24 AUGUST 2020: REV 21. 9B-14; JOHN 1. 45-51: SAINT BARTHOLOMEW
Focus: Every holy and pure soul is like a bride; beauty and glow are her raiment. One has to constantly guard against all that stains this purity
We celebrate today the feast of St Bartholomew, one of the Twelve apostles. Traditionally he is identified with Nathanael in the gospel. Jesus confers on him perhaps the greatest compliment, “behold a man with no guile”, no falsity, no malice, no hypocrisy, no duplicity. This is exactly the splendour with which the heavenly Jerusalem, the bride of the Lamb gleams, as we see in the first reading. This is the inner beauty of the soul, which lightens and brightens the whole life and person. It is the purity of heart and authenticity of character that has no dark areas, no hiding shades. These words are a great inspiration and also a challenge for modern society, which is steeped in so much guile and falsity. Life is often like a stage where different actors play different roles and characters. What appears to be, is not what really is, and what is to be. Masks, pretensions, deceit reign high. The world of today desperately needs more honesty and purity of heart. It is high time that people remove their masks and reveal more and more their original identity of the shining image and likeness of God. It is the right time that our disfigured hearts are purified and beautified with more purity and guilelessness. Remember that guile makes all life vile and bound.
Direction: Beauty! A catchword that captures everyone. But the real beauty of a person comes from the beauty of heart and that comes from the purity of heart. That comes only from intimacy with the Lord
25 AUGUST 2020: 2 THESSALONIANS 2. 1-3A, 14-17; MATTHEW 23. 23-26
Focus: Externals are certainly important to the extent they express and testify what is the interior, but they should never become mere cover-ups that hide the ugly interior or substitute the good interior
We have a series of reproaches of Jesus, directed against Pharisees and Scribes. The sole reason is their hypocrisy. In the light of today’s gospel, some main components of this hypocrisy are: distortion of the priorities: they insist on the secondary rules like tithe, the tenth of everything, but neglect the essentials like justice, mercy, and faith. They donate a little but devour hugely. They disguise their misdeeds under the cover of blessing. They mask their interior impurity by their exterior ablutions. It is like amassing lakhs and crores through cheating and manipulating, but making a little charity and donation. It is like busying oneself in bundles of activities but totally neglecting the interior and prayer life, pure and honest life. It is like being over-conscious and worried about the external beauty and impressions but not bothering at all about the qualities and values of life. Many of the present followers of Christ are not exempt from these ugly offshoots and the strong influences, as the first reading warns us, not to be deceived by what is false. Unfortunately, those who are infected by this deformity of hypocrisy justify and even glorify it as a capacity. This is wrong. Hypocrisy is not a capacity but a weakness; not a virtue but a disease.
Direction: Hypocrisy is the greatest block for any worthwhile change or relationship or growth. It shows a total lack of sincerity and humility to admit one’s state of imperfection and lack of the will and efforts to overcome them
26 AUGUST 2020: 2 THESSALONIANS 3.6-10, 16-18; MATTHEW 23. 27-32
Focus: Authenticity and witness of life are the hallmarks of a good disciple of Christ; Any trace of hypocrisy is a clear counter-witness and counter-productive
A clear contrast is presented between the true disciples of Christ in the first reading, in the person of Paul and others; and the false guides in the gospel, in the persons of Pharisees and Scribes. The true disciples are assiduous and self-supportive and never burden others. They are holy, just and blameless. They lead the people by example. They do not place demands on the people, those which they do not follow. They present themselves as models to follow, and this can come only from a deep sincerity and integrity of life. In contrast, we have Pharisees and Scribes who are hypocrites. They are like whitewashed tombs, with a clean exterior but a corrupt interior. They venerate the prophets and the righteous whom their ancestors killed in the past; they attest presumptuously that they would have never acted thus wrongly; but at the same time, they persecute and terminate the prophets and the righteous in their own time, like John the Baptist and his own self.
Direction: One may wear a good look in dishonesty and deceit, but God lays bare everything. One may create best impressions by his worldly cleverness and tact, but God reads and knows the heart
27 AUGUST 2020: 1 CORINTHIANS 1. 1-9; MATTHEW 24. 42-51, Memory of St Monica
Focus: The constant awareness of what we are by our call, that is, a people of dignity and spiritual richness, should also make us more responsible so as to be irreprehensible in God’s sight
Elevating as well as motivating, encouraging as well as exhorting! These are the words of St Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. We are sanctified, we are enriched, we do not lack any spiritual gift. Therefore, what is needed is to remain firm to the end, to keep ourselves holy and irreproachable before the Lord at the judgment. Concretely, what does this imply? Or how to present oneself worthy before God? Jesus gives us some guidelines: first of all, put on the attitude of a servant, who is ever at the service of the master. Remain awake, alert, prompt and prepared for the call and coming of the master at any moment. Continue to live life in faithfulness, dutifulness and kindness toward others. Stay awake in a spirit of vigilance and prayer, do not slip into an easy-going attitude, guard against every tendency to procrastinate and to delay, an inclination to be careless and takes things for granted, do not be plagued by indifference and a slumberous and tepid faith and charity, do not fall a prey to the snares of the evil, but be cautious, judicious and assiduous. Live a life of accountability, in a spirit of duty and fraternity. St Monica whom we commemorate today is one such true follower, for she lived a life of prayer, perseverance, and witness, in tearful affliction for her son’s conversion.
Direction: Callousness and carelessness are signs of unawareness of the dignity and value of our vocation as children of God and heirs of eternity. Let us put aside our indifference and infuse a little more attention and keenness into our life
Focus: There is an oftent tendency to measure the greatness of faith in terms of the quick and big results it brings forth. But the speed and size of favours are not guarantees of the quality of faith
Today we commemorate St Monica who is more popular as the mother of St Augustine. But to be fair to her, her sanctity is her own unique treasure. This means to say that it is not so much her son, Augustine who made her a saint but in a way, it is she who made her son a saint. She deserves a special mention as she is the patron saint of all mothers, married women, alcoholics and conversion. The circumstances of Saint Monica’s life could have made her a nagging wife, a bitter daughter-in-law, and a despairing parent, yet she did not give way to any of these temptations. Her ordeal was too long. Her long years of prayer, coupled with a strong, well-disciplined character, finally led to the conversion of her hot-tempered husband, her cantankerous mother-in-law and her brilliant but wayward son, Augustine.
Today, with Google searches, online shopping, text messages, tweets, and instant credit, we have little patience for things that take time. Likewise, we want instant answers to our prayers. Monica is a model of patience and perseverance. She is a great lesson against all our tendencies to make faith a “fast food” service or an “instant coffee”.
Direction: If only every parent and every mother feels a little more responsible to bring up their children not only in material well-being but much more in spiritual depth and sound values of life, how much better will our present society be!
28 AUGUST 2019: 1 CORINTHIANS 1. 17-25; MATTHEW 25. 1-13, ST AUGUSTINE
Focus: The wisdom of the world is foolishness in the sight of God, but the foolishness for the sake of God and in the sight of the world is the greatest wisdom in the sight of God
“God has made the wisdom of the world foolish. In the wisdom of God, the world did not come to know God through wisdom; it is the will of God to save the world through the foolishness of faith. I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the learning of the learned”. These words of the first reading are so valid in the case of St Augustine whom we commemorate today. No amount of intelligence or knowledge could give Augustine the real satisfaction and fulfilment. Ultimately, it is only faith in the Lord, which is a folly and failure in the sight of the world that could save him. His spirit of relentless search for truth meets the benevolent mercy of God and converts him to the real Truth, and that is Jesus.
The gospel too continues and confirms this same theme. The parable of the ten virgins, five wise and five others foolish, is not a matter of worldly intelligence. It is a matter of wisdom of God, to be prepared in full measures with not only the lamps but also oil; to wait on the Lord always and at every moment; to be alert to His voice and coming; to walk in his company, and to celebrate the feast of grace with him. The foolishness of the unwise virgins is: they were too sure of their timing of the Lord’s arrival; they could not see beyond their expectation, and failed to anticipate the possibility of a delay. Consequently, they fail to procure extra oil for the extended time of waiting.
We need to be wise to be ever prompt and ready to meet the Lord. What counts us most is not our expectations or calculations or likes, but what pleases God. Lamp of faith and a minimum oil of casual practice, will not suffice. We need extra oil of fervour, of holiness and purity. In our Christian living, there is no room for tepidity and impurity.
Direction: The experience of God is such an unfathomable treasure and when one discovers it, cannot but be passionate and restless for it and will be on fire to share the same to others
Focus: Vocation is entirely God’s precious gift. While no one can claim it by one’s own right or merit, still one must willingly respond to it and live loyal to the grace received. And the apex of one’s vocation is testimony by an entire life even to death
The first reading draws our attention on to vocation. It is a gratuitous and generous gift of God irrespective of personal merits and in spite of our unworthiness. And we see the apex and height of the living of vocation in the gospel in the person of John the Baptist. The apex of one’s vocation is testimony by an entire life even unto death. Today stands before us tall and loud John the Baptist with his martyrdom. Two expressions stand him out: just and holy. He is just because he does not compromise with and support evil; he is not afraid to speak the truth and denounce evil. He is holy because there is no other interest, except the holy will and good pleasure of God; he is totally focused and committed to the way of the Lord; he is fully filled and guided by the Spirit, and he puts God and His will in the first place, over and above all the human considerations and likes. Therefore, courageously and promptly he offers his own life in martyrdom as a testimony. Thus we see a recognition of his vocation, passion for the Lord, commitment to the mission, the holiness of life, justice and courage in action, and perseverance till the end.
Direction: The crux of one’s vocation is witness: to live one’s call and accomplish his mission signifies to bear a daily witness. And the litmus test of such a consistent witness is martyrdom.