Sunday, 20 September 2020




Focus: God’s grace is no one’s private prerogative but open to all who respond, and once responded in docility and surrender, life changes into a new dignity

As we celebrate the feast of St Matthew, one of the Twelve, his call is an indicator and pathway for all of us in our own journey of discipleship. God’s call and grace are gratuitous and not conditioned by our merit or demerit. No one can claim that he deserves God’s grace. It is a free gift and God chooses anyone and equips them with His own power. God does not necessarily call the bright but He brightens those called; He does not necessarily call the strong, but strengthens those called; does not necessarily call the able, but enables those called; does not necessarily call the noble, but ennobles those called; does not necessarily call the perfect, but perfects those called; does not necessarily call the holy, but sanctifies those called; does not necessarily call the powerful, but empowers those called; does not necessarily call the great, but makes great those called. He stands by those called, accompanies them always, purifies them from their old self and old ways, dignifies them with a new status and sanctifies them with His own Spirit. He entrusts them His own mission that is to liberate and integrate the dehumanized humanity. He sustains all their efforts with His light and strength and brings their life to fulfilment.

However, all this is not God’s work alone. His call requires our response. His giving requires our receptivity. His action requires our cooperation. God’s call always demands a prompt listening, obedience to His summon, detachment from the worldly gains and a total commitment to Christ. And the greatest testimony of the quality of discipleship is an authentic life-witness. This is truly “to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received” as the first reading exhorts the Ephesians.


Direction: We can be happy disciples if God never regrets having called us to follow Him. The greatest fulfilment and accomplishment of our consecrated life is that God is happy with us

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