03 MAY 2021: I COR 15. 1-8; JOHN 14. 6-14, FEAST OF APOSTLES PHILIP & JAMES
Focus: We are called by the Lord to keep close to him and to live faithful to him in and through our life. This would imply sharing the faith with others and leading them to Jesus, as the apostles Philip and James did
Today we celebrate the feast of Sts Philip and James, two of the Twelve. Philip was a former disciple of John the Baptist, and James, the Lesser was the brother of Jude Thaddeus, the cousin of the Lord, and the author of the epistle of James. Philip sets himself to preaching and James was the bishop of Jerusalem. Both were martyred.
What marks both is their receptivity to the Lord, their close living with him, their constant listening to him and learning from him, obeying and following him. What is notable in both is: Having experienced the Lord personally, both become the sharers and transmitters of the same experience of the Lord. Thus both lead others to Jesus. Philip leads Nathanael in particular and in general many others to Jesus by his preaching and witness. James was the bishop of Jerusalem, and thus he too leads many believers by his ministry of leadership and animation. Whatever be the variance of their mission, they both live with Jesus in a personal communion, live for him through their mission, and then shed their blood in martyrdom.
In today’s gospel, the request of Philip is very striking. It reflects the mindset of authentic discipleship: “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us”. Yes, seeing God is the highest end of his life for a true disciple, and this alone will suffice. Nothing else can be equal to this grace, because nothing else can satisfy and fulfill a person’s life purpose.
Today, both apostles stand before us as inspiration for imitation. Their singular devotion to the Lord and their faithful dedication to his mission are worth imitable.
Direction: A personal experience of the Lord is like a fire that does not limit itself only to the person that holds it, but it spreads rapidly to others as well, with the same inflaming effect
04 MAY 2021: ACTS 14. 19-28; JOHN 14. 27-31a
Focus: The Spirit of the Lord is never stagnant but ever-vibrant and therefore those who confide in the Lord will never be dormant but ever fervent
Peace is the parting assurance of the Lord before his earthly departure and death. It is also the starting gift of the resurrection before his heavenly re-entrance. This peace is rooted in and derived from his inseparable union with the Father. This peace is different from the peace that the world seeks and gives. Worldly peace is something false and shallow. How? It is mostly because it lies in merely avoiding any trouble and disturbance; or at times, it is so self-seeking and can indulge in so much aggression and violence. It is peace at any cost. Thus, ironically, it is a peace built on a lack of peace, leading to further lack of peace. Besides, worldly peace is very unstable and fluctuating because it highly depends on external factors which are very variable. But the peace which the Lord gives us is something very profound and stable, which abides even amidst trouble and disturbance. No external forces however adverse they are, can take away such deep-seated peace. It is this peace that Jesus always enjoyed and exercised. It is the same kind of peace that he offers to his disciples and empowers them with. That is why he tells his disciples not to be troubled or disturbed by his physical separation and absence. It is because his eternal presence and the unceasing accompaniment of the Spirit will never leave them.
It is this interior power that sustains Paul and co. to continue their mission like a whirlwind. Whatever be the situations, whether favorable or unfavorable, they persisted in their mission. No opposition, no imprisonment, and restrictions, no suffering and persecution even to the point of death, could confine or control their spirit and mission. Through their preaching and personal example, they increase the number of the disciples, strengthen their souls, encourage them to persevere in the faith, convince them that tribulations would qualify them for entry into the kingdom. They would also ensure an effective animation of every church by appointing quality elders.
Direction: Zeal and dedication for the Lord's mission with courage and perseverance are possible only because of the passionate love for God and unflinching loyalty to him
05 MAY 2021: ACTS 15. 1-6; JOHN 15. 1-8
Focus: Problems will never completely disappear from our life. What is important is how to approach them and resolve them
It will be silly wishful thinking to expect life to be free from any problem or difficulty. Distortion, deviation, and dissension are part of life. The solution is not to lose heart, not to lament or grieved about them, not to get into a conflictual situation with others. There was certainly a difference of opinion on the issue of circumcision. But, there was no dissipation or division among the apostles and early Christian communities in the face of it.
Paul and some others move toward Jerusalem to sit in council and dialogue with the Twelve and others. They set a great example to the church of our times. They teach us how to approach and deal with situations of differences. Spirit of listening to others and dialogue with them is essential.
They were very clear that what matters most is not the divergent external traditions and laws like circumcision, but the abiding oneness and communion. Unity should be more binding rather than all other dividing factors. Such a fraternal communion is in turn rooted in an inseparable spiritual communion with the Lord. When a disciple is united with the Lord as a branch to the Vine, then there is no division or separation. As long as one is one with the Lord, then there is life, growth, and fruition. Differences and disagreements are not always necessarily negative or resentable. One need not feel alarmed or threatened by them. The difference is not division, or disagreement is not conflict. They should be seen as pruning experiences to make us grow better and bear abundant fruit. This is the right way of loving God, becoming true disciples, following the commandments, and becoming fruitful. This is the best way of glorifying God.
Direction: The greatest reason why the life of many faithful is lifeless and dull, why they do not flourish, blossom, and grow, and why they are not productive and fruit-bearing is that they are not in essential connectedness with the Lord
06 MAY 2021: ACTS 15.7-21; JOHN 15. 9-11
Focus: True faith is not a servile allegiance to a set of rules and traditions. Rather it is openness to the free action of the Spirit, and thus being receptive to change
Without a doubt, the church of today is going through tough times. The outside world is increasingly hostile and blocking toward the church. And within the church itself, the fact of divisions cannot be hidden. The early church too was not fully exempt from differences and divisions. But these differences were more on faith issues like the Jewish laws like circumcision. The central point of dispute was whether circumcision should be imposed on the Gentile believers also, just as the Jewish; whether the Jewish laws were core faith- matters or changeable cultural matters. And what an exemplary and imitable course of action they take! Through patient and sober discussion and discernment, they bring clarity between the primary and secondary principles. Accordingly, the insistence is not on cultural practices like circumcision, but on a life of moral integrity and spiritual fidelity.
And this is what is lacking in various church circles of today. The differences and divisions are not based on real issues. Often they are due to shallow and superficial matters like caste, region, language, culture, rite, power, etc. The route to resolve and dissolve these differences is not dialogue and conciliation, but confrontation, discrimination, and condemnation. The result is animosity and counter-witness to faith itself.
At this point, Jesus in the gospel provides the reason and the answer for this problem. The only reason is the lack of abiding love for God. God chose us, not to fight and disfigure the face of the church. We are called, so that we love Him, abide in His love and follow His commandments. The greatest commandment is to love Him and to love others as He loves us. This is the best witness. The greatest effect of this is the completion of joy, experiencing the complete joy.
Direction: Modern man more than ever is missing the true and complete joy, because often he is not able to identify and discover that the real joy is found in the Lord and obtain the same from him
07 MAY 2021: ACTS 15.22-31; JOHN 15.12-17
Focus: True religion and faith should always discern and promote what is liberating and not lay up unnecessary burdens in the form of inessential traditions and precepts
The apostles and the leaders of the early church had deep faith in the risen Lord and were illumined by the Holy Spirit. Hence, they could distinguish between the primary tenets of faith and the secondary traditions. That is why they did not insist on the Jewish laws like circumcision and did not impose it on the gentiles. They realized that adherence to true God through faith in Jesus and moral integrity of life is more important than the other culture-bound rules. For it is for freedom and friendship and not for slavery that Jesus called us to his discipleship. Jesus declares: “I call you no longer slaves but friends”. Yes, this is the beauty and greatness of our call and relationship with Jesus: We are elevated, we are given a new dignity. No more we are slaves under the slavery of sin. We are free children of God under the mantle of God's grace, Christ’s redemption. It is he who called us and chose us. Therefore, our call is a gratuitous gift of God, and none can claim any personal merit or credit.
But how to testify to this new dignity? How to bear witness to our discipleship? It is by our mutual fraternal love and fruitfulness of life. In selfless love even to the extent of dying for the other, and in bearing fruits that are abundant and lasting, we live and testify our true identity.
Direction: The world of today is diluting the very essence of true love, by abusing and misusing it. Often it is reduced to lust and unreined passions and urges. But true love is a selfless generosity to give up even one's own life for the good of the other
08 MAY 2021: ACTS 16.1-10; JOHN 15.18-21
Focus: Courage and competence to do the best of things will not alone determine the zeal of a person. Real zeal does mean to surrender ourselves to God's direction to do what and how He wants us to do
It can happen no seldom that some become overenthusiastic and stubborn to follow their plans and enterprises, all in the name of passion and dedication. A true passion never puts one's intelligence or capacity or plans across and against God's wisdom, power, and will. This was the greatness of the apostles: their zeal was never overboard. They always remained docile to the guidance and leading by the Holy Spirit. They did not resist the intervention of the Holy Spirit that prevented them at times from their scheduled plans. They left aside at times their own missionary plans before the promptings of the Spirit. It is because they always strove to belong to and imitate their Master. They were very clear and sure that they do not belong to the world. They were always conscious that they were chosen by the Lord, out of the world. Therefore, being taken out of the world, they cannot once again engross themselves in the ways of the world. When they stand in contrast to the world, then it is quite natural that the world resists, detests, and troubles them. That is why they felt happy to be persecuted. They did not take it as a negative fate or forced misery. Rather they deemed it as a meritorious testimony to their faith and fidelity to their Master. It was an authentic way of sharing in their Master's lot.
What a great challenge and warning to the present followers? It is high time that they check up on the quality, and perseverance, of their loyalty to their master. How many are docile to the direction of the Holy Spirit? How many are ready to suffer something for their faith? How many cut off their clinging and belonging to the world?
Direction: Hostility and affliction are not always a sign of a bad fate or ill luck, but are the authentic signs of conviction and commitment on behalf of a good cause and a good God.
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