Monday, 1 May 2017

commity a gift and blessing to me


“Fraternal life is the foundation of a religious community. It is a kind of martyrdom, but precisely an inner one. This ordeal of abnegation should bring about our sanctification. Oh, the beauty of community life! No one has explained you so well, nor has anyone tried to make me fall in love with you as I am today! You will be my delight, the focus of my study, my treasure.”(Mother Seraphina).
FRATERNAL LIFE- An Introduction
·        The love of Christ, through the centuries, has gathered a great number of disciples to become one, so that, like him, in the Spirit, they might, throughout the centuries, be able to respond to the love of the Father, loving him "with all their hearts, with all their soul, with all their might" (cf. Deut. 6:5) and loving their neighbours "as themselves" (cf. Mt. 22:39).
·        Among these disciples, those gathered together in religious communities, women and men "from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues" (Rev. 7:9), have been and still are a particularly eloquent expression of this sublime and boundless love.
·        Born not "of the will of the flesh", nor from personal attraction, nor from human motives, but "from God" (Jn. 1:13), from a divine vocation and a divine attraction, religious communities are a living sign of the primacy of the love of God who works wonders, and of the love for God and for one's brothers and sisters as manifested and practised by Jesus Christ.
·        Therefore Religious community-a gift of the Holy Spirit, is rooted in the very heart of the Holy Trinity. For the communion of love that binds the three persons of the Triune God is the model and source of the fraternal communion that unite the members of a community with one another.
Religious life is essentially a call to live community life. It is the essence and core of religious life. Consecrated persons are not “called” to an individual or personal vocation. Their call is also a “con-vocation”_ (i.e.)
-      They are called along with others..
-      They are called to live with others..
-      They are called to live with whom they share their daily life…
-      They are called to live in communion with others
Therefore there is a convergence of “Yesesto God which unites a number of religious into one single community of life.
We are             -    Consecrated together…
-      United in the same “Yes”…
-      Unified by the same Spirit…
-      To discover together the person of Christ…
-      In and through the Fraternity.
·         It must always be remembered that, for religious men and women, fulfilment comes through their communities. One who tries to live an independent life, detached from community, has surely not taken the secure path to the perfection of his or her own state.
·         Before being a human construction, religious community is a gift of the Spirit. It is the love of God, poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, from which religious community takes its origin and is built as a true family gathered together in the Lord's name.
·        It is therefore impossible to understand religious community unless we start from its being a gift from on high, from its being a mystery, from its being rooted in the very heart of the blessed and sanctifying Trinity, who wills it as part of the mystery of the Church, for the life of the world.
Community life is a precious gift and a gracious blessing, and a profound act of thanksgiving
·        As gift, it indicates that it is something ‘given’ and not acquired or one’s own making. It is something precious and so to be valued and appreciated for its worth.
·        As gift of God, it also means that it is something given in love. It becomes the expression and occasion of God’s own love. In living such a love-gift of God, we are living, experiencing, witnessing and promoting God’s own love.
·        As gift of God, it also implies that it calls us for deep gratitude. Living community life becomes an act and ambience of living our gratitude to God.
·        Community life as gift also implies that it is something profoundly positive, because no one gives a bad gift, and all the more, our good and loving God cannot give us any gift which is not beautiful and beneficial.
·        That community life is a gift also means that we must cherish it lovingly and gratefully, and preserve it carefully and diligently. We must constantly keep it safe and intact, guarding it against all the possible stains and blemishes. We cannot afford to get it spoiled or damaged or lose the value of it.
·        That community life is a gift also means that it is something not to be kept simply idle or disused. It must be lived in its fullness. It is not something which can be treated indifferently without attention or concern. It is a ‘vibrant’ gift which calls for action, enthusiasm and commitment.
·        As gift of love, community life also implies that it is lived joyfully. The difficulties and the challenges that surround community life should not take away or reduce the joy of community life, which is its breath and essence
·        It’s a gift because here, the power of the Holy Spirit at work in one individual passes at the same time to all. Here not only does each enjoy his own gift, but makes it abound by sharing it with others; and each one enjoys the fruits of other’s gift as if they were his own.
·        As a blessing, community life implies that it something sacred and divine. It is not merely a human arrangement or making, for the sake of some convenience or profit or external advantage. It is, Born not "of the will of the flesh", nor from personal attraction, nor from human motives, but "from God" (Jn. 1:13), from a divine vocation and a divine attraction.
·        There should always be this sense of sacred and holy toward community and community life. It should be esteemed and treated with respect and reverence, with the deep awareness of its dignity and nobility.
·        As blessing, community life also implies that it should always carry and transmit that aspect of divinity and holiness. Those who live community life should feel, experience, nurture and relish the dignity of it. Those who watch those in community life, should also be able to see and get touched by this sense of the sacred. They should receive the blessings of such community life.
·        As blessing, community life brings to all – those who live it as well as those are served by it, the divine gifts of illumination, guidance, comfort and strength.
·        As a profound act of thanksgiving, community life becomes a constant concrete expression of joy, satisfaction and fulfilment. It is because, no one will give thanks to something which is not worth or which is not good and beneficial.
·        Community life as thanksgiving also implies that the community members are deeply positive-hearted and optimistic. Only such persons will see always the bright side of life and its situations, can appreciate and affirm the human persons.
Thus, community life as gift, blessing and act of thanksgiving strongly appeals to the members to make their life as well as themselves really a gift, a blessing and an act of thanksgiving.


  • We are truly living in a context where individualism is on rise,
  • Where intolerance and hatred are surging up on every side,
·        Where community life is losing its charm and credibility,
·        Where community life is losing its positive face and appreciation,
·        Where community life is considered a forced burden,
·        Where community life is becoming a strained task,
·        Where community life is drained of its essential joy,
·        Where resentment is growing toward community life,
·        Where community life is not enjoyed but just tolerated,
·        Where community life is declining in its quality,
·        Where community life seems to become shallow, a farce,
·        Where community life is looked upon with suspicion as a hindrance or a brake on the personal initiative and excellence,
·        Where fidelity to community life is becoming a no-botheration,
·        Where community-confrontations seem to be routine – phenomena
·        Where communities become rather locus of counter-witness and negative example,
·        Where community life is also regarded as one main reason for the departures from vocation
·        Therefore, the focus on community life becomes urgent and exigent.

Just think of those communities (real or imaginary) and their manner of living and functioning:
·        There are  communities where consecrated men and women are Living together under the same roof, but leaving each other aloof
·        Sharing from the same table, but not caring to nourish each other
·        Living together, but not loving each other
·        Coming together, but not going together
·        Eating together, but not treating each other
·        Expecting together, but not respecting each other
·        Standing together, but not understanding each other
·        Earning together, but not learning each other,
·        Seeing together, but not being together, not seeing each other
·        Studying together, but not studying and remedying each other
·        Knowing together, but not knowing each other, not growing together
·        Looking together, but not looking at and looking into each other
·        Working together, but not walking together, not working for each other
·        Believing together, but not believing each other
·        Receiving together, but not giving to each other
·        Feeling together, but not feeling for each other
·        Dealing together, but not healing each other
·        Driving together, but not striving for each other
·        Celebrating together, but not celebrating each other
·        Staying together, but not praying together
·        Praying together, but preying each other
·        Dying together, but not crying for each other
·        But I am thankful to God because our communities are not like the above.
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who support me when I am down,
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who love and accept me as I am…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters whom I can count on to, at all times…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who energise me when I am wearied and tired…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who care for me as her own…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters  who guide me in the path of God
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who sooth my pain
·        There’s always someone among my sisters, who strengthens my wavering hands and trembling limbs…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who makes it sure that I take my meals at correct time…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who make it sure that I feel their presence around me, not leaving me alone…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who make it a point to make me smile and bring a sunshine of hope on my face, even when my days are clouded with pain and doubts…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who sit beside me day in and day out, when I am sick in the hospital or at home…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who care about my biological family as their own…
·        There’s always someone among sisters who feel my pain even when I am silent!!!!!!
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who stand beside me to face the world ahead of me!!!!!
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who lift me up when fall to the ground…
·        There’s always someone among my sisters who make it a point to teach me the things that I don’t know even without counting the cost of their comfort and time…
·        There’re always my sisters who pray for me in times of joy and in times of pain…
·        There’re always my sisters, who encourages me to give my best…
·        There’re always my sisters who provide me with my necessities…
·        There’re always my sisters, who are ready to walk my steps…
·        There’re always my sisters who willingly and happily carry my burdens…
·        It’s a Super Natural family, where we cherish the gift of our vocation and the vocation of our sisters.
·        It’s indeed a place where we feel welcomed, accepted, wanted, motivated, encouraged and understood…
·        It’s a place where people are of  one heart and one soul; working together, joyfully living in fraternal union, in  the spirit of mutual love, pardon, reconciliation, availability and service, in close relationship with God and with the community members.
·        It’s a place where members are service –minded, tender-hearted, other-centered, loyal in relationships, genuine and open…
·        It’s a place where we learn to be gentle and humble in spirit, helping one another to grow in holiness…
·        It’s a place of unity in diversity, in genuine love, fraternal correction, dialogue, cordiality, loyalty, sharing the responsibility, extending moral support to each other, sharing each other’s joys and sorrows; being a balm to the sick and sad…
·        It’s indeed a place where the humanity meet the Divine.
·        We have not toiled for it but we have received it, as a gift from God our creator.
·        Even if we go for searching, we won’t find a better place than our present community..
·        God wills it for us, to be here and now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
·        It’s a gift so rare and a blessing so dear. I am always thankful to the Lord for the gift of my community.
·        Let’s therefore be thankful for the gift of our community.
·        Whether we are aware or not, we receive the blessings in and through our community and…
·        Our IDENTITY as consecrated persons comes through our community.

Religious Community is a God-enlightened space in which we experience the hidden presence of the Risen Lord. This comes about through the mutual love of all the members of the community, a love nourished by the word and by the Eucharist, purified in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and sustained by prayer for unity, the special gift of the Spirit to those who obediently listen to the Gospel.
Our communities are Schola Amoris," a School of Love, where we learn to love God, to love the brothers and sisters with whom we live, and to love humanity, which is in great need of God's mercy and of fraternal solidarity.
Our communities are a “Tabernacles of Communion”, where we learn to accept the gift and the diversity of each individual, to forgive each other, to be able to work together and to share. Therefore … dear sisters,
Positively, our Fraternal Communities implies –That our communities are built on and guided by fraternal principles of unity, respect, benevolence, appreciation, sisterly love, mutual concern, and support.
That we love to live in communities because they are loving communities.
That we nurture a deep sense of belonging to the community,
That we enjoy the diversity caliber among us that adds beauty to the community
That we are loyal to safeguard the dignity and image of the community,
That we are committed to the good and happiness of the community, and
That each of us strive to be a blessing and an asset to his own community and to each of us.
We are a blessing and gift to the community and community is a blessing and a gift to each of us.
We cherish our communities in which we live and strive to make it a dwelling place of saints and birth place of Angels by our own little deeds of love and dedicated life.
May the Spirit of the Lord help us in our all endeavors.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary be our Model.
May our Patron Saints intercede for us to the Lord.
May Mother Seraphina inspire us and have the joy of seeing her daughters living with “One heart and One Soul.”
PRAYER FOR FRATERNITY. (Let us pray it together--- one person may read and others can repeat)

Lord we pray for our community:
That we may know ourselves better in our aspirations,
Understand ourselves more in our limitations,
That each one of us be sensitive and act in response to the needs of others.
That our diversities may not divide us but unite us in our search for truth and wellbeing.
That our differences may not exclude anyone from the community but lead us to search for the richness of unity.
That we may see each one with your eye, Lord and we may love each other with your heart.
That our community may not be closed up in itself, but be available, open and sensitive to the needs of others.
That at the end of every journey and after each encounter, Let there be not “WINNERS”, but always “SISTERS” living in love.
Thank you Lord, for the Gift of our Community.

Questions for Reflection…
1.      Is my community a gift of the Spirit for me? How do I articulate it in my daily life?
2.      Do I sustain my community and does my community sustain me?
3.      What is my contribution towards my community?
4.      Count the blessings that you have received in and through your community and let every step you take today be a rhythm of thanksgiving to God for the gift of your community.