17th SUNDAY, 25 JULY 2021: 2 KINGS 4. 42-44; EPHES 4. 1-6; JOHN 6. 1-15
1. Experience of lacking and scarcity is common to all. What one lacks may be different from one to the other. But the fact that everyone lacks something is very real. This only shows that essentially man carries with himself a deep innate sense of inadequacy and insufficiency.
2. In such situations, a certain degree of dissatisfaction and unhappiness is natural and understandable. But this should not lead one to dissipation, frustration or aggression.
What then is a proper and appropriate response? First of all, Accept our basic reality of lack and insufficiency and discontentment. This can help us to become realistic, humble and balanced.
3. Turn to God and confide in Him. Seek him and find him. Make sure that you want to be with him, in listening and being enlightened. This is what the people did. They gave priority to God's word rather than their hunger and material food. Their main intention was to reach Jesus and be in his company. How far is it? What about their food? Can they get back to their homes, and procure meals for themselves? These questions did not disturb them much. Maybe they were also so sure that Jesus would take care of them. Their trust in Jesus helped them not to bother too much about their hunger.
4. Here the divine logic is simple: they were ready to face hunger and thirst for the sake of Jesus. Therefore, in his turn, the Lord would surely take care of their needs. This can be a great lesson for all of us. This is in perfect tune with the beatitudes as well (cf. Mt 5. 3-12). Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, will be satisfied to the full. If we seek Him and His kingdom first as our priority, surely all the rest shall be added unto us (cf. Mt 6.33).
5. Thus, the directive is clear: if lack and scarcity is our basic human reality, if insufficiency and discontentment are its corollaries, then only God of abundance and all-sufficiency can satisfy us, fill us, and fulfil our lives. He provides us not only what is just needed, but what contents us to the fill. The Lord feeds the five thousand not only with the minimum, but with the full. He not only removes their hunger but also nourishes them to their heart's content. Further, there are also extra, twelve baskets of leftovers.
In fact, it is Jesus who is sensitive and senses their need. He comes to relieve them from their struggle.
6. However, from our part, to experience God's abundance and all- sufficiency, what is needed is: to feel insufficient and lacking; to crave deeply for God's presence, guidance and power; to sit at his feet and listen to him attentively. Only those who nurture this perennial hunger and thirst and seek God, can experience his abundance!
7. Another requirement is a humble faith. A true faith makes us understand that problems and suffering are not signs of God's indifference or unconcern. The experiences of scarcity and lack are not signs of ill-fate or disgrace. They are "tests", the examination boards that test and testify the depth and stability of our faith. Therefore, we need not be discouraged when things go wrong. We can accept them as God-given opportunities to purify and solidify our faith.
8. There is also another prerequisite and that is, sharing our little lot with others. The one who had the five loaves and two fish does not retain them for him alone. But he readily places them at the disposal of others. If only the boy was not happy to give away his loaves, then Jesus' multiplication of loaves and fish would have taken a different route.
Direction: God does us look at the quantity of what we are giving. Rather, he weighs and values the spirit of sharing and generosity.
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