreme law is faith in Jesus and fidelity to him and all other rules are subservient to this. In the light of the first reading from Colossians 1. 21-23, this means to be ever conscious of our decisive “shift from being estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds to being reconciled in Christ Jesus”; “to present ourselves holy and blameless and irreproachable before him” and to “continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel”.
Direction: Every law must be positive and productive, contributive, and conducive to human good. They should not become negative and subversive. The good or bad of a rule must be judged by its fidelity to the divine law.
Focus: All that we are, all that we have, and all that we do is due to God through the benevolent mediation of some good souls. Therefore, the more we are rich with God’s gifts, the more we must be grateful, humble, and responsible
Laws and rules are certainly needed in life because, without them, one may easily become lawless, undisciplined, and indulgent. In that sense, adherence to laws is good. But there is always the danger of rigidity and legalism, which will breach the warmth, the depth, the tenderness, and promptness of charity. The real spirit underlying the letter of every law is Fidelity to God’s will and charity to others. A law loses its purpose and direction, its beauty and charm, its value and worth when the letter overshadows the spirit of the law. In fact, these two are the supreme laws, and all the other laws and rules must subscribe to these two and must foster them. One who is truly law-abiding, will understand and abide by this twofold spirit of the law. No good law should deviate us from the Lord, or fail us in charity. Any law or any practice that pretends to be above God’s will and is contrary to the good of others is defective and questionable.
One who fails in this spirit will fall into hypocrisy, jealousy, and fault-finding like the Pharisees and the scribes in the gospel. It would be wrong to interpret Jesus as if he disdains or minimizes rules or directives when he says, Sabbath is made for man, or Son of Man is Lord of Sabbath. What these affirmations denote is charity and good to others, the primacy of God, and obedience to Him.
Direction: God wants us to follow rules to be disciplined and directed to Him, but not to be subservient to them. Rules are not to subjugate us with a spirit of slavery, but to facilitate and regulate us into a spirit of surrender to God