If you think positive…….
The sound becomes
The movements
becomes dance,
The smile becomes
The mind becomes
meditation and
The life becomes
celebration….. sure
It’s always spring time for those
who love God and that’s the reason there’s a fragrant wave pervading everywhere
and the rays of the gladness penetrating every nook and corner of this house.
Yes, dear friends, there’s a throbbing joy and vibrating love enveloping our
hearts, as we celebrate the feast of “ A MESSENGER OF GOD’S LOVE, The Patron of
Ecology,” namely St. Francis of Assisi. We warmly welcome each one of you dear
Rev. Fathers, brothers, sisters and my dear friends, to this Solemn Eucharistic
Today is a grace filled day for
all the Franciscans all over the world, as we commemorate and celebrate the
feast of our Father Francis. It’s a day of love. It’s a day of togetherness.
It’s a day to rejoice and a day to give thanks to God for the blessings and
graces. We have received through our patron St. Francis.
Francis was born in 1182 at
Assisi in Italy as a son of a wealthy merchant. His wealth and love of life
made him leader of Assisi’s youth but once he understood his call, he turned
his heart and mind completely to God. It is from the crucifix that Francis
received his life’s mandate. His soul melted at the sight of Jesus on the cross
and the memory of Christ’s passion was imprinted in the depth of his heart. No
human could ever describe the passionate love with which Francis “burnt for Christ”
his spouse. He used to say, “Greatly to be loved, is His love, who loved us so
greatly.” Francis was so inflamed with love for the Holy Eucharist that he
often says to his brothers, “Eucharist is the moment where in, we can see,
touch and taste God’s Love.”
For Francis, consecrated life is
a Life of love and Relationship. It is a relationship with God. A Relationship
with human beings and a Relationship with the Nature.
We believe that only Love has the
capacity to create and recreate, to unite and to re-unite the entire creation
of God and Francis had done it through his love of Christ, revealed in the
creation. Yes dear friends..
The virtue of HUMILITY was his
Poverty was his way of life
Simplicity was his rule of life,
Love of God and Love of neighbour
was his Spirituality
Obedience was his Guardian
Hospitality was his innate
Moments of prayer and
contemplation was his only nourishment….
This is how he distinguished
himself from others and brought impact on the lives of many, throughout the
Today the mother Church rejoices
because it received SECOND CHRIST in the person of St. Francis.
Today the entire creation is in
the mood of jubilation because it received a SON who loved them and called them
as his Mother, Brother and Sister.
Today we the Franciscans are in a
mood of celebration because we have received in Francis….
A Father who guide us,
A Patron who intercede for us,
A model who inspire us,
A Leader who lead us,
A Brother who edifies us… and
A Companion who walks with us and
through us.
Yes dear friends, he is our
patron, St. Francis of Assisi and we are proud to trade the path shown by him
as Franciscans and today we pray that we all may become messengers of God’s
love and compassion to the people whom we serve.
Today we thank God for each of
you dear fathers, brothers and sister, who have come to join us in our
celebration and we ask you to pray for the entire Franciscan Order, especially
for us CFMSS. For our Institute, our Mother General, all our Provincials and their
Councillors and each member of our institute that each of us may grow and work
in our Franciscan family, spreading the fragrance of love, peace and joy
wherever we are. Praying for these intentions let us partake in this
Eucharistic Celebration.
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